"Lucas, if you fucking touch my friend again, I'll kill your brother right away!"

Qin Lie growled fiercely.

"You dare to kill my brother, I will kill them all!"

Lucas replied without showing weakness.

At this moment, neither of the two who were ruthless gave in, and the swords were drawn for a while, and bloodshed would happen at any time.

In the end, it was Abadi who spoke up.

"Qin Lie, I can let them go alone. The other two must follow us. After finding the treasure, I will naturally let you go."

Abadi told Qin Lie.

"No, you have to let all three of them go!"

Qin Lie replied decisively.

He knew very well that Abadi wanted to keep Lin Qiuzhu and the others as hostages to blackmail him.

If it was someone else, he might still think about it, but in the face of a group of murderous and untrustworthy pirates, he would not agree.

After all, Abadi and the others will never give themselves a second chance to hold him hostage.

"I can let go of two, that's my bottom line."

Abadillo pondered and made concessions again.

"The three must be put together, you either agree, or we die together!"

Qin Lie said clearly.

"Then kill me, I'll see if you have the guts."

Abadi sneered and said.

He is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death like Zhao Yuming. He knows very well that Qin Lie's ultimate purpose of holding him hostage is to save Lin Qiuzhu and the others, but he just won't give Qin Lie such a chance.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was a little bit reluctant to ride a tiger.

After all, it is not worthwhile to exchange the life of one of them for the lives of the four of them, not to mention that Qin Lie does not want to die young.

But Qin Lie is very clear that at this time, he must not show the slightest weakness, otherwise he can only be led by the nose by Abadi.

"Okay, this is what you said, then let's die together."

Qin Lie replied coldly and pushed the tip of the dagger forward, piercing Abadi's skin.

Seeing that Qin Lie really dared to do it, Lucas immediately shouted: "Stop, I promise your terms!"

Don't look at Lucas and the others killing people without blinking an eye, but the three brothers have a very deep relationship, especially now that their eldest brother is dead, he must never lose his brother again.

Therefore, even if there is an unwillingness in his heart, he can only compromise.

Hearing this, Qin Lie remained calm, but he often let out a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was really afraid that Lucas would be tough with him to the end. If that was the case, he would die, and the three of Lin Qiuzhu would definitely become the playthings of these pirates.

Fortunately, he bet right, Lucas still cares about his younger brother.

Qin Lie loosened the dagger a little, but it had already left Abadi's neck.

"Let the three of them go. After they leave, I will naturally let go of your brother."

Qin Lie said to Lucas.

"Let them go!"

Lucas ordered to his subordinates in the native language.

When they heard that Lucas was going to let Lin Qiuzhu and the three of them go, the pirates were in a hurry, and they persuaded Lucas to let him at least leave them a woman for them to have fun.

After all, in a place where birds don't poop, women are scarce items. If people are released now, who knows when the next time they will meet a woman will be.

But for the safety of his younger brother, Lucas did not agree to these pirates' requests.

In the end, the pirates let go of Lin Qiuzhu and the others.

"Let's go, the farther you go, the better, don't come and save me!"

Qin Lie shouted at Lin Qiuzhu and others.

"If I don't leave, I will die with you!"

Chen Xiaoyu said with tears in her eyes.

Over the years, she has met too many scumbags, and now she has finally met a man who can sacrifice herself for her.

"Let you go, just go, don't talk nonsense with me!"

Qin Lie urged impatiently.

"I do not go."

Chen Xiaoyu replied stubbornly.


In order to let Chen Xiaoyu leave, Qin Lie gave a loud shout.

"Xiaoyu, let's go!"

Even though Lin Qiuzhu didn't want to leave Qin Lie behind, she was still very rational at this time. She knew very well that their staying would not help Qin Lie, on the contrary, it would waste Qin Lie's efforts.

"Qiuzhu, take them to the mouse hole and wait for me there."

Qin Lie said again, while giving her a reassuring look.

"it is good."

Lin Qiuzhu nodded, pulled Chen Xiaoyu and Su Xiaoxiao away with tears.

Seeing the fat around their mouths run away, those pirates could not wait to smash Qin Lie into tens of thousands of pieces immediately.

"I've let go of those women, you can let go of Abadi now."

Lucas looked at Qin Lie coldly.

"Don't worry, I will naturally let your brother go after they are far away."

Qin Lie replied lightly.


Lucas was furious, but he could only compromise.

Half an hour later, after confirming that Lin Qiuzhu and the others had run away, Qin Lie let go of Abadi.

"kill him!"

Lucas, who had endured for a long time, no longer concealed his killing intent, and directly issued the order to kill Qin Lie.

"Don't kill him, just teach him a lesson."

Abadi said immediately.

Although murderous intent was surging in his heart at this time, he still had to keep Qin Lie's life before he found the treasure.

Hearing this, the pirates rushed towards Qin Lie, punching and kicking Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't make any resistance. He knew that resistance was meaningless. He couldn't be the opponent of dozens of pirates by himself.

In revenge for Qin Lie's loss of a woman, these pirates were very aggressive. Qin Lie was beaten to death in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, let's stop."

After Qin Lie was beaten for ten minutes, Abadi's voice rang.

At this time, Qin Lie was almost dead.

"Remember, that was the last time you threatened me just now. If there is another time, I will cut open your stomach and dig out your heart!"

Abadi walked to Qin Lie's side and looked down at him like a god.

"Don't worry, if it wasn't to save my friend, I wouldn't joke about my life."

Qin Lie struggled to stand up and smiled faintly.

It's just that now his face is covered in blood, and this smile can't help but give people a creepy feeling.

"Lead the way ahead, if you can't find the treasure, I guarantee you will die miserably."

Abadi said again.

After this accident, he has torn the face of hypocrisy.

"Give me a first aid kit, I'll bandage myself first, or I'll die first if I can't get to the treasure."

Qin Lie stretched out his hand and said lightly, his head was still bleeding.

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