The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 218 A Super Diamond Comparable To The Star Of Africa!

"Grab the pirate's ship? Brother Qin, isn't this equal to courting death?"

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Lie in disbelief.

Pirates have always robbed others, and this was the first time she heard that someone wanted to rob pirates.

"At first glance, it seems to be courting death, but as long as the plan is done, the success rate is still very high, not to mention that we have several guns now. If we adopt the method of sneak attack, even a pirate group of dozens of people can eat it. Down!"

Qin Lie said solemnly.

The idea of ​​robbing a pirate ship is indeed a bit crazy, but as long as he can get out of here, Qin Lie is willing to take the risk!

"Let's discuss this plan together after we find Xiaoyu and the others."

Ye Yuqing has always been very supportive of Qin Lie, but robbing a pirate ship is too dangerous, she must listen to everyone's opinions.


Qin Lie is not the kind of headstrong person, and he is not stubborn.

After all, he can't do this alone, and he has to rely on everyone's help.

Then Qin Lie and the others moved back all the supplies on the ship.

There are basically canned beef and compressed biscuits in it. Qin Lie opened one and tasted it, and the taste was quite good.

Compared with the food, Qin Lie was more concerned about the two bottles of brandy, which were just the right time to celebrate his discovery of Roberts' treasure.

It's just that before celebrating, Qin Lie has to get Chen Xiaoyu and the others back.

"Sister Yuqing, you guys are waiting for me here, I'll go find Xiaoyu and the others."

After speaking to Ye Yuqing, Qin Lie was just about to enter the woods when he saw Za Mao running out of the woods.

After running to Qin Lie's side, Momo immediately wagged his tail with a look of ingratitude on his face.

And behind Za Mao, Chen Xiaoyu and others also ran out one by one.

"Brother Qin, Sister Yuqing, you guys are back!"

Chen Xiaoyu jumped straight into Qin Lie's arms.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Qin Lie patted Chen Xiaoyu on the back, then swept around Su Tiantian and others, and asked, "Are you all injured?"


Chen Xiaoyu shook his head and said.

At this time, Christina also saw Logan in a coma and ran over for the first time.

"Logan, Logan."

Christina called Logan's name, but got no response.

"Qin Lie, how is Logan? He'll be fine, right?"

Christina asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have already treated him, and he should be able to wake up tomorrow morning at the most."

Qin Lie comforted.

Hearing this, Christina calmed down a little, and quickly thanked Qin Lie.

Next, Bai Xianglan briefly explained what happened after Chen Xiaoyu and the others escaped.

After learning that the black people were pirates, Chen Xiaoyu and the others felt fortunate again.

Thanks to Logan's keen observation, let them escape in advance, and voluntarily stay to help them break off, otherwise these girls fall into the hands of pirates, and the fate can be imagined!

It is no exaggeration to say that they all owe Logan their lives.

It's just that Logan is still in a coma, and everyone has no way to thank him.

"By the way, Brother Qin, have you found the treasure this time?"

Chen Xiaoyu turned around and asked.

This time, the others also turned their attention to Qin Lie, waiting for his answer.

"I didn't find it. I think the Roberts treasure should be missed by me."

Qin Lie shook his head and replied in a low voice.

"Even if we don't find it, we can't spend any money on this island anyway."

Chen Xiaoyu was a little disappointed, but comforted Qin Lie, and did not have any doubts about Qin Lie's words.

"It seems that Roberts' treasure should be just a legend, and it is estimated that it will not be found in a few hundred years."

Christina sighed.

Qin Lie couldn't find the treasure with the guidance of two maps. It can only show that those treasure maps are fake. In this way, it is even more impossible for others to find the treasure.

"Hahahaha, you are so deceiving. To tell you the truth, we have found the treasure."

Seeing that everyone believed Qin Lie's words, Su Xiaoxiao couldn't bear it any longer, and laughed and told the truth.

Su Xiaoxiao's words made everyone stunned.

"Xiao Xiao, did you really find the treasure?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked in disbelief.

"Of course, it's just that we wanted to surprise you, so we deliberately didn't tell you the truth just now."

Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"You can do it."

Chen Xiaoyu couldn't help rolling her eyes, she really didn't expect Qin Lie to lie to herself just now.

"Okay, don't tease you anymore, I'm going to bring the treasure we found now to open your eyes."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and took Su Xiaoxiao and the two to bring back the two boxes of treasures hidden in the woods.

The moment they opened the gem box, Bai Xianglan and the others showed shock on their faces.

A box full of colorful gems is like a blockbuster, setting off a storm in everyone's heart.

"Qin Lie, are these real gems?"

Bai Xianglan swallowed and asked in disbelief.

"Of course, if it's a fake replacement."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

"I've never seen such a big ruby ​​in my life, how much is it worth!"

Chen Xiaoyu picked up the plum-sized ruby ​​and placed it in the sunlight, her eyes couldn't open due to the dazzling red light.

"What is a ruby? This emerald is truly rare in the world. I guess it has to sell for 100 million, right?"

Yang Yourong picked up the emerald and said.

"What is this, it doesn't look like a gem."

Su Tiantian took out a slightly yellowed stone from the box and asked.

In the box full of gems, this irregular stone still looks very eye-catching.

"Bring it to me to see!"

When he saw the flash of fire on the stone, Lin Qiuzhu quickly took the stone from Su Tiantian's hands.

She first rinsed the surface of the stone with water, then placed it in the sun to examine it carefully.

After a while, Lin Qiuzhu's face couldn't help but show a touch of ecstasy.

"Qin Lie, this is a diamond! A super diamond comparable to the star of Africa!!"

Lin Qiuzhu roared with joy, his excited expression was several times stronger than when he saw the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns.

"you sure?"

Qin Lie widened his eyes and asked in disbelief.

Of course he had heard of the name of the Star of Africa. It was the world's number one diamond, a real priceless treasure. Because of this, Qin Lie couldn't believe that the stone in front of him could rival the legendary Star of Africa.

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