Qin Lie originally thought that Abadi and the others had a real treasure map, but who knew that their treasure map was exactly the same as the fake one he got first!

You must know that this treasure map was pieced together by Abadi and the others based on the residual map left by their ancestor Muir. Normally, it should be true.

But the fact is that this is a fake picture.

This can only show one problem, Roberts didn't believe his confidants at all, and deliberately left them fake pictures to deceive them!

I have to say that this Roberts is really insidious, but it gave Qin Lie a chance.

Taking advantage of the gap between the pirates' attention on the map, Qin Lie took out the two chapter maps he was holding from his pocket.

After stuffing the real map back into his pocket, Qin Lie deliberately raised the map in his hand and said, "Abadi, let me use this map. I'm much clearer than your broken map."

Hearing this, Abadi turned to look at Qin Lie.

When he found that Qin Lie's picture was exactly the same as theirs, Abadi became more and more convinced that Qin Lie had found the treasure.

"Qin Lie, you have deciphered the secrets of the graphic symbols on this picture, haven't you?"

Abadi asked hurriedly.

"Of course, otherwise how do you think I found the treasure?"

Qin Lie replied proudly.

"Great, you quickly take us to find the treasure!"

Abadi said excitedly.

"follow me."

Qin Lie dropped a word, and then started to lead the way.

Abadi left five people to stay on the pirate ship, and the remaining more than 30 people followed Qin Lie into the virgin forest.

On the way, Qin Lie also explained to Abadi the meaning of the symbols on the map, in order to dispel his doubts about himself as much as possible.

At this time, in the black bear cave.

Seeing that Qin Lie hadn't come back all night, Ye Yuqing and others felt a trace of worry in their hearts.

After some discussions, everyone decided that Lin Qiuzhu would lead Su Xiaoxiao and Chen Xiaoyu out to find Qin Lie, and the others waited there.

When the three of Lin Qiuzhu walked to the grassland, they happened to meet Qin Lie and others who were oncoming, which made Qin Lie a little unexpected.

And the three of Lin Qiuzhu are not fools, they immediately guessed that the fully armed guys beside Qin Lie were pirates!

They still wanted to escape, but it was too late, and they were soon captured by pirates.

Looking at the three people with Huarongyue appearance, many pirates had lewd/evil expressions on their faces, and those green eyes were as if they were going to swallow Lin Qiuzhu and the others alive.

"Abadi, keep your people away from them!"

Qin Lie immediately stood up and shouted loudly.

He knew very well that these pirates were more ruthless than those of Du Mazi. If he didn't speak quickly, Lin Qiuzhu and the others would definitely not escape the bad luck of being tainted!

"What's the matter, do you know them?"

Abadi raised his eyebrows and asked.

"They are all my friends."

Qin Lie said bluntly.

"Didn't you say that all your people died in the storm, how come you have a few more friends?"

Abadi asked back.

Qin Lie knew that any explanation at this time was meaningless, and simply said frankly: "I lied to you before because I didn't want my friend to be harmed by your subordinates."

"It seems that Brother Qin Lie still doesn't have 100% trust in me."

Abadi grinned and looked at Qin Lie with deep meaning.

He actually guessed that Qin Lie was not telling the truth to him before, and now he has confirmed this guess.

"You are a pirate, I am just an ordinary person, it should be normal for me to have reservations about you."

Qin Lie defended calmly and calmly.

Originally, his plan was not flawless, at least there were no flaws.

But now because of the appearance of the three of Lin Qiuzhu, his plans were suddenly messed up. If one was not good, even the lives of several of them were involved.

"Brother Qin, although I can understand your behavior, I am still very disappointed. As punishment for your cheating, the three of them must come to serve my brothers."

What Abadi said was high-sounding, but in fact he was just jealous of Lin Qiuzhu's body.

Because in the voyage these days, let alone women, they have never even touched inflatable dolls, and now it is so easy to see women, he naturally wants to satisfy his beast/lust.

"If you dare to touch them, I will kill you!"

Qin Lie replied with a refusal attitude.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't say it, she was his own woman, and although Lin Qiuzhu and Su Xiaoxiao had no real relationship with him, they were indeed friends he recognized, and he would never allow these beasts to spoil them.

"The fish dies and the net breaks? Hahahaha, what you said, Brother Qin, is too funny. Believe it or not, the fish will die, but the net will never break."

Abadi laughed recklessly.

In his eyes, Qin Lie is just a lamb to be slaughtered. He can make Qin Lie doom with just one sentence. Qin Lie's words have no deterrent effect on him at all.

A cold light flashed in Qin Lie's eyes, and his body suddenly shot out like lightning.

Abadi, who was beside Qin Lie, was caught by Qin Lie's neck before he could react.

Then Qin Lie touched Abadi's waist, snatched his dagger, and pinned the dagger to Abadi's neck.

"Now you say the net will break?"

Qin Lie asked in a cold voice.


At the same time, all the pirates loaded their bullets and aimed their guns at Qin Lie.

With just one order, Qin Lie will be beaten into a sieve.

"Let go of Abadi!"

The pirate chief Lucas ordered loudly in English.

"You let the three of them go first!"

Qin Lie replied.

"Qin Lie, even if you kidnap me, it's useless, you can't escape."

As a pirate who licked blood, Abadi was still very calm at this time.

"Don't worry, I didn't plan to run, we'll all die together."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

He knew very well that his actions would inevitably provoke the pirates, but he had to do it at this time, otherwise none of the three of Lin Qiuzhu would be able to escape.

"I'll say it one last time, let go of Abadi or I'll kill her!"

Lucas threatened Qin Lie again, and at the same time put his gun on Lin Qiuzhu's head.

Even though Lin Qiuzhu had already experienced several life-and-death crises, at this moment, she was still pale with fright.

But Lin Qiuzhu didn't beg for mercy, but shouted loudly: "Qin Lie, don't mind me, go away!"


Lucas shouted violently and smashed the butt of a gun on Lin Qiuzhu's head, without any pity.

Lin Qiuzhu's thin skin and tender flesh had never been treated so violently, his head was smashed in an instant, and blood flowed down the bridge of his nose.

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