Qin Lie knew in his heart that he could escape from the Snake Valley, and there must be some of Abadi's pirates who could escape alive, but there would never be too many survivors.

Therefore, he must join Lin Qiuzhu and the others as soon as possible, and then concentrate his superior forces to annihilate the remaining pirates in one fell swoop, and then seize the pirate ship and stay away from this place of right and wrong.

After returning to the river, Qin Lie washed the blood off his body.

At this time, the clothes on his body were turned into strips of thorns, ragged, and covered in blood, looking worse than a beggar.

But Qin Lie didn't care. After all, he didn't need an image on this island, and life was more important than anything else.

After getting some poppy juice to stop the pain, Qin Lie set off again.

Just as Qin Lie was about to arrive at the cannibal tribe, a dog bark suddenly sounded in his ear.

Qin Lie thought it was miscellaneous hair, but when he looked up, it turned out to be a German Shepherd!

This made Qin Lie stunned for a moment.

After all, such a breed should not exist on this island.

And when Qin Lie was stunned, the German Shepherd had already rushed up, biting Qin Lie for a while.

Qin Lie didn't sit still and immediately drew out his dagger to fight back.

This German Shepherd was obviously well-trained, and even escaped Qin Lie's attacks many times, but it also failed to hurt Qin Lie.

Just when Qin Lie was thinking about how to kill the German Shepherd, a gunshot rang in Qin Lie's ear, followed by a whistle.

Hearing the whistle, the German Shepherd immediately gave up attacking Qin Lie, turned and ran away.

Qin Lie looked up and saw two men in camouflage uniforms in front of him.

"Throw the knife on the ground."

One of the men in camouflage pointed a gun at Qin Lie while shouting in English.

Qin Lie didn't dare to resist, and threw the dagger on the ground.

The man in camouflage came over, picked up the knife and put it in his pocket, then pointed the gun to the front and said, "Go forward."

If it was just one person, Qin Lie might still be able to give it a shot, but the key is now that there are two people on the other side, both pointing guns at him, plus the German shepherd, Qin Lie's resistance is courting death.

There was no way, Qin Lie could only go forward according to the request of the other party.

Driven by the men in camouflage clothes, Qin Lie and the others came to the cannibal tribe.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Qin Lie felt a turbulent wave in his heart.

At this time, there are corpses in front of him, blood flowing into rivers, like Shura hell!

Rao Shi Qin Lie was used to seeing life and death, but he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

In addition to cannibal young adults, there are also old people and children on the ground, but without exception, all of them died, and everyone had at least three bullet holes in their bodies.


This is a total massacre!

Even though Qin Lie didn't have any good feelings for the cannibals, he couldn't help but feel a trace of sympathy in his heart when he saw the entire cannibals being exterminated.

Led by the man in camouflage, Qin Lie came to the center of the cannibal tribe.

Here, a middle-aged man in his thirties was sitting on a slate smoking a cigar, as if the corpses around him had nothing to do with him.

The man in camouflage who brought Qin Lie over walked over to the middle-aged man and gave a respectful salute, and then said in English, "Colonel, we found this man on the outside, what should I do?"

The man known as the colonel did not rush to ignore Qin Lie, but continued to smoke his cigar.

After he finished smoking the cigar, he slowly got up and looked at Qin Lie.

"What's your name and why are you on this island?"

The colonel looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"Sorry, I don't speak English."

Qin Lie smiled shyly.

After he came in, he roughly counted. There are at least twenty men in camouflage uniforms. From the aura and equipment of these people, it is enough to see that these people should be professional soldiers.

If this group of people met on the beach, Qin Lie would definitely regard them as rescuers, but in fact, this group of people actually slaughtered the entire cannibal tribe with cruel methods. Simply outrageous!

This is enough to prove that they are definitely not rescuers, otherwise they would never be so inhumane.

"Huaxia people?"

After hearing Qin Lie's words, the colonel's brows could not help but twitch.


Qin Lie nodded immediately.

"Go and call Li over."

The colonel waved at the person beside him.


The man responded and left immediately.

Meanwhile, a man in camouflage came over with a surviving cannibal woman and child.

Seeing the colonel, the cannibal woman shivered as if she saw a demon.

However, the colonel had a warm smile on his face, took out a gold bracelet from his pocket and shook it in front of the woman.

"Do you know where this thing is?"

The colonel looked at the woman and asked, but he spoke English, and the cannibal woman couldn't understand it at all, just shook her head.

"Don't you know where there is gold?"

The colonel continued to ask a little reluctantly.

The woman is still just shaking her head.

"Oh, what a waste of my time."

The colonel sighed, took out his gun, and shot the woman and child to death on the spot.

Blood spattered on the Colonel's face, and a look of disgust appeared on the Colonel's face.

Then he took out a white handkerchief from his pocket, wiped the blood on his face, glanced at the blood-stained handkerchief, and the colonel threw it on the woman's body with disgust.

After watching the whole process, Qin Lie felt a chill down his spine.

This colonel is well-dressed and his hair is well combed. He looks very gentlemanly, but his methods of doing things can be called inhumane!

To him, killing people seems as common as eating and drinking, which is even more than those pirates who kill like numb!

"Drag these corpses aside, it's too emotional."

The colonel waved at the person next to him, who quickly dragged the two corpses aside.

At this moment, the man who left first came back, and there was another person beside him. From the complexion of the other party, it was not difficult to see that this person should be of Chinese descent.

After coming to the colonel's side, the two saluted at the same time.

"Tell me about his situation."

The colonel pointed to Qin Lie.

The Chinese man nodded, then walked over to Qin Lie and asked about his situation.

Qin Lie has seen the cold-blooded ferocity of this group of people with his own eyes. He did not fool these people like Abadi, and directly stated that he was a survivor of the air crash.

After he didn't know much about Qin Lie's situation, the Chinese man turned around and reported to the colonel.

After learning that Qin Lie was of no use to him, the colonel waved his hand and said, "Kill it."


The Chinese man took the order and prepared to shoot Qin Lie with a gun.

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