The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 223 The Background Of The Pirate Group

"Very good, I wish us a happy cooperation."

Qin Lie smiled slightly and took the initiative to extend the hand of friendship.

"Pleasant to work with."

Abadi also wore a trunk and shook hands with Qin Lie.

In this way, two people with ghosts have become partners because of the treasure. On the surface, they are peaceful, but they are thinking about how to kill each other in the future.

A gust of sea breeze blew, Qin Lie suddenly recalled that he was wearing a pair of pants, and hurriedly said to Abadi: "Brother, my clothes are still on the speedboat over there, I have to go and get them."

"You can just leave this little thing to them. You don't need to pick it up yourself."

In order to prevent Qin Lie from taking the opportunity to escape, Abadi gave an order to the pirates next to him, and the pirates drove the speedboat back immediately.

After getting dressed, Qin Lie was invited into the cabin.

Abadi is obviously very good at dealing with people. He opened a bottle of red wine and took the initiative to chat with Qin Lie.

Only in the next exchange did Qin Lie know that this Abadi and their ancestors turned out to be Roberts' confidant Muir!

Three hundred years ago, Roberts died fighting in Africa, but four of Roberts' henchmen, including Muir, Abadi's ancestor, narrowly escaped.

Because the official was still clearing the remnants of the Roberts Pirates at that time, the four people divided the treasure map into four parts, one for each person.

Originally, everyone agreed that one year later, when the wind passed, they would put together the four residual pictures to divide up Roberts' treasure, but the other three died one after another.

Muir knew that someone must be trying to snatch the treasure map and kill them, so he went into incognito to survive.

Over the past few hundred years, Muir's family has relied on the wealth accumulated by Muir as a pirate. It was once very brilliant, but because of the wanton profligacy of the family's younger generation, it eventually declined and became a little-known family.

Until three years ago, the three Abadi brothers, who had nowhere to go, began to return to their old jobs and became pirates.

Perhaps there is a family genetic gene, or it may be that the three brothers were born to be pirates. In less than a year, they pulled up a team of dozens of people and became one of the most powerful pirate groups. Use the looted funds to find the remaining treasure map fragments.

As the saying goes, the emperor pays off. After spending three years and a large amount of money, they actually found another three fragments, pieced together a complete treasure map and came here.

As long as their eldest brother, Senel, was killed by the Chinese in a robbery a year ago, it was because of this that he hated the Chinese so much.

In addition to Chinese, Abadi also taught himself French, English and other languages. In his words, this is called connecting with international standards, so that when he robs, he will not have problems of this kind due to communication barriers.

After introducing himself, Abadi asked Qin Lie's identity again.

Qin Lie didn't tell the truth, he just made up a lie, saying that he was a professional explorer, his ship sank in the storm, and the others died in the storm, so he survived and came to this deserted place by himself. island.

From the expression on Abadi's face, it is not difficult to see that he did not believe Qin Lie's words too much, but he did not ask any further questions.

After all, for him, as long as he can find the treasure, it doesn't matter Qin Lie's true identity at all, anyway, he will kill Qin Lie sooner or later.

After chatting for a while, Abadi seemed to be addicted to drugs and yawned again and again.

"Qin Lie, wait for me here."

Abadi said to Qin Lie, then gave a wink to the pirate next to him and left the cabin.

Abadi went back and forth in less than ten minutes.

He took out a small transparent bag from his pocket, and inside it was similar to some white powder. Needless to say, these must be drugs!

Abadi didn't have any shyness at all, and started smoking in front of Qin Lie.

A trace of disgust flashed in Qin Lie's eyes, and he took the initiative to take a few steps back.

After taking drugs, Abadi's spirit returned to normal.

"Qin Lie, do you want to order this? Very cool."

Abadi looked up at Qin Lie and asked.

"Need not."

Qin Lie refused directly.

He clearly remembered that the father of his crush in high school went bankrupt because of drug addiction, and when his wife filed for divorce, the man killed his wife and children in a frenzy, and finally committed suicide himself.

So to this day, he has a deep aversion to drugs.

As the so-called hate house and Wu, he has always been very disgusted with those addicts.

Abadi probably also saw that Qin Lie didn't like drugs, so he enjoyed himself.

After taking drugs, Abadi chatted with Qin Lie for about ten minutes.

A lot of nonsense has been said, but it is actually summed up in one sentence: as long as you lead us to find the treasure, I can guarantee that you will enjoy endless prosperity and wealth.

Qin Lie naturally wouldn't believe Abadi's words. On the surface, he continued to pretend to be a snake, but he was thinking about how to deal with these pirates.

He knew very well that it was impossible to fight recklessly.

But as long as the poisonous insects and beasts on the island can be used reasonably, he may really be able to bury these pirates one by one!

"Qin Lie, it's getting late, I'll take you to rest."

Abadi said after looking at his watch.

"it is good."

Qin Lie nodded, and led by Abadi, came to the crew rest area, and arranged for him a separate small room.

After Abadi left, he locked the door and arranged for a pirate to guard the door.

In fact, he was completely superfluous, because Qin Lie had already figured out a plan to deal with these people.

He wants to follow these pirates and lead them into the abyss of death step by step!

So even though he was in the wolf's den, Qin Lie slept very peacefully that night.

Early the next morning, Abadi personally came to wake Qin Lie up.

After a simple wash, Abadi took Qin Lie to the restaurant on the ship.

It has to be said that the lives of these pirates are much better than theirs, with eggs, milk, bread, sausages and other food readily available.

Qin Lie was naturally rude and opened his stomach to eat.

After a while, Abadi's big brother Lucas also came.

He was indifferent to Qin Lie, and he didn't know whether it was a deliberate blackface or just himself.

But Qin Lie didn't take it seriously, anyway, he didn't plan to let these sinful pirates leave here alive.

Under the guidance of Qin Lie, the group quickly landed on the island where Qin Lie and the others lived before.

"This is the starting point. As long as you follow me, I guarantee you will find Roberts' treasure."

Qin Lie pointed to the island road.

Hearing this, Abadi's eyes immediately showed a touch of excitement, but he still asked his eldest brother to take out the dirty treasure map they had.

Looking at the pieced together treasure map, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh in his heart that God will help me!

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