Qin Lie didn't drive too fast because he hadn't driven a boat for a long time, and his speed was basically kept at about fifteen knots, which is about twenty-eight kilometers per hour when converted into kilometers.

In this way, after driving for more than four hours and nearly 120 kilometers, Qin Lie and the others drove out of the strong magnetic field area. Only at this time did the malfunctioning navigator, radar, radio and other instruments finally return to normal.

At the same time, Qin Lie took out a satellite phone they found in the cabin.

"Which one of you made the first call?"

Qin Lie looked at everyone in the cabin and asked.

Before that, they suffered an air crash and fell to a deserted island, and they were isolated from the world for more than two months.

But now, they were lucky enough to escape from the deserted island, and it's time to report safety to their family.

It's just that Qin Lie has no relatives, so he doesn't need to call anymore.

"Let me come first, there are too many gold and silver treasures on our ship, we must ask my father to clear the relationship for us in advance, otherwise, no matter which country we go to, we will be detained by customs. Once we find the Roberts treasure, the news leaks out, Don't talk about those ordinary people, even the officials are likely to snatch them."

Christina spoke up.

"Okay, then you can call first."

Qin Lie is very clear that Christina's words are very reasonable, after all, the value of these treasures is too great to arouse anyone's greed.

Taking the satellite phone, Christina made a personal call to her father, Prince of Wales.

Because of the jet lag, Wells was still sleeping at this time, and the phone was connected after six beeps.

"Hello, who is it?"

On the other end of the phone, Wells' slightly lazy voice came.

"Dad, it's me, Tina."

Christina suppressed the excitement in her heart.

Hearing this, Wells, who was still a little confused, instantly woke up.

"Tina? Is it really you? Are you still alive?"

Although Wells had heard Christina's voice, he was still worried that it was a prank.

"It's my dad, I'm still alive."

Christina replied.

"Great! My daughter is alive, thank God!"

After getting a positive reply, Wells burst into tears instantly.

Since learning that his daughter's flight has crashed, Wells has been unable to sleep or eat, and has been immersed in grief almost every day.

Q. Right now, his daughter, who he thought was believed to be dead, was still alive, which made him no longer know how to describe his inner excitement.

"By the way, daughter, where are you now? I'll pick you up immediately."

Wells hurriedly asked, he couldn't wait to see his daughter.

"We are now on the high seas of the Pacific Ocean, and I don't know the exact location, but we are going to Papua New Guinea. I hope you, Dad, can help me contact the government officials over there to meet us."

Christina replied.

According to the radar map, Papua New Guinea is the closest island country to them, and because Guinea used to be a British colony, until now, the British royal family still has many privileges and connections here.

If her father could help them get in touch with the local officials' asylum, then their safety would be basically guaranteed.

"Okay, leave this to me. You must protect yourself. I'll take a plane to New Guinea right away."

Wells agreed without a second thought. To him, this trivial matter was nothing more than a phone call.

"Okay, then I'll hang up first, and my friends will also call home to be safe."

After speaking to Wells, Christina hung up the phone.

"Which one of you fights second?"

Christina glanced at everyone around her.

"Let me do it."

Lin Qiuzhu stepped forward, she couldn't wait to talk to her family at this time.


Christina said and handed the satellite phone to Lin Qiuzhu.

Lin Qiuzhu quickly called his father's Lin Zheng.

Thousands of miles away, Longcheng, the imperial capital of China, is the most upscale Palm Springs villa area.

This is Lin Qiuzhu's home.

"Azheng, please take a bite, how can you do it if you don't eat."

In the luxuriously decorated restaurant, the old housekeeper Wang An couldn't help but persuaded Lin Zheng again.

"I don't eat, I have no appetite."

Lin Zheng, who was in a daze looking at the photo of his daughter on the phone, waved his hand.

Ever since he learned the bad news of his daughter's plane crash, his whole body has almost collapsed, and he has no time to deal with the company's affairs, and his wife Chen Yu washes her face with tears every day, and finally she can't get sick!

Right now, nearly three months have passed since the plane crash, but Lin Zheng still hasn't recovered from the pain of losing his daughter. It's better when he numbs himself with work during the day, but at night, he can't help but think of it. My baby girl, my heart hurts like a knife!

"Azheng, I can understand your feelings, but you are the head of the family, you must cheer up! I believe that if Qiuzhu is alive in the sky, I don't want to see you so decadent."

Wang An persuaded again.

He has been the housekeeper of the Lin family for 40 years, and Lin Zheng grew up watching him, so he was able to speak to Lin Zheng like an elder.

"Uncle An, Qiuzhu is no longer here. What do you mean when you say I'm alive?"

Lin Zheng raised his head and smiled sadly.

Lin Qiuzhu is his only daughter, who is regarded as life by him, but now his own daughter has left him, which makes him heartbroken.

"Azheng, don't say that, people live not only for themselves, don't forget, you still have Chen Yu, she still needs you to take care of her."

Wang An hurriedly persuaded him that he didn't want Lin Zheng to lose his mind for a while and then go to a dead end.

Before Lin Zheng could speak again, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Seeing that the caller ID was a string of unfamiliar numbers, Lin Zheng hung up without thinking.

Seeing this, Lin Qiuzhu could only call again, but Lin Zheng hung up again, and the call was not connected until the third time.

"Fuck me, don't blame me for being rude if you bother me again!"

Lin Zheng, who mistook it for a harassing call, roared angrily.

"Dad, it's me, Qiuzhu."

Lin Qiuzhu hurriedly reported his home.

Originally, Lin Zhengdu had already planned to hang up the phone. Hearing Lin Qiuzhu's voice, he instantly stiffened in place, as if he had been caught in a body immobilization technique.

"Dad, can't you hear me?"

Seeing that he could not hear Lin Zheng's response for a long time on the other end of the phone, Lin Qiuzhu asked again.

Hearing Lin Qiuzhu's voice, Lin Zhengshi finally recovered.

He first pinched his face hard to make sure that he was not dreaming, and then he asked in a trembling voice: "Qiuzhu, is it really you? Dad is not dreaming, right?"

"You didn't dream, I'm still alive."

Lin Qiuzhu replied immediately.

"Great, God has eyes, my daughter is still alive!"

After confirming that his daughter was really not dead, Lin Zheng, who had long been overwhelmed with joy and anger, burst into tears of joy.

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