Seeing that these people regarded human life as a must, Qin Lie's heart was also tense, and he quickly raised his hand and shouted, "Don't kill me, I have something very important to discuss with the colonel."

"What else do you have to say?"

The Chinese man asked lightly, not putting down the gun in his hand.

"You came to this island to find treasure, right?"

Qin Lie looked at the Chinese man and asked.

"how do you know?"

Hearing Qin Lie's words, the Chinese man couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face.

"Because I just met a group of people who also came to find treasure."

Qin Lie replied.

"Where are they?"

The Chinese man asked immediately.

"They have found the treasure and are leaving."

Qin Lie replied.

"Is what you said true?"

The Chinese man's face changed.


Qin Lie nodded.

Hearing this, the Chinese man immediately informed the Colonel of the news.

After listening to the report of the Asian man, the colonel turned his attention to Qin Lie again.

"You say someone has found the treasure?"

The colonel looked at Qin Lie and asked.


"When did this happen?"

"Last night, I was injured by those people."

"It's impossible, the road has been completely blocked by us, and no one can leave with the treasure under my nose."

The colonel said coldly.

Hearing this, Qin Lie's heart suddenly froze.

From the Colonel's tone, it is not difficult to hear that he seems to know that this road is the only way to the treasure.

After sorting out his thoughts, Qin Lie said, "I take the liberty to ask, do you know where the treasure is?"

"Of course, the treasure map is in my hands, but I haven't reached the final location yet."

The colonel returned.

"That...can you show me your treasure map?"

Qin Lie hesitated for a moment and then asked.

"It turns out that you were playing with my treasure map. It's ridiculous that you actually tried to deceive me with such a clumsy scheme."

The colonel looked at Qin Lie sarcastically, as if he knew everything.

"I didn't pay attention to your treasure map, I just wanted to make sure that your treasure map is real."

Qin Lie quickly clarified.

He had just seen the brutality of this colonel. If the other party misunderstood his ulterior motives, this person would definitely kill him immediately.

After listening to the Asian man's translation, the Colonel's eyebrows also flashed a trace of doubt.

But thinking that it was all his own people, Qin Lie handed the treasure map he owned to Qin Lie after Qin Lie could not escape, and gave his subordinates a look at the same time.

As long as Qin Lie moves slightly, his men will kill Qin Lie on the spot!

Qin Lie opened the map and looked at it, his pupils shrank suddenly.

He never imagined that the Colonel's map turned out to be real, and even the material was exactly the same as the one he owned!

"Damn, what the hell is this Roberts doing?"

Qin Lie cursed inwardly.

Originally, he thought that there was only one real picture in this world and all the others were fake, but now it seems that there should be more than one real picture and one fake picture.

Qin Lie really wondered why Roberts did this.

However, Roberts has been dead for three hundred years, and it is estimated that no one has answered this question in his life.

After a while, Qin Lie looked up at the colonel.

"Colonel, your picture is fake. You can't find the treasure by following the route on it."

Qin Lie looked up at the Colonel and said solemnly.

"Do you think you can fool me with that little trick of yours?"

The colonel sneered, not believing Qin Lie's words.

"Colonel, otherwise, I will take you to see the treasures with your own eyes. If you don't see the treasures, you can kill me directly."

Qin Lie said confidently.

He could see clearly that this group of people not only carried high-tech equipment such as metal detectors, but also two well-trained hounds. Once they got to the waterfall, even if they couldn't decipher the last graphic, there was still a big problem. It is possible to find the treasure hole with the instruments in hand and the hound.

And with the ruthlessness of these people, Lin Qiuzhu and the others will surely die at that time!

Therefore, Qin Lie had to convince the colonel that the map in his hand was fake. Only in this way could Lin Qiuzhu and the others be safe.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, the colonel's brows furrowed tightly.

This treasure map was obtained from an old professor through hard work. He didn't believe it was fake, but Qin Lie didn't seem to be lying, which made him ponder.

After a moment, the colonel had a decision.

"I believe you for the time being. If you don't see the treasure later, I will make you regret being born in this world!"

The colonel looked at Qin Lie coldly.

If Qin Lie dares to deceive him, he has 10,000 ways to torture Qin Lie to death!

"Don't worry, I won't make fun of my life."

Qin Lie replied with a serious look.

He has already thought about it, and will take this group to find the gold and silver treasures that he and Ye Yuqing found in the cave. Although the treasures are not many, they are enough to gain the colonel's trust.

After that, the colonel let his subordinates set the cannibal tribe on fire, came to destroy the corpse, and then let Qin Lie lead the way.

Along the way, Qin Lie kept chatting with the Asian and inquiring about these people's information.

Through chat, Qin Lie also got some understanding of this group of people.

According to what the Asian man Li Gang said, they belonged to the Blood Fang mercenary group, and this time they landed on the island to find Roberts' treasure.

After learning that these people were the Blood Fang mercenary group, Qin Lie immediately understood why these people were so brutal to the point of heinous.

According to the information he had seen on the dark web before, the Bloodfang Mercenary Group was notorious in the mercenary world.

Other mercenary groups at least have their own principles of doing things, but this mercenary group has no bottom line.

The Blood Fang mercenary group can be said to have committed all kinds of crimes, and the atrocities they have committed are already too numerous to list!

However, the blood teeth mercenary group is extremely powerful. All members of the group are retired elites from the special forces, and everyone is equipped with the most advanced weapons and equipment in the world.

Therefore, although the number of Blood Fang mercenary group has been maintained at around 30 people, their combat effectiveness is comparable to that of a regular army of 100 people, and basically no one dares to provoke them.

"Damn, I really have a bad fate."

When it was time to rest, Qin Lie couldn't help but cursed inwardly.

You must know that he managed to get rid of Abadi's group of pirates, but in a blink of an eye he fell into the hands of the Blood Fang mercenary group again. This is undoubtedly because he had just escaped from the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again, so that he doubted himself. It's not that all the luck in finding the treasure has run out, or why has he been so unlucky these two days.

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