"Uncle An, Qiuzhu is still alive, Qiuzhu is still alive!"

Lin Zheng, who was extremely excited, immediately told Wang An the good news.

"Azheng, are you sure it's really Qiuzhu's call?"

At this time, Wang An was still relatively calm.

Because according to the judgment given by the rescue experts, the flight Lin Qiuzhu and the others took must have crashed in the Pacific Ocean, and everyone on the plane is estimated to have died.

Especially after more than two months of search and rescue, even the rescuers have almost given up, but at this time someone called Lin Zheng and said it was Lin Qiuzhu, which made him seriously suspect that someone pretended to be Lin Qiuzhu to defraud.

"Of course it's Qiuzhu. If you don't believe me, tell him yourself."

Lin Zheng handed the phone directly to Wang An.

"Hey, Qiuzhu, is it really you?"

Wang An asked after answering the phone.

"It's my Grandpa An, and I'm Qiuzhu."

Lin Qiuzhu replied immediately.

Hearing the familiar voice, Wang An was also shocked.

He was almost certain that this was Lin Qiuzhu.

But now that technology is advanced, it is still possible that a liar is impersonating Lin Qiuzhu.

To be safe, Wang An asked again, "Qiuzhu, do you remember what you called Grandpa An when you were young?"

"Why are you asking this?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked in confusion.

"I want to confirm your identity and see if you are really Qiuzhu."

Wang An replied without concealment.

"Haha, Grandpa An is still so cautious." Lin Qiuzhu smiled, and then continued, "When I was a child, I was ignorant and always called Grandpa An a dwarf. Now you can be sure that I am Qiuzhu."

"It's confirmed, it's confirmed."

After hearing Lin Qiuzhu's answer, Wang An also burst into tears in an instant.

Because of his short stature, Lin Qiuzhu always liked to call him a dwarf before he was ten years old. This is something that only Lin Qiuzhu himself knows, and it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to know.

So, from this point, he was enough to be sure that Lin Qiuzhu was on the other end of the phone!

"Grandpa An, don't cry, where's my mother? Let me have a few words with her."

Lin Qiuzhu asked.

"Your mother is in the bedroom. I'll go and call her now."

Wang An wiped away tears.

"Give me the phone, and I'll go to Chen Yu directly."

Lin Zheng said, took the phone from Wang An, and ran back to the bedroom quickly.

At this time, Lin Qiuzhu's mother, Chen Yu, was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling blankly.

She's been like this for the last month, almost like a soulless walking dead.

"Chen Yu, get up, our daughter is not dead, she is still alive!"

As soon as he entered the bedroom, Lin Zheng couldn't wait to tell the news.

"What did you say?"

Chen Yu, who was already numb, heard the news, and her eyes instantly brightened, and she sat up from the bed at the same time.

"Qiuzhu is still alive, talk to her yourself!"

After Lin Zheng finished speaking, he quickly handed the phone to Chen Yu.

"Hey, Qiuzhu, is it really you?"

Chen Yu asked in disbelief.

"Mom, it's me, I'm Qiuzhu."

Lin Qiuzhu replied.

In just a few words, Chen Yu burst into tears in an instant.

From the day she learned of the plane crash, Chen Yu called the rescue team almost every day to ask about her daughter's news. !

She never thought that her woman was still alive!

After crying for a few minutes, Chen Yu, who had been heartbroken, was finally reborn.

After chatting with his mother for a few more minutes, Lin Qiuzhu hung up the phone after explaining his current situation.

After all, there are still many people waiting here, so she can't be so selfish and keep occupying the phone all the time.

After Lin Qiuzhu, Bai Xianglan, Yang Yourong, Chen Xiaoyu and others called their family members in turn.

All their relatives were overjoyed to learn that their child was not dead.

In the end, only Sakurako Aoi, Logan and Qin Lie did not call.

Qin Lie is an orphan. After his grandfather died, he no longer had any close relatives, so he didn't know who to call.

As for Aoi Sakurako, because the whole family died in the air crash, she also had no one to fight.

Logan was in trouble with his father. The father and son hadn't contacted each other for five years. He guessed that his family might not know what happened to him on the plane, so he didn't fight.

After a while, the phone rang, it was Prince of Wales.

He told Christina that he had contacted Obito, the Governor of New Guinea, that as soon as they arrived at customs, the name of Theobito would be there to meet them, and that Prince of Wales would fly to New Guinea at the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie drove a boat to New Guinea according to radar navigation.

As for Lin Qiuzhu and the others, they continued to call their relatives with the satellite phone, and everyone took turns calling for half an hour.

According to the chart, Qin Lie and the others are almost 600 kilometers away from New Guinea, and it takes at least 30 hours to reach New Guinea even if they sail at full speed.

Fortunately, the ship has plenty of fuel and food, and they just need to wait for the dock with peace of mind.

At about three o'clock in the morning, the wind and waves on the sea began to gradually increase, and at four o'clock, a storm started directly.

The wind was howling and the rain was pouring like a note. The originally calm sea seemed to be boiling, and there was a monstrous wave that was constantly set off, just like the end of the world in a disaster movie!

Although Qin Lie and their ships were medium-sized ships, they were like a canoe in this storm. They could only float around with the wind and waves, and he could no longer control the direction.

Moreover, as the wind and waves became more and more violent, the sway of the ship became larger and larger, and the cups on the table slipped to the ground one after another.

After pondering for a while, Qin Lie rushed into the cabin and called everyone into the cockpit.

"Put these life jackets on board, and then tie the ropes to the body. If the boat sinks, we may still have a chance of survival."

Qin Lie looked at the crowd with a solemn voice.

Although the ship can still carry it, Qin Lie must plan for the worst in advance.

In this way, even if the ship sank, they would not be buried in the sea with the ship.

"Qin Lie, will our ship really sink?"

Lin Qiuzhu couldn't help but ask.

"All I can say is it's possible."

Qin Lie replied.

Of course he didn't want the ship to sink, but in front of nature, they were as tiny as an ant, and he could only resign to fate.

"God is so unfair, can't we let us go home safely!"

Chen Xiaoyu couldn't help complaining.

They finally had to go home after nine deaths, but suddenly encountered a storm, which made everyone feel a little resentful.

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