Qin Lie has always been very cautious during the journey, always guarding against possible sneak attacks.

After all, there was a mercenary who escaped before, and it is very likely that he will hide his black gun somewhere.

However, the journey went very smoothly, and he never encountered the mercenary again.

Soon Qin Lie came to the cave.

He first hid in the bushes and looked in the direction of the cave. He estimated that the mercenary might have lost his way in the woods, so he hadn't come back.

This is undoubtedly good news for Qin Lie.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie ran towards the hole in a panic.

Seeing someone approaching, the five mercenaries who stayed behind in the underground cave immediately became vigilant and pointed their guns at Qin Lie.

"Don't shoot, it's me."

Qin Lie immediately raised his hand to show his identity. After recognizing that it was Qin Lie who had followed them before, the mercenaries put their guns down.

"Why are you alone, and the others?"

One of the Chinese mercenaries looked at Qin Lie and asked.

"We were ambushed by pirates, and the colonel asked me to come back and ask you to support them immediately."

Qin Lie said anxiously.

Hearing this, the expressions of several mercenaries suddenly changed.

"Quick, take us there!"

The Chinese mercenaries immediately urged that they had no idea that this was a lie fabricated by Qin Lie.

"it is good."

Qin Lie replied, and at the moment when these people relaxed their vigilance, he took out the already loaded pistol.

The gunshots sounded, and several mercenaries did not react at all and became the souls of Qin Lie's guns.

The eyes of every dead mercenary were wide open, and there were still puzzled and stunned expressions on their faces.

Even when they died, they never thought that they would die in the hands of a nameless person like Qin Lie, and they died so aggrieved!

Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he had successfully killed these people.

Although sneak attack is despicable, Qin Lie will not talk about martial arts to these inhuman beasts.

Besides, if it was an honest fight, Qin Lie really wasn't sure about killing these five people.

At this time, those gold and silver treasures were still lying on the grass. Unfortunately, these people had no life to think about using them.

In order to prevent these corpses from stinking here, Qin Lie made a special effort to burn these corpses to ashes.

After the fire was out, Qin Lie set off again.

He wants to go to Lin Qiuzhu and others to meet as soon as possible, and then find a way to capture the ship that the Bloodfang mercenary was on.


After walking for about twenty minutes, Qin Lie suddenly stopped and drew his pistol.

After continuing to walk a few steps forward, Qin Lie came to a corpse.

It is not difficult to see from the other party's clothes that he is the mercenary who escaped before!

But at this time, this person's head has been smashed to pieces, and the one who died is a miserable one!

Qin Lie touched the corpse, which was still warm, apparently not long ago.

Although he didn't know who killed this person, Qin Lie still had a little bit of vigilance in his heart, and he became more careful in the process of moving forward.

When the next day was close to sunset, Qin Lie arrived at the treasure trove safely.

Seeing Qin Lie, Ye Yuqing and others who had been waiting for a long time rushed over and surrounded him.

"Brother Qin, are you injured, is it serious?"

Looking at Qin Lie in blood, Chen Xiaoyu was about to cry again.

"A little injury, it's fine."

Qin Lie replied casually.

When the two were talking, Misty also came up, but when they walked, they limped.

"What's wrong with the hairy legs?"

Qin Lie asked immediately.

"We went hunting the day before yesterday, and Misty accidentally rolled down the hillside while chasing a hare and broke his leg."

Ye Yuqing explained.

"This thing is really capable."

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help but smile.

He hurriedly checked the miscellaneous hair, and he was relieved after confirming that no bones were injured.

"By the way, Qin Lie, what about those pirates? Have you dealt with them all?"

Lin Qiuzhu changed the topic, this is the issue they are most concerned about at the moment.

"Don't worry, the pirates are all dead."

Qin Lie continued.


Upon hearing this, Su Xiaoxiao and the others showed a smile on their faces.

"In that case, can we leave this deserted island?"

Lin Qiuzhu then asked.

"Not yet, the pirate ship was blown up."

Qin Lie shook his head and said.

"Ah, then don't we want to continue living on this island?"

Su Xiaoxiao said with disappointment.

"Don't worry, wait for me to finish my sentence." Qin Lie smiled, took a few sips of water to moisten his throat, and then continued, "The pirate ship has been bombed, it must not be used, but we can Grab the mercenary's own ship."

"A mercenary ship? There are mercenaries on this island?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked blankly.

Qin Lie then remembered that Lin Qiuzhu and the others didn't know about the mercenaries, so he quickly told Lin Qiuzhu and the others what had happened in the past few days in concise language.

What Qin Lie said was light and light, but Lin Qiuzhu and the others were thrilled.

They know very well that this is why Qin Lie has the courage to count the pirates and mercenaries. If it were them, they would not know what else to do except wait for death.

"I don't know the exact location of the pirate ship, but I guess it should be on the coast south of the cannibal tribe. It shouldn't be difficult to find it as long as it goes past."

Qin Lie continued.

"I'm familiar with the coast over there, and I can take you there."

Christina said immediately.

They lived on the beach over there for a long time before. If they didn't meet cannibals in order to find more living materials, they might have lived there forever.

"Okay, then everyone have a good night's rest tonight, and we'll set off tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie quickly made a decision.

That night, Chen Xiaoyu made as many dishes as possible with the food in his hand to celebrate Qin Lie's safe return.

The only pity is that there is no wine, otherwise everyone will definitely have more fun.


The night passed quickly.

The next day, after breakfast, Qin Lie set off with Ye Yuqing and others.

As for those gold and silver treasures that were still placed in the cave, they did not take them. After all, this thing is a burden to carry, and it is of no use on this island.

After walking for a day and a half, Qin Lie and the others finally came to the southern seaside of the island.

The coastline here is much longer than the two coastlines where Qin Lie and the others lived before, and the waters are open, making it more suitable for landing.

"Ship, there's a ship there!"

Su Xiaoxiao suddenly pointed to the front and shouted.

"Be quiet."

Qin Lie quickly stopped Su Xiaoxiao, he was not blind, of course he also saw the big ship in the deep water area.

"That ship should be the ship of the mercenary, right?"

Lin Qiuzhu guessed.

"Definitely yes."

Qin Lie nodded.

This is not one of those bustling ports, and it is impossible for ships to appear at ordinary times, so it goes without saying that that ship is definitely a ship driven by mercenaries.

Without further delay, Qin Lie quickly recounted his plan.

After everyone remembered their respective tasks, they returned to the forest and waited patiently.

Time passed, it finally got dark, and Qin Lie's plan to capture the ship officially started!

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