"whoareyou? (translation: who are you?)"

After the white man looked Qin Lie up and down, he asked in English slowly.

"I'm Qin Lie."

Qin Lie replied in Chinese.

Although he was pointed at the head with a gun, he was still very calm at this time, and he was not cowardly like a grandson.

"areyouchinese? (Translation: Are you Chinese?)"

The white man asked with a frown.


Qin Lie nodded.

"canyouspeakenglish? (translation: do you speak english?)"

the white man asked.


Qin Lie shook his head and replied.

In fact, he can speak a little English, but his spoken language is so poor that it is not ashamed of him.

"You, Chinese, killed my big brother, I hateyou! (Translation: You Chinese people killed my big brother, I hate you.)"

The white man looked at Qin Lie in a very funny Chinese-English mixed language.

But Qin Lie couldn't laugh at this time, because he already felt a murderous intent from the other side!

He just found a treasure worth tens of billions of dollars, and he didn't want to die so tragically overseas before enjoying his life, so he quickly defended: "Brother, the death of your big brother has nothing to do with me, and it wasn't your big brother that I killed. "

"sowhat? iwillkillyou! (translation: so what, i'm going to kill you!)"

The white man sneered and deliberately wiped his neck.


There was a sound of a speedboat, and the pirates drove the speedboat back to the fishing boat.

When they saw a strange face like Qin Lie, several of them pointed their ak directly at Qin Lie. Qin Lie, who was waiting for the opportunity to escape, didn't dare to move, otherwise he would definitely reach the sieve in an instant.

Just then, another elderly white man got on the boat.

The man's hair was like a chicken coop, messy, scrawny, with sunken eye sockets, and he was clearly an addict.

Seeing Qin Lie, the man frowned and asked directly, "youarethefellowwhoescapedthismorning? (Translation: Are you the guy in the morning?)"

"That's right."

Qin Lie knew that he couldn't hide it, so he admitted it calmly.

The man who first pointed the gun at Qin Lie turned around and started talking to the addict, but because both of them were speaking in vernacular, Qin Lie didn't understand a word.

After a while, Jiwotou turned his attention back to Qin Lie.

"What about our brothers? Did you kill them?"

This time, Jiwotou actually asked Qin Lie in Chinese. Although it was not standard, as a foreigner, it was quite good, at least Qin Lie could understand it.

Qin Lie was just about to admit it, but feeling the cold eyes around him, he still shook his head and said, "I haven't killed anyone, and I don't know who you are talking about."

"Nonsense, the speedboat you drove is ours, if you didn't kill our brother? Then how did you get the speedboat?"

Jiwotou said coldly, he didn't believe Qin Lie.

"I picked up this speedboat at the beach, and I don't know who drove it to the beach."

Qin Lie still refused to admit it.

"Whether you admit it or not, you have to die! I'll send you to see God now!"

Jiwotou apparently believed that Qin Lie killed his companion, grabbed an ak from a nearby pirate and aimed it at Qin Lie.

Seeing that this man was about to chug himself, Qin Lie hurriedly shouted: "Don't kill me, I know where Roberts' treasure is!"

Hearing this, the chicken coop head, who was about to shoot, suddenly stopped.

Seeing that his words were effective, Qin Lie hurriedly hit the railroad while it was hot: "You are here to find Roberts' treasure, right? I tell you, I know where Roberts' treasure is hidden, and I can take you there. But if you kill me, you will Never try to find treasure."

Jiwotou quickly looked at the white man before, and the two communicated in local language again.

After a while, Jiwotou looked at Qin Lie and said, "How did you find Roberts' treasure?"

"I got Roberts' treasure map. According to the treasure map, it took me more than a month to find the treasure."

Qin Lie replied.

"Then you tell me what's in the treasure?"

The chicken coop head then asked.

"There were tons of gold, all kinds of jewelry, and a sword, a broken golden scepter."

In order to make Jiwotou believe in himself, Qin Lie deliberately revealed a lot of information.

"Yes, as recorded by our family, it seems that you really found Roberts' treasure!"

Jihutou said excitedly, and at the same time relayed what Qin Lie said to the white man who looked like the leader.

The man's face also showed excitement, and directly ordered Qin Lie in English: "Take me to find the treasure immediately, or I will kill you now."

"Don't fucking scare me, you won't get anything when I die."

Qin Lie replied confidently.

Before, he was really afraid that these pirates would directly give him to Tutu, but now, the pirates already know that he holds the secret of Roberts' treasure. With this bargaining chip, he can be sure that these pirates will never touch him.

Seeing Qin Lie suddenly become so arrogant, the white man's eyes flashed coldly, and he put the gun on Qin Lie's head again.

Seeing this, Jiwotou quickly stopped him.

After the two quarreled a few words in the local language, the white man suppressed his anger and put away the gun, returned to the reclining chair and sat down, while Jihutou walked to Qin Lie's side.

"Brother, what's your name?"

Jiwotou asked again, and his tone was obviously much better than before.

"My name is Qin Lie."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Qin Lie, hello, my name is Abadi, the one just now is my big brother Lucas, I have discussed with my brother, as long as you can lead us to find Roberts' treasure, we will not only let you, but also How about giving you 10 million as a reward, are you willing to cooperate with us?"

Chicken Coop asked with a smile.

Hearing this, Qin Lie sneered in his heart.

Although he couldn't understand the conversation between the two, he was not a three-year-old child. He was sure that once he brought these pirates to find the treasure, these people would definitely kill him!

It's just that he originally used the guise of helping them find treasures to save his own life, so naturally he would not expose these lies.

"Ten million to kill me? Do you take me as a beggar?"

Qin Lie spoke again, with a deep sarcasm on his face.

"Then how much do you want?"

Abadi asked.

"I want half the treasure!"

Qin Lie opened his mouth and said that he was completely greedy on purpose, so as to better dispel Abadi's doubts about himself.

"Okay, I promise you."

Without thinking much, Abadi readily agreed.

Because as Qin Lie guessed, he didn't plan to let Qin Lie leave alive at all, as long as he got the treasure, he would kill Qin Lie himself!

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