The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 226 Introducing The Abyss Of Death Step By Step

Abadi did not refuse Qin Lie, so he was given a first-aid kit by Qin Lie, and Qin Lie wrapped himself up.

After the wound was bandaged, Qin Lie continued to lead the way.

He didn't ask Lucas to let him go with Lucas and others just now. There were two main reasons. First, Lucas couldn't agree. After all, he knew the location of the treasure. More valuable; secondly, and most importantly, his plan has not yet been completed, he must lead these people into the Death Jedi!

Therefore, Qin Lie will not show any resistance until the moment of death.


On the other side, the three of Lin Qiuzhu ran all the way and ran back to the Black Bear Cave without any pause.

Without waiting for Ye Yuqing to ask questions, Lin Qiuzhu briefly recounted their experience.

"Sister Yuqing, let's hurry up and save Brother Qin, or those pirates will definitely kill him."

Chen Xiaoyu said with tears in her eyes.

"No, Qin Lie said, we are not allowed to save him."

Lin Qiuzhu said immediately.

"Lin Qiuzhu, you are such a white-eyed wolf, have you forgotten how many times Brother Qin has rescued you?"

Chen Xiaoyu angrily accused.

"Calm down, Xiaoyu, do you think I don't want to save Qin Lie? But among us, except for me, Logan, Tina and Lilith, you guys don't even know how to use guns, so trying to save Qin Lie is like Die!"

Lin Qiuzhu frowned and shouted.

"Even if I die, I'm going to save Brother Qin. I'd rather die with him!"

Chen Xiaoyu said decisively.

"Okay, then you hurry up and die, don't drag us down!"

Seeing that Chen Xiaoyu didn't understand what he meant at all, Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but get a little angry.

"Go and go!"

Chen Xiaoyu didn't just talk, she got up and prepared to save Qin Lie alone.

"Sister Xiaoyu, come back to me!"

Ye Yuqing stopped Chen Xiaoyu with a loud shout, and then said earnestly: "We all want to save Qin Lie, but we must come up with a surefire plan before starting the rescue, otherwise, there is no point in dying."

"Sister Xiaoyu, don't be impulsive. Brother Qin rescued us regardless of his own life, not for us to die."

Su Xiaoxiao then persuaded.

All of them owe Qin Lie their lives. Everyone wants to save Qin Lie, but they must not act rashly, otherwise Qin Lie can't save them, and they have to put themselves in.

"But if we don't hurry up and save Qin Lie, he'll be dead."

Chen Xiaoyu said anxiously.

"I don't think those people would kill Qin Lie. Don't forget, when we met Qin Lie, he was already with those pirates. If those pirates wanted to kill him, wouldn't they have already done it?"

Lin Qiuzhu analyzed.

"It seems like, why didn't those pirates kill Brother Qin?"

Su Xiaoxiao couldn't help but recall this question.

"I think it should be because of the treasure."

Bai Xianglan interjected.

"Pang Lan is right, Qin Lie must have reached some kind of agreement with those pirates about the treasure, so the pirates didn't kill him."

Ye Yuqing nodded in approval.

"In that case, Qin Lie should be safe until the treasure is found."

Christina followed suit.

"By the way, Sister Qiuzhu, before chasing us away, Brother Qin told you to take us to the mouse hole. Where is the mouse hole?"

Su Xiaoxiaoman asked suspiciously.

"The mouse hole?"

Hearing this word, Ye Yuqing was stunned for a moment, and she didn't realize where it was for a while.

"The mouse hole refers to the treasure trove. Isn't there a mouse there before? When I chatted with Qin Lie, I used the mouse hole to call it there."

Lin Qiuzhu immediately explained.

"Okay, I get it now."

Hearing this, Ye Yuqing suddenly realized.

"Qin Lie said, don't let us save him, let us wait for him in the treasure, I think we should do as he said, he must have a way to escape alive."

Lin Qiuzhu said again, even though she herself couldn't figure out how Qin Lie escaped from the siege of dozens of pirates.

"Okay, then let's go there and wait for him!"

After pondering for a while, Ye Yuqing finally made such a decision.

"Sister Yuqing, then let's leave Brother Qin alone? What if he can't escape?"

Chen Xiaoyu asked worriedly.

"We have to trust Qin Lie, don't forget, he can always create miracles!"

Ye Yuqing said confidently.

Although she also couldn't imagine how Qin Lie could escape, they had no other choice but to do so.

After all, these people have almost no fighting power, and it is a complete nonsense to rescue Qin Lie from the hands of dozens of murderous pirates.


Chen Xiaoyu just wanted to say something, but was interrupted directly by Ye Yuqing.

"Don't be so, just pack up and leave immediately."

Qin Lie was definitely unable to save her, but she had to ensure the safety of these people. This was the task Qin Lie gave her, and she couldn't let Qin Lie down.

After making the decision, everyone did not delay any longer, and quickly packed up and left here.

An hour after Ye Yuqing and the others left, Qin Lie and the others came to the forest where the Black Bear Cave was.

Qin Lie didn't know if Ye Yuqing and others had left. To be on the safe side, he deliberately took Abadi and others around in a small circle.

The next afternoon, Qin Lie and others came to the river with wild poppies.

Going forward along this river, you will reach the valley full of giant pythons, and there is the cemetery that Qin Lie specially selected for this group of pirates!

"Keep walking along this river. At our speed, we can reach the treasure trove in less than half a day. It's getting late today. I think we can rest here for a night and go back tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie stopped and suggested.

He actually said it on purpose, and he believed that the more he said it, the more Abadi would doubt him.

Sure enough, Abadi was worried about Qin Lie's tricks, and didn't agree: "Keep leading the way, I must see the treasure today."

"But it's too dangerous to drive in the dark. What if you encounter some beast?"

Qin Lie frowned.

"It's okay, we have guns, and any beast that gets in our way will die!"

Abadi said nonchalantly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie sneered in his heart.

He knew that his play-by-play strategy had succeeded.

"Well, let's speed up and try to get there within three hours."

After Qin Lie agreed, he continued to lead the way.

Two hours later, it was completely dark, but at Abadi's insistence, they lit the torches and continued on their way.

Abadi and others thought that they were about to see Roberts' treasure, but they were just walking towards the abyss of death step by step!

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