With the help of darkness, Qin Lie and Logan began to swim towards the boat.

You know, there are sharks in this sea, and swimming at night is even more dangerous.

But in order to successfully capture the ship, Qin Lie and the others had to take this risk.

Fortunately, the distance from the seaside to the boat was only about 150 meters. At Qin Lie's speed, they could board the boat in less than ten minutes.

Eight minutes later, Qin Lie and Logan came to the side of the ship without any risk.

As agreed, Qin Lie took pictures of the lighter.

Seeing the fire, Ye Yuqing, Christina, and Lilith came out of the woods, lit a fire on the beach, and shouted at the boat at the same time.

As Qin Lie expected, the shouting quickly attracted the attention of the mercenaries on the pirate ship.

When they found that three girls suddenly appeared on the beach, several mercenaries couldn't help but feel curious.

Because according to what they know, this island is an uninhabited island, and there should be no talent on the island at all.

In order to find out what was going on, two of the pirates drove a motorboat ashore, so that there were only three mercenaries left on board, and all attention was focused on the three Christinas on the shore. No one found Qin Lie and Logan in the sea.

After the motorboat reached the shore, Qin Lie and Logan climbed onto the boat from the stern.

After the two looked at each other, they walked towards the bow of the boat at the same time.

Soon, they came to the deck, and the three mercenaries were lying on the side rail of the ship talking and laughing about the three of Christina, full of foul language.


Qin Lie greeted the three mercenaries.

Hearing the voice, the three suddenly turned their heads.

When they saw a stranger actually board their boat, the three started drawing guns at about the same time.

However, Qin Lie didn't give them this chance and pulled the trigger directly.

However, to his surprise, his gun actually jammed!

Seeing that Qin Lie was about to be killed, Logan appeared in time.

Da da da.

A shuttle of bullets shot out, and the three mercenaries instantly bleed on the spot!


Qin Lie quickly thanked Logan.

If it wasn't for Logan this time, he would probably have been more fortunate.

"you are welcome."

Logan smiled back.

On the shore, two mercenaries were asking Christina for their personal information when they heard gunshots and immediately turned their heads to the ship.

At the same time, the three of Christina immediately ran aside as agreed.

In the forest, Lin Qiuzhu and Ye Yuqing, who had been in ambush for a long time, rushed out with an ak47 and shot at the two mercenaries.

bang bang bang...

The sound of gunshots flew out like raindrops. Although the two of them were not very good at shooting, the two mercenaries died on the spot because they were too close.

On the boat, although according to what Li Gang said, only five people stayed on the boat, but out of prudence, Qin Lie and the two searched the boat, only to confirm that there was no one else on the boat.

After making sure the ship was safe, Qin Lie kept Logan on board while he swam back to shore.

"Good job."

Looking at the bodies of the two mercenaries, Qin Lie praised Lin Qiuzhu without hesitation.

"Hey, this is because you planned it properly, we just execute it according to what you said."

Lin Qiuzhu smiled and said very modestly.

She knew very well that if they fought recklessly, they would definitely not be able to kill these two experienced mercenaries, but they were a sneak attack this time, and success was a matter of course.

"Come on, I'll take you to the boat and enjoy it."

Qin Lie said to everyone.

They have seen it just now, the ship of the Bloodfang Mercenary Group is much higher-end than the pirate ship, and the various supporting facilities are very complete. It is like a miniature luxury cruise ship.

"Get on board."

Su Xiaoxiao cheered, and was the first to board the motorboat, and this guy quickly followed.

Because the motorboat is relatively small, it can only seat five people at a time, so Qin Lie first put Su Xiaoxiao and others on the big boat.

Just when Qin Lie was about to return to pick up Lin Qiuzhu and the others, a gunshot suddenly came from the shore!

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden commotion on the shore.

With the help of the not-so-bright firelight, Qin Lie could vaguely see that someone had kidnapped Lin Qiuzhu!

"You wait here, I'll save people!"

Qin Lie doesn't know who it is that suddenly appeared, but Lin Qiuzhu, Ye Yuqing and others are still on the shore, he must not wait for help!

"Qin Lie, I'll go with you."

Logan said and jumped directly onto the motorboat.

Chen Xiaoyu also wanted to follow, but Qin Lie refused. He immediately got on the motorboat and returned to the shore.

At this time, Lin Qiuzhu, Ye Yuqing and others who were still on the shore were all held hostage by the stranger who suddenly appeared.

"Who are you and why are you holding my friend hostage?"

Qin Lie looked at the unidentified man in front of him and asked.

This man has disheveled hair, ragged clothes, and is very thin, almost skinny, and his face is even darker. He looks more like a beggar than a beggar.

"Qin Lie, I didn't expect you to forget me so soon? You are such a noble person and forget things."

The stranger said with a sneer.

Hearing this familiar voice, Qin Lie's expression changed suddenly.

"Zhao Yuming, it's you!"

Qin Lie did not expect that the person who suddenly appeared was Zhao Yuming!

When he was besieging Du Mazi before, Zhao Yuming and Zhou Ming were lucky enough to escape. He never saw them again. He originally thought that these two wastes had already died in the forest, but he never thought that he was still alive, let alone He would appear in front of him in this way.

Just looking at Zhao Yuming's appearance, it is obvious that he is not nourished, and his body and appearance have changed a lot, otherwise Qin Lie would not have not recognized him.

"That's right, it's me, what's up, I didn't expect that I'm still alive."

Zhao Yuming asked with a grin.

"Put the gun down, let them go, and I can spare your life."

Qin Lie looked at Zhao Yuming and said.

"Hahahaha, are you fucking kidding me? Can't you see Lao Tzu who is in control now!"

Zhao Yuming laughed recklessly.

"What do you want?"

Qin Lie asked with squinted eyes.

Now, the lives of Lin Qiuzhu and others are in Zhao Yuming's hands, and the situation is indeed very unfavorable for him.

"You two throw the guns at me first, and I will naturally tell you what I want to do."

Zhao Yuming said coldly.

"This is impossible."

Qin Lie refused on the spot.

If he threw away the gun, it would really become fish on the chopping board, and Zhao Yuming would slaughter it.

"I'll say it one last time, throw the gun away, or I can kill someone!"

Zhao Yuming threatened Qin Lie with a cold tone, and at the same time pushed the muzzle of the gun on Lin Qiuzhu's head.

At this moment, he only needs to press the trigger lightly, and Lin Qiuzhu will instantly disappear!

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