Killing intent lingered in Qin Lie's eyes, he really wanted to shoot Zhao Yuming down.

But because of the distance between Zhao Yuming and Zhao Yuming taking Lin Qiuzhu and others as hostages, he really couldn't act rashly, otherwise Lin Qiuzhu and the others would be in danger.

After looking at Logan, the two finally dropped the gun on the ground.

"Kick the gun on my side."

Zhao Yuming continued.

Qin Lie did the same again.

Seeing that Qin Lie and the two lost their guns, Zhao Yuming finally showed a smug look on his face.

"Qin Lie, do you know how I've been living these days? I eat carrion, tree bark, grass roots, and I'm fucking living like a ghost, and all of this is because of you. bestow!"

"I have been so desperate that I wanted to commit suicide several times, but every time I come to this time, I will tell myself that I must live, because only by living can I have the chance to seek revenge from you!"

"Fortunately, God still has long eyes. He finally gave me a chance. Today, I will repay the sins I have suffered and suffered on you!"

Zhao Yuming looked at Qin Lie with a twisted face and shouted.

As a sensual playboy, he is good at eating, drinking, prostituting and gambling, but his experience in wild life is almost zero.

Before in Dumazina, although he grovelled and lived like a dog every day, he could at least get a bite to eat, but when he escaped into the forest, he only felt that the whole world had abandoned him.

In order to survive, he could only pick up wild fruits, eat tree bark, eat grass roots, and even some rotten meat left by other animals, and he barely survived.

From Zhao Yuming's point of view, it was Qin Lie's responsibility for him to be reduced to this point. His hatred for Qin Lie had already continued like a surging river.

Today, Qin Lie fell into his hands, he wants to torture Qin Lie well, he wants Qin Lie to experience the feeling that life is worse than death!

"Zhao Yuming, can you fucking ask your face, you are completely to blame for yourself today, what does it have to do with Lao Tzu!"

Qin Lie retorted coldly.

He had given Zhao Yuming a lot of opportunities before, but Zhao Yuming had to die, and it would be fine if he saw death. He even wanted to rape Su Xiaoxiao, and even partnered with Yang Gang to betray him. This kind of person can be said to be worthless!

He just hated that he couldn't solve this waste earlier, otherwise the situation today would not have happened.

"Zhao Yuming, don't be obsessed, let Qiuzhu go, I guarantee Qin Lie will not hurt you in the slightest, and I can bring you back home safely."

Ye Yuqing persuaded Zhao Yuming earnestly.

Too many people had died during this time on the desert island, and she really didn't want to see bloodshed again.

"You fucking act like a three-year-old child? Will I believe your nonsense?"

Zhao Yuming replied sarcastically.

He didn't believe Ye Yuqing at all, or he no longer believed anyone at this time.

"I didn't lie to you, we can really take you back to China."

Ye Yuqing persuaded again.

"Shut up, I'll tell you clearly, none of you want to leave this island, you all have to die!"

Zhao Yuming revealed his murderous intent.

He never realized his mistakes, but instead blamed Qin Lie and others for all the faults. In his opinion, everyone here is sorry for him, so he wants to kill everyone to vent his heart. hate!

"Zhao Yuming, whatever you want, just come at me, don't hurt innocent people."

Qin Lie looked at Zhao Yuming, who was mentally distorted, and shouted that he was almost obsessed. He was really afraid that Zhao Yuming would kill Lin Qiuzhu and others.

"Hey, I just like to hurt innocent people, what's the matter, what can you do to me!"

Zhao Yuming gave a gloomy smile and replied with a proud face.

"It seems that you really don't want to live anymore."

Qin Lie's eyes narrowed, and Zhao Yuming was sentenced to death in his heart.

"Don't fucking scare Lao Tzu, now Lao Tzu is the master, I will kill whoever I want!"

Zhao Yuming replied confidently.

"Qin Lie, leave me alone, kill him quickly!"

Lin Qiuzhu, who was being held hostage, shouted loudly that she did not want to put the lives of Qin Lie and others at risk because of herself.

"Bitch, shut up!"

Zhao Yuming gave a loud shout, and at the same time smashed the butt of the gun on Lin Qiuzhu's head.

"Zhao Yuming, I fought with you!"

Lin Qiuzhu did not compromise because of this, but struggled desperately.


At this moment, the gunshot sounded, and the bullet penetrated Lin Qiuzhu's thigh.

"Bitch, if you dare to move again, I'll blow your head right away!"

After intimidating Lin Qiuzhu, Zhao Yuming turned his attention to Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, now you let that nigger beat you so hard, you are not allowed to resist."

Zhao Yuming then ordered.

Qin Lie didn't do it, just looked at Zhao Yuming coldly.

"I'll give you one last minute to think about it, and if that nigger hasn't beat you up, I'll kill this bitch first."

Zhao Yuming continued to threaten Qin Lie.

Qin Lie knew that Zhao Yuming was crazy at this time and could do absolutely anything.

In order to save Lin Qiuzhu, he could only instruct Logan to beat himself.

Logan was reluctant to do it, but at this time he had no choice but to punch Qin Lie on the body, "Damn, nigga, have you not eaten, hit me hard, no more blood will be seen? I'll kill you!"

Seeing that Logan didn't strike hard at all, Zhao Yuming roared again.

"Sorry bro."

Logan apologized to Qin Lie, which only increased the strength.

One punch after another landed on Qin Lie's head, and Qin Lie's mouth was soon bleeding.

"Very good, that's it, hit me hard!"

Seeing Qin Lie being beaten, a morbid smile appeared on Zhao Yuming's face.

For him, the harder Qin Lie was beaten, the happier he was.

"Okay, stop!"

Five minutes later, after Qin Lie was punched to the ground, Zhao Yuming stopped Logan.

"Nigger, now use this knife to cut off Qin Lie's flesh piece by piece, and distribute it to all of them, I want Qin Lie to watch him be eaten by you!"

Zhao Yuming said with a grim smile.

He hated Qin Lie for a long time. For him, it was too cheap to kill Qin Lie. He wanted to torture Qin Lie a little bit, making Qin Lie's life worse than death!

In his opinion, Ling Chi's torture is definitely the most suitable to torture Qin Lie.

When he thought that Qin Lie was going to be slashed by a thousand knives and his meat was eaten, Zhao Yuming was as excited as if he had been beaten with blood.


This time, Logan refused directly.


Zhao Yuming raised his gun and shot directly on the sand in front of Logan.

"Don't talk nonsense to Lao Tzu, if you dare to be disobedient, Lao Tzu will kill you first!"

Zhao Yuming sternly threatened.

"Logan, do as he says."

Qin Lie immediately stopped Logan and gave him a wink without a trace.

He knew very well that the lives of Lin Qiuzhu and the others were now in Zhao Yuming's hands, and they had to agree to all of Zhao Yuming's demands. Only in this way could they give Zhao Yuming a fatal blow when he relaxed his vigilance!

Logan understood what Qin Lie meant, but he still couldn't do it.

"Hurry up!"

Qin Lie shouted and ordered Logan directly, but Logan still couldn't bear to do it.

"Damn, it seems that you have to let me kill you before you do it, right?"

After waiting impatiently, Zhao Yuming scolded and prepared to kill Lin Qiuzhu.

"Don't shoot, he won't do it, I'll do it myself!"

Qin Lie quickly stopped Zhao Yuming, and then snatched the dagger from Logan's hand.

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