"Don't sigh, don't worry, as long as I am here today, I will share the treasure with you."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

Everyone here has been born and died together. As a person who values ​​friends more than money, he eats meat, and naturally he also gives other people a sip of soup.

"Hee hee, it looks like I'm going to be a rich woman soon."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled happily.

Although their family's conditions are not bad, their total assets are only tens of millions, and the treasures found by Qin Lie are worth tens of billions. Just taking out a few treasures and sharing them with them is enough to make them all millionaires.

Seeing Qin Lie so generous, Bai Xianglan and others were also very happy.

In order to celebrate, Qin Lie personally cooked a sumptuous dinner.

When they were full, Logan also woke up from the coma ahead of schedule.

Considering that his body is still relatively weak, Qin Lie made him some seafood lean meat porridge alone.

This night, everyone was immersed in joy and enjoyed the rare good time.

At night, the drunk Lin Qiuzhu and others returned to the cave to sleep in turn, but Qin Lie was unusually awake.

Instead of sleeping, he went to the beach alone.

Sitting on the big rock by the beach, blowing the sea breeze, looking at the darkness in the distance, Qin Lie couldn't help but have a thoughtful look on his face.

Tonight, everyone was immersed in the joy of getting the treasure. As for the pirates he killed in the afternoon, they had already been forgotten by everyone.

But he had been thinking about it all the time, but Qin Lie didn't mention it in order to avoid spoiling the atmosphere.

He didn't know where these pirates came from, but he had a vague intuition that these people should also come for Roberts' treasure!

Before that, although the island was full of poisonous insects and beasts, as human beings, as long as they were careful, they could still save their lives.

But pirates are different. They are greedy by nature, cold-blooded and cruel. If a pirate group lands on this island, there will be a bloody storm on it.

On their side, there are only two men, he and Logan. The key point is that Logan's serious injuries are still not healed, and they can't help much. Once they encounter the pirate group, they will definitely die.

Thinking of this, Qin Lie also felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart.

As for the plan he had previously conceived to snatch the pirate ship, it seemed feasible at first glance, but now that I think about it, the operation is actually too difficult, and the difficulty is no less than the hell level in the game!

After all, there are not many people on their side who can even shoot, but the pirates are battle-hardened and well-equipped. Under the premise of a considerable number of people, even if it is a sneak attack, their chances of winning are not high. As for the head-to-head confrontation, it is even more It's like hitting a stone with an egg.

After some contemplation, Qin Lie didn't come up with a good countermeasure, so he could only decide to take a step by step.


The night passed quickly, and Qin Lie was still the first to wake up.

Seeing that the others were still sleeping soundly, Qin Lie didn't call them and ate breakfast with Baomao.

Breakfast is very simple, goat milk and canned beef, rich in nutrients and hungry.

After breakfast, Qin Lie went to the beach with Za Mao, and then drove the speedboat to the far sea.

Just when Qin Lie was about to tell the direction, he was stunned.

He was surprised to find that all the dashboards on the speedboat failed!

Qin Lie quickly stopped the speedboat and checked the instrument panel, but the result showed that the instrument panel was intact, but it could not be used normally.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie took out a needle from the first aid kit and quickly made a simple compass.

As he expected, the needle kept turning back and forth, unable to indicate the north-south direction at all.

As a child who grew up in a fishing village, Qin Lie knew in his heart that there must be a strong magnetic field at his location, which would cause all the instrument panels to fail and make the compass unable to indicate north and south!

And this also partly explains why they have not come to the island until today.

You must know that there are generally black boxes on planes. Once the plane crashes, the emergency positioning transmitter installed in the black box can automatically transmit a specific frequency to allow people to determine its location, so that rescuers can find the crashed plane in time.

But because of the strong magnetic field, the signal emitted by the plane's black box will definitely be blocked. People cannot determine the location of the black box, and naturally it is impossible to find the crashed plane on the vast sea.

After understanding this, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a little mixed.

The happy thing is that without radar positioning, the pirate group will not be able to find them for a while. The worry is that if they want to leave here, they can only rely on themselves. After all, without the guidance of the black box, the rescuers will never be able to find them here.

However, Qin Lie's psychological quality was very strong, and he soon recovered his calm.

At present, the navigation instruments are no longer available, but Qin Lie can still distinguish east, west, north and south by observing the trajectory of the sun.

After determining the direction, Qin Lie drove the speedboat to the east.

Originally, Qin Lie was planning to see if he could find an ocean-going freighter, but after only 30 nautical miles, a medium-sized fishing boat came into Qin Lie's sight.

Qin Lie knows very well that this place is still within the interference range of the strong magnetic field, and it is absolutely impossible for a normal fishing boat to enter, so this ship may be a pirate ship!

But in order to confirm his guess, Qin Lie also went closer to the fishing boat.

Qin Lie stopped about a hundred meters away from the fishing boat. From here, he could clearly see the people on the boat. Almost all of them were armed with firearms!

This is enough to prove the identity of these people - pirates!

When Qin Lie saw these pirates clearly, the pirates also saw Qin Lie clearly.

Seeing that Qin Lie was driving their speedboat, several of the pirates immediately pointed their guns at Qin Lie.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qin Lie turned the bow to speed up and escaped from here.

Seeing this, the pirates on the ship quickly put down another speedboat to pursue Qin Lie, but after this delay, Qin Lie had disappeared from their sight.

When Qin Lie returned to the beach, Lin Qiuzhu and others had been waiting here for a long time.

"Brother Qin, why didn't you tell us when you sailed out to sea? We thought you ran away alone."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Qin Lie with a smile on her face, and it was easy to see from her tone that she was just joking.

Because everyone knew Qin Lie very well and knew that he could not leave them alone and run away.

"Quick, get ready to leave here, I just saw the pirate group!"

Qin Lie replied with a serious expression.

He thought that they still had enough time to prepare, but the fact was that the pirate ship was less than thirty nautical miles away from them. At such a close distance, even if there was no radar navigation, the pirates would not be able to find it for a long time.

Therefore, they must move as soon as possible, otherwise once the pirates log in, they will only be brought to death and destruction!

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