"Have the pirates come yet?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked quickly.

"I haven't come yet, but it's already very close to us, and we must evacuate quickly."

Qin Lie replied in a deep voice.

"Are there many of them?"

Ye Yuqing asked.

"I don't know the exact number, but there are 20 or 30 people I saw alone. We are definitely not opponents."

Qin Lie continued.

There are only a dozen people on their side and five guns, but those pirates have at least 30 people, and the firepower is enough to crush them, so running ahead is the only wise choice.

Upon hearing this, the smiles on Lin Qiuzhu and the others all subsided, and everyone did not dare to waste any more time, and quickly returned to the cave to pack up their luggage.

Fifteen minutes later, when everything was ready, Qin Lie led Lin Qiuzhu and the others into the forest.

But because of the wounded Logan, they were not moving fast. Fortunately, the pirates had not yet landed on the island, so they still had time.

When night fell, Qin Lie and his party came to the cave with the black bear.

Before, he didn't have a gun, and he didn't dare to have any thoughts about this black bear, but now it's different. He even has an AK in his hand, so he doesn't need to talk about black bears in his eyes.

After entering the cave, a shuttle of bullets shot out, and the sleeping big black bear left this world without pain.

This big black bear weighed half a ton. Qin Lie called Lin Qiuzhu and they worked together to drag the black bear body out of the cave.

Because the black bear lived in this cave for a long time, the odor in the cave was very strong. Fortunately, the piece of ambergris that Ye Yuqing picked up before was not used up. The air in the cave also smelled much better.

After handing over the layout of the cave to Ye Yuqing and the others, Qin Lie went to clean up the big black bear.

After dinner, Qin Lie changed Logan's dressing again.

After this day of recuperation, his mental state has basically returned to normal, but because the abdominal injury and the injury on the legs are relatively serious, he cannot exercise vigorously for the time being, otherwise the rupture of the wound will only make it more troublesome.

"Sister Yuqing, I'm going to go back to the beach to see what's going on. I'll leave it to you here."

Qin Lie said to Ye Yuqing after changing the medicine.

He is very clear that if they fight recklessly, they are not enough for those pirates, but he can use the complex terrain of the primeval forest to fight against those pirates and eat them a little bit!

It's just that before taking action, he has to figure out the number and firepower of the pirate group.

"Be safe and don't get hurt."

Ye Yuqing had a lot to say to Qin Lie, but in the end, all the words were condensed into one exhortation.

"Do not worry."

After another sentence, Qin Lie turned around and left.

It wasn't until Qin Lie disappeared for several minutes that Ye Yuqing looked back.

In her heart, she really wanted to go with Qin Lie, but she had self-knowledge, she knew that following Qin Lie would only be a burden, but Qin Lie would come and go freely and be safer.

After silently praying to heaven in her heart, Ye Yuqing quickly arranged a vigilance mission.


In the dark forest, Qin Lie moved fast like a ghost.

Without the drag of Logan and the others, Qin Lie's speed was more than twice as fast as during the day.

In just four hours, he was back at the seaside.

Looking at the calm beach, Qin Lie knew that the pirates had not found it yet.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie got on the speedboat and went out to sea again.

He wanted to see how far the pirates were from their deserted island. If there was a chance, he wouldn't mind giving the pirates a special welcome ceremony.

After traveling ten nautical miles, Qin Lie found the fishing boat near another small island only a few square kilometers.

At this time, the pirates seemed to have all landed on this small island and were cooking barbecue on the beach, while the fishing boat was quiet.

Looking at the fishing boat and the pirates on the island, the idea of ​​robbing the fishing boat once again spread in Qin Lie's heart.

Although it is quite dangerous to approach the fishing boat rashly, it is definitely a godsend for Qin Lie. As long as he can successfully capture the fishing boat, he will be able to bring Ye Yuqing and the others back to the civilized world with the gold and silver treasures worth over 10 billion. A life more carefree than a fairy.

After some choices, Qin Lie finally decided to take a risk. After all, such a good opportunity does not come every day.

But before the action, Qin Lie calculated the distance between himself and the fishing boat and the distance between the pirates and the fishing boat, and made preparations to escape in advance.

In order to avoid being discovered by the pirates on the beach, Qin Lie stopped the speedboat when he was more than a thousand meters away from the fishing boat.

Then Qin Lie took off his clothes, wearing only a pair of underwear, and swam to the fishing boat under the cover of the night.

A distance of one thousand meters was nothing to Qin Lie, who grew up by the sea, but in twenty minutes he came to the left side of the fishing boat's side.

But he didn't get on the boat directly. Instead, he floated in the water and waited patiently for three minutes. Seeing that there was no sound from the boat, Qin Lie climbed onto the fishing boat skillfully.

After wiping the seawater on his face, Qin Lie was ready to go to the cockpit.

However, he just didn't take two steps, and suddenly there was a crisp click in his ear.

Qin Lie was all too familiar with this sound, it was the sound of a bullet being loaded!

His body suddenly stiffened in place.

With the help of the not-so-bright moonlight, Qin Lie soon saw that there was a reclining chair on the deck ahead, and a white man was sitting on the reclining chair.

At this time, the white man was holding a pistol in his hand, and the muzzle had been aimed at his head.

"dontmove, orillblowyourheadout!"

The white man smiled and warned Qin Lie leisurely, then picked up the wine glass next to him, and took another sip of wine without hesitation.

Qin Lie's English is not very good, but as a classic line that often appears in movies, Qin Lie instantly understood the meaning of the other party: don't move, or I will blow your head!

"Grandma's, it's been eight lifetimes of blood mold."

Qin Lie didn't dare to move, and just stood there, scolding her mother for a while.

You must know that before boarding the ship, he deliberately listened to the movement of the ship, and even planned to jump into the sea to escape if he was discovered. However, he did not count that anyone was drinking on the deck.

But now that his own life is in the thoughts of others, he can only stand still.

After slowly drinking the red wine in the quilt, the white man raised his gun and fired a shot at the sky.

Hearing the gunshots, the pirates on the island who were eating barbecue immediately understood that something was wrong, and quickly returned to the fishing boat by boat.

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