"Qin Lie, come here quickly, Logan seems to be dying."

Lin Qiuzhu called immediately after checking Logan's situation.

Hearing this, Qin Lie suddenly sounded the unconscious Logan, and quickly pushed Bai Xianglan away and said, "Xianglan, wait for me for a while, I'll go save Logan."

Without waiting for Bai Xianglan to respond, Qin Lie quickly ran to Logan's side.

After inspection, Qin Lie found that Logan's injuries were worse than last time, his head was smashed, and he was stabbed in the abdomen.

In order to get Logan's life back from the god of death, Qin Lie quickly pinched Logan's people and helped him hang his life first. After Lin Qiuzhu brought the medicinal powder from the cave, he quickly helped Logan to stop him. Bandaged with blood.

After that, Qin Lie pressed several key points on Logan's body one after another, arousing the yang energy in his body and restoring his yin-yang circulation. Otherwise, in Logan's condition, it would be difficult to survive this evening.

"Qin Lie, will Logan die?"

Bai Xianglan, who was in a stable mood, came over and asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, he won't die."

Qin Lie wiped the sweat from his forehead.

His treatment was relatively timely, especially helping him stop the bleeding, otherwise they would really have to hold a funeral for Logan in half an hour at night.

"That's fine, that's fine."

Hearing this, Bai Xianglan felt relieved.

"Sister Xianglan, where did these people come from? Why do they still have guns?"

Su Xiaoxiaoman asked suspiciously.

"They came from the sea on a speedboat. We thought they were rescuers, but Logan found something wrong and was about to take us away. Who knew those people suddenly shot us."

"In order to cover us, Logan stayed by himself, but he was caught because he was outnumbered. I was too panicked and accidentally tripped over a branch and fell into their hands. ."

Bai Panlan quickly explained.

The situation just now was really dangerous. If Qin Lie hadn't appeared in time, she would have been humiliated by those beasts.

And for Bai Xianglan, who values ​​her innocence more than her life, if she is humiliated, she will never live in the world.

"What about my sisters?"

Su Xiaoxiao then asked.

"They all escaped successfully, and I don't know where they went for the time being."

White pandan replied.

"Just run away."

Hearing this, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the inside of the island is full of murderous intentions, the outside is relatively safe. As long as Su Tiantian and the others don't go deep inside, there will be basically no problem.

"Qin Lie, what do you think these people do?"

Ye Yuqing interjected.

"I guess it should be a pirate, otherwise it would be impossible to be so lawless."

Qin Lie pondered for a while.

These people have guns, are ruthless in their methods of doing things, and have no control over them. In addition, they come from the sea, so they are basically pirates.

"You should have left one alive just now, so we might have something to ask."

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

"What's left, I just wanted to chop them into meat sauce."

Qin Lie said with a look of hatred.

Although Bai Xianglan had never had a relationship with him, in his subconscious, Bai Xianglan was his own woman. Seeing that someone was trying to insult his own woman, Qin Lie was so angry that he was so angry that he would not have had a gun in his hand. It will tear these people to pieces.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if you stay alive or not. These people speak a native language that we don't understand at all, and they don't seem to understand English either."

Bai Panlan, who regained her calm, said.

"Whether they understand it or not, everyone is killed anyway, you wait for me for a while, I will throw these corpses into the sea to feed the sharks."

After talking to Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie walked towards the corpses.

However, before disposing of the bodies, Qin Lie searched them and found several packs of cigarettes, lighters, and several mobile phones.

Unfortunately, the mobile phone on this deserted island has no signal at all, and it is no different from a brick.

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, he dragged the body to the beach and threw it into the sea.

In the sea water, after smelling the blood, several sharks swam over to grab and bite the corpses, enjoying this rare bloody feast.

After all the four bodies were disposed of, Qin Lie walked to the speedboat that was docked by the sea.

Needless to say, those pirates landed on the island on this speedboat.

And since they can come, it is enough to show that they can leave, which makes Qin Lie feel excited.

After all, he has now found Roberts' treasure, and the gold and silver treasures of more than 10 billion are enough to make him one of the richest people in the world.

So even if he was accompanied by beautiful women, Qin Lie still wanted to leave here and return to a civilized society, otherwise those gold and silver mountains would be no different from stones.

Qin Lie checked the speedboat and found that it was in good condition and could be used normally.

In addition, there is a first aid kit, a few boxes of ammunition, some drinking water and food and drinks on the speedboat. This time, all these survival materials are Qin Lie's.

"Qin Lie, with this speedboat here, can we leave this island?"

Lin Qiuzhu, who ran over, asked excitedly, she also wanted to leave here very much.

"No, this speedboat can't run too far, and this speedboat can only carry seven people if it dies. We have more than a dozen people, and it is impossible to take us away at the same time."

Qin Lie shook his head.

"It's not enough for one time, it's enough to run back and forth a few times."

Lin Qiuzhu Road.

"You said it simply. The key is that there is only so much gasoline. When the oil is used up, this shit will be useless."

Qin Lie rolled his eyes and said.

He looked at the fuel tank just now, and there was only half a tank of fuel left. Although there was still a barrel of gasoline on the speedboat, it would only travel a hundred nautical miles at most. This distance was nothing in the vast sea.

"Then we can't go back and get out of here again?"

Su Xiaoxiao asked in disappointment.

"Of course not. Generally, pirates act collectively. They must still have a large force. As long as we can find the large force of the pirates and snatch their ships, then we can really leave this ghost place!"

Qin Lie said again, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

The speedboat is fast, but the battery life is poor. Qin Lie is almost certain that there must be a large pirate ship dedicated to supplying these pirates, and the distance from them is no more than 100 nautical miles, otherwise these pirates will not be able to drive a boat. A small boat came here.

And as long as he can grab that big ship, he can bring those gold and silver treasures back to the civilized world and live any life he wants!

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