Before the python rushes to him, Qin Lie suddenly tore a cloth strip from his clothes, and then wrapped the dagger tightly around his hand.

By the time he wrapped the dagger, the giant python had already roared.

Looking at the tiny human being who had hurt him in front of him, a cold light flashed in the giant python's eyes, and it bit down on Qin Lie again.

Qin Lie was calm and motionless.

When the python's head was only one meter away from Qin Lie, Qin Lie suddenly waved his right hand and stabbed the dagger at the python's eyes.

However, this beast is very smart, and he suddenly shrank his head to avoid Qin Lie's fatal blow.

At the same time, the python swung its tail towards Qin Lie.

Qin Lie's reaction was already quite quick, but he was still a little slower, and was swept to his waist by the tip of the python's tail.

At that moment, Qin Lie had no resistance at all, and was thrown out and hit a big tree.

The violent impact made Qin Lie's eyes dark, and he felt that his internal organs seemed to be displaced.

In order to survive, he bit the tip of his tongue.

Salty blood filled his mouth, Qin Lie regained consciousness.

At this time, the attack of the giant python has followed one after another.

Qin Lie didn't dare to resist the giant python's attack any longer, so he hurriedly rolled on the spot and escaped dangerously.

After getting up from the ground, Qin Lie quickly ran to the densely forested place, and the python was still in hot pursuit.

With more and more trees, the speed of the python is quickly limited, and the huge size has changed from an advantage to a disadvantage.

Even so, Qin Lie didn't dare to be careless.

After all, this giant python is like a mountain of meat. As long as he is shot by the giant python, he will be crushed to pieces.

Soon, Qin Lie came to a bush of thorns.

The sharp thorns cut through Qin Lie's skin, causing him to grin in pain, but Qin Lie not only did not leave, but went straight into it.

He is very clear that in such a place, the size advantage of the giant python will be further weakened, and only by virtue of the geographical advantage here can he fight back.

Just as Qin Lie had expected, the angry giant python ignored the thorns and chased after him.

Although the python's skin is thick and fleshy, these thorns can't cause any substantial damage to it, but those thorns continue to hook its scales, greatly slowing its speed.

Qin Lie didn't get any benefit either. He had been slashed with dozens of cuts all over his body, and the blood was dripping.

After a while, Qin Lie stopped running away.

At this time, there were thorns covered with thorns everywhere in front of him. The key point was that these thorns were taller than him. If he tried hard, he would have died of excessive bleeding before the giant python could eat him.

Qin Lie didn't run away, gritted his teeth, got behind the thorns in front, and stood there waiting for the giant python.

In just one minute, the giant python caught up.

Looking at the prey in front of him, the giant python bit down.

However, because of the thorns, it failed to bite Qin Lie, and instead bit the thorn in its mouth, causing it to writhe frantically.

Taking this opportunity, Qin Lie suddenly jumped out, stabbed the dagger into the python's body fiercely, and then slashed forward with all his strength.

Unprepared, a blood hole more than one meter long appeared on the python's body, and the blood gushed out like spring water.

Suffering from this serious injury, the giant python lost his mind and twisted frantically.

Qin Lie wanted to dodge, but his speed was still a bit slower than that of the python, and was knocked into the air by the python again.

This one was much more serious than the previous one, Qin Lie spat out a mouthful of blood before he landed!

Before Qin Lie could get up, the python's tail moved around Qin Lie.

Click click.

Qin Lie could feel the crackling of his bones, and his breathing became extremely difficult.

Qin Lie wanted to resist, but because his body was wrapped too tightly by the giant python, he couldn't move at all.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes.

Qin Lie's vision began to blur, and the endless darkness swallowed his will bit by bit.

Qin Lie couldn't hold it any longer, and his body gradually softened.

After feeling that the prey that was entangled in him did not move, the python released Qin Lie and swallowed his head with a big mouth.

Originally Qin Lie was on the verge of death, but the stench in the python's mouth was so pungent that Qin Lie, who fell into a coma, regained a trace of clarity.

"I can't die, I have to live!"

Qin Lie let out a silent roar in his heart, and then bit the tip of his tongue fiercely again. Taking advantage of his temporary recovery, Qin Lie used the last strength of his body to stab the dagger towards the python's head.

At this time, the python had already swallowed Qin Lie's head, and it couldn't dodge at all.

One, two, three...

In the blink of an eye, Qin Lie stabbed the python more than a dozen times in the head, and the struggling python fell to the ground with a thud, and his life finally came to an end.

Qin Lie struggled to climb out of the python's mouth, looking at the huge python corpse in front of him, Qin Lie suddenly grinned.

"Beast, you finally died in Lao Tzu's hands."

After saying this, Qin Lie, who had been holding on to the present with his steely will, couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down with a plop.


The next day, a stinging pain came, and Qin Lie suddenly opened his eyes.


Seeing Qin Lie get up, a group of crows that were still pecking at the body of the python quickly flew to the tree.

"Hahaha, I'm not dead, I'm not dead!"

When he found out that he was still alive, Qin Lie couldn't hold back the excitement in his heart any longer, and laughed loudly.

But this smile made Qin Lie gasp for another breath in pain.

Qin Lie hurriedly did a simple check for himself.

After a night's rest, the wounds on his body that were cut by the thorns had already scabbed over, but he was severely injured by the second blow by the giant python last night. damage.

This is also thanks to his martial arts practice since childhood, and his physical fitness is very good. If it were someone else, he would be dead.

"His grandma's, fortunately, I'm alive, or I'll die in the hands of you, a beast."

Qin Lie glanced at the huge python beside him and cursed bitterly.

Even if he had successfully killed the giant python, Qin Lie was still terrified when he recalled the situation last night.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had tied the dagger to his hand ahead of time, or he had brought the python to this thorn bush, or the stench in the python's mouth was so pungent that he woke up at the last moment, or a combination of factors Together, he is already dead!

After resting for a while, Qin Lie lit the fire with the zippo lighter and roasted the python meat.

After eating the python meat, Qin Lie's state recovered a little.

Considering that this place is not far from the Snake Valley, it is too dangerous to stay here, so Qin Lie left here after taking some snake meat.

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