At eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie brought Abadi and the pirates to the Python Valley.

Even though he hasn't seen the giant python yet, Qin Lie still has a feeling of trembling.

After all, these giant pythons are so terrifying, they are completely like monsters in legend, which can swallow a person in one bite.

Especially now that it is still night, the python is likely to have come out for food, and he needs to be fully alert, otherwise he will not know how he will die.

"Didn't you say it's almost there, why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Seeing that he could not reach the treasure place, Abadi's patience was gradually exhausted.

"Don't worry, it's just in front, at most 100 meters."

Qin Lie replied to Abadi and continued to lead the team forward.

At this time, he didn't dare to walk too fast, his eyes kept sweeping around, paying attention to all the movements around him.

Finally, after passing through the last bushes, they came to the lake.

At a glance, the frogs croaked, the silver moon slanted westward, and occasionally small fish jumped from the lake, rippling with layers of ripples, sketching a charming picture of the lake at night.

However, unlike what Qin Lie expected, he did not see a giant python.

"Damn, where's the treasure!"

Although the scenery in front of him was beautiful, Abadi jumped into a rage in an instant, and took out his gun and aimed it at Qin Lie's head.

"Don't worry, the treasure is in this lake."

Qin Lie replied calmly.

"In the lake? Are you cheating!"

Abadi frowned and didn't believe Qin Lie's words.

"Please use your brain, Roberts has so many gold and silver treasures, if you don't hide them in the lake and put them outside, they will be found sooner."

Qin Lie replied angrily.

Hearing this, Abadi's doubts dissipated a little. After all, Qin Lie's words still make sense. If it were him, he would definitely hide the treasure in the most secret place so as not to be found. , while the bottom of the lake is undoubtedly a top-secret location.

"If you don't believe me, I'll dive into the bottom of the water and get you a box of gold."

Qin Lie said again.

Now that the python is not around, he was stillborn by relying on the python's plan to kill the pirates, so he had to find a chance to escape quickly, otherwise it would be dangerous when Abadi exhausted his patience.

"You wait for me on the shore. If you can't find the treasure, I will kill you."

The cunning Abadi was worried that Qin Lie would take the opportunity to escape, and instead of letting Qin Lie salvage the treasure, he sent two other pirates into the lake.


The two pirates had just submerged in the water for less than a minute, when a large number of bubbles suddenly appeared at the bottom of the lake, and the lake water also churned.

Seeing that something was wrong, Abadi hurriedly shouted the names of the two pirates, but got no response.

A few minutes later, the lake was calm again, and the two pirates had disappeared.

"What's the matter? Why are they missing!"

Abadi again pointed the gun at Qin Lie and questioned.

"Could it be that my feet were entangled by seaweeds? There are a lot of waterweeds at the bottom of this lake."

Qin Lie said nonsense.

Abadi didn't understand what was going on, but Qin Lie knew that it must have been the python that ate the two pirates in the lake.

This made him feel happy for a while.

Fortunately, it wasn't him who entered the water just now, otherwise he would have been reduced to food in the belly of a python.

"Fart, my brother's water is very good, how could he be entangled by water plants! Come on, what the hell is in the bottom of this water!"

Abadi shouted sharply.

Their pirate water is very good, and it is absolutely impossible for them to be entangled in water plants and drown.

To put it back 10,000, even if such a thing does happen, it is impossible for two people to drown at the same time.

Therefore, there must be something tricky he doesn't know about at the bottom of the water!

"You ask me who I ask, I didn't find anything when I was diving before."

Qin Lie replied innocently.

It's just that Abadi didn't believe him, and instead opened the insurance.

"I'll ask you one last time, what's under the water!"

Abadi's tone was cold, and his face was even more murderous.

As long as Qin Lie's answer doesn't satisfy him, he will definitely kill Qin Lie.

Qin Lie knew that there was no way he could fool Abadi any more, and his mind quickly turned, thinking about the countermeasures.

But after thinking about it, there is only one way to jump into the lake.

But there are obviously giant pythons in the lake. Once he enters the lake, he can't guarantee that he will be able to leave here alive.

Just when Qin Lie was making a difficult decision about whether to take the risk, a giant python suddenly appeared behind their team, and a pirate was swallowed by the giant python before he could react.

Seeing this terrifying scene, the pirate next to him exclaimed and immediately shot at the python.

Bang bang bang!

The bullet created the python, leaving several blood holes.

But the life force of the giant python was so strong that it didn't die at all.

Moreover, the injured python was even more terrifying. Its tail suddenly fell from the sky, and instantly smashed the pirate who shot it into flesh!

Looking at this behemoth in front of him, the other pirates were horrified.

Without any hesitation, everyone aimed their guns at the python.

bang bang bang...

The bullets fell on the python like raindrops. Although the python was strong, it still fell down after being shot hundreds of times.

At this time, Abadi couldn't care to question Qin Lie, and quickly ran to the python's body.

Looking at the giant python in front of him, Rao Shi, who has always been murderous, had a chill behind him.

"Damn, kill that Chinese!"

Abadi ordered loudly through gritted teeth.

He didn't understand why the pythons could grow so big, but he was sure that Qin Lie must have brought them here on purpose.

However, before the other pirates could kill Qin Lie, several giant pythons emerged from the darkness and mercilessly slaughtered the pirates in front of them!

For a time, gunshots were heard everywhere, and there were sorrows everywhere!

Taking advantage of the chaos, Qin Lie grabbed the pistol of a pirate next to him, bang bang bang, after killing the opponent three times in a row, he drew a dagger from the opponent, then turned and ran.

However, he ran out less than ten meters when a giant python suddenly jumped out of the lake and opened its bloody mouth at him.

Qin Lie rolled on the spot and pulled the trigger at the same time.

A series of five bullets were accurately shot into the python. Unfortunately, for the huge python, these shots were not fatal at all. On the contrary, Qin Lie's actions completely angered the python.

Right now, the bullets had been fired, Qin Lie didn't dare to fight against the giant python, and ran away.

However, the python seemed to recognize Qin Lie, and immediately launched a hunt for him.

Seeing that he had already run for a few hundred meters, the python still did not give up its pursuit. Qin Lie made a decisive decision, changed his direction, and got into the dense forest ahead.

He knew very well that in terms of stamina, he would not be able to fight against the giant python no matter what, and if he kept running like this, he would run out of energy before long, and then he would only die faster.

So judging from the current situation, if he wants to survive, he can only fight back!

Even if the hope of winning this battle is very slim, he has no choice!

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