"I'm pretty sure that this diamond is absolutely comparable to the Star of Africa in terms of size, clarity, and color!"

Lin Qiuzhu said firmly.

She has seen many rough diamonds with her own eyes before, and has also studied with diamond appraisers for a period of time, so she is absolutely sure that this is the second 'Star of Africa'!

Otherwise, with Lin Qiuzhu's character, he would never be so excited that his body trembled.

"Qiuzhu, show me the diamond."

Hearing Lin Qiuzhu's words, Ye Yuqing also became interested and took the diamond directly from Lin Qiuzhu.

"Qiuzhu's words are not exaggerated. The purity of this diamond is very high, and it may really be comparable to the Star of Africa."

After observation, Ye Yuqing also gave a very high evaluation.

You must know that this diamond is only a rough stone and has not been polished and cut. Even so, it can shine with extremely dazzling fire against the sun, which is enough to prove its quality.

After that, Christina and others all came over to watch the diamond.

"It's so perfect and beautiful, I think it shines more than the Star of Africa, the most precious diamond in human history!"

After seeing the diamond, Christina expressed her admiration from the bottom of her heart.

"Those diamonds the size of pigeon eggs are worth millions and tens of millions. This diamond is bigger than my fist. It is estimated to be worth one billion, right?"

Chen Xiaoyu said with a foolish look in her eyes.

"One billion? You look down on this diamond too much. Let me tell you this, the star of Africa was cut into nine large diamonds and ninety-six small diamonds, and the largest diamond was set in the King of England. On the scepter, the second largest diamond No. 2 is set on the queen's crown, and its value cannot be estimated for the time being."

"But the brooch made of diamond number three is worth £78 million, the necklace made of diamond number four is worth £9.4 million, and the rest of the earrings and other accessories are worth between £300 and £4 million. The sum of these things alone has exceeded 100 million pounds, and if you add the number one and two diamonds, the value cannot be measured in money at all!"

Christina said solemnly.

She is of the blood of the British royal family. Although she cannot get the title because she is an illegitimate daughter, she knows the African Star, which belongs to the royal family, very well.

And this diamond can rival or even surpass the Star of Africa, and it is definitely a real priceless treasure!

"Roberts didn't find a separate box for such a big diamond. I don't know if his head got water."

Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but sighed.

The value of this diamond has surpassed all the gems in the entire box, but it has not received any protection, which makes Lin Qiuzhu doubt Roberts' vision.

"I guess it may be that the value of diamonds at that time was not as great as it is now, and Roberts just regarded it as an ordinary diamond."

Ye Yuqing guessed.

It has only been in the last 100 years that diamonds have truly become a well-known gemstone, and their prices are so high, to a large extent because of the hype of diamond merchants.

But Roberts was a figure more than 300 years ago. At that time, people paid more attention to rubies, emeralds, and emeralds. They didn't pay much attention to diamonds. It was reasonable that Roberts did not pack them separately.

"Sister Xianglan, don't patronize diamonds, the things in this box are definitely more beautiful than diamonds."

Su Xiaoxiao pointed to another iron box.

"What's in here?"

Hearing Su Xiaoxiao's words, Bai Xianglan and the others immediately developed a strong interest.

"You'll know if you open it up and see for yourself."

Su Xiaoxiao replied with a smile, but did not disclose the information of the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns.

Hearing this, Bai Xianglan opened the box by herself.

"Hey, there's actually a box inside."

When she saw that the iron box was a wooden box, Bai Xianglan was even more curious.

After opening the wooden box and untied the layers of silk, Bai Xianglan couldn't help but exclaimed, "My God, this phoenix crown is too beautiful."

"Brother Qin, can we take it out and enjoy it?"

Su Tiantian, who was shocked by Fengguan, looked at Qin Lie and asked.


Qin Lie replied with a smile.

After obtaining Qin Lie's approval, Su Tiantian took the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns out of the box. When they saw the whole picture of the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns, everyone was amazed. .

After that, Su Xiaoxiao also suggested that everyone try it on.

When wearing this phoenix crown, everyone has a more graceful and noble spirit, and even makes people have the illusion of traveling back to ancient times and becoming the queen of the mother-in-law world.

As for the broken golden scepter, although it looks very beautiful, because there are super diamonds and jewels such as the nine dragons and nine phoenix crowns in front, everyone basically does not have much reaction when facing it.

"Qin Lie, I really like this phoenix crown, can you sell it to me?"

Christina suddenly looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"Sorry, I didn't plan to sell this thing, and even if I did sell it, you shouldn't be able to afford it."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"Who do you look down on? Let me tell you, the last thing I need is money. Tell me, how much do you want to sell?"

Christina replied unconvinced.

Although she is an illegitimate daughter and her identity cannot be exposed, but because of this, her biological father is especially fond of her and has always been responsive to her requests.

Especially in terms of money, there are no restrictions, as long as she wants to buy whatever she wants.

"According to the price of the Kowloon Nine Phoenix Crown of the same style in our country, this Phoenix crown should be around one billion yuan. How about it, are you sure you want to buy it?"

Qin Lie replied jokingly.

"Forget it, when I didn't say anything."

Christina quickly waved her hand to confess.

If it was only 100 million, she would act coquettishly and hope her father could buy it for her, but 1 billion is far beyond her ability to bear. Unless her father doesn't want to live, she really can't afford it. .

Seeing such a lovely scene of Christina, Ye Yuqing and the others suddenly laughed.

In order to avoid damage to the phoenix crown, Qin Lie put the phoenix crown back into the box.

"By the way, Qin Lie, what you got back shouldn't be all the treasure, right?"

Christina asked again after changing the subject.

"Of course not, these are just a few of the more precious treasures, and there are a large number of gold and silver treasures lying there."

Qin Lie told the truth.

"Hey, I knew I should have added another item when I made a deal with you. You will also score a portion of the treasure for finding the treasure. Now, I can only stare at it."

Christina said with a sigh.

She was able to make a deal with Qin Lie so happily back then, in addition to self-rescue, there was a more important factor, that is, she didn't think Qin Lie could find these treasures at all.

However, the fact exceeded her expectations. Qin Lie not only found the treasure, but the value of the treasure far exceeded her imagination. If she said that she did not regret it, she would be deceiving herself.

But there is no regret medicine in this world, she can only be envious now.

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