"Don't complain, at least we're still alive now, let's put on life jackets."

Qin Lie chimed in.

He still looked quite open, after all, compared to those who died in the air crash, they were already very lucky.

"Qin Lie is right, everyone, please put on life jackets."

Ye Yuqing agreed, and was the first to pick up the life jacket and put it on.

The others didn't waste any more time and put on their life jackets one after another.

In a flash, it was nine o'clock in the morning.

But because of the storm, the sky was still gray.

On the sea, monstrous waves crashed on the ship, as if they wanted to drag them into the sea.

Fortunately, the quality of this ship is not bad. If it were replaced by the pirate ship, I am afraid that it would have overturned and sank by this time.

However, even so, everyone was still very nervous, but at this time, they couldn't do anything except pray silently in their hearts that the storm would end soon.

Another four hours passed, the wind and waves on the sea began to gradually decrease, and at three o'clock in the afternoon, the storm finally stopped!

Looking at the sun showing his head from the dark clouds, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

They finally made it through!

Amid the cheers of the crowd, Qin Lie adjusted his direction and continued to head towards New Guinea.

Because of this sudden storm, Qin Lie and the others were delayed for more than ten hours, which also caused them to arrive in Port Mores, New Guinea, until the morning of the fourth day.

"Yeah, we're finally saved!"

After stepping on the land of the port, Su Xiaoxiao immediately cheered loudly.

She knew very well that they would no longer have to live with fear.

"Tina, call your dad and let him send someone to pick us up."

Qin Lie said to Christina.


Christina nodded and contacted her father Wells again.

Wells had flown to New Guinea two days ago. When he learned that his daughter had arrived at the port, he quickly brought someone to the port.

After a while, several black men in uniform came over.

"Who is Miss Christina, please?"

One of the black people looked at Qin Lie and they asked in English.

"I am."

Christina stepped forward.

"Hello, Prince of Wales let us meet you, please come with us."

The black man continued.

"Oh well."

Hearing this, Christina didn't think much about it. After talking to Qin Lie and the others, the group followed the black men and left the port.

A few minutes later, they came to a nanny van.

"Get in the car."

The black man continued.

"Is my father far away? Why do I still need a car?"

Christina asked suspiciously.

"Please get in the car, these are the meanings of Prince of Wales."

The black man said lightly.

"Tina, call your dad again. Didn't he say he would come and pick us up in person?"

Qin Lie said, for some reason, he always felt that something was wrong.


Christina responded and was about to call her dad to ask what was going on, when the door of a nearby van suddenly opened and a group of people rushed out, everyone with guns in their hands.

"Don't move, get in the car immediately!"

The black man who had just brought them here also took out a gun and pointed it at them.

This time, Qin Lie and the others immediately understood that these people are definitely not from Prince of Wales!

However, it was too late at this time, Qin Lie and the others did not dare to resist in the face of these heavily armed guys.

Under the threat of the black man, Christina and Lin Qiuzhu were forced to sit in the nanny van, while Qin Lie and the others were pushed into the van.

And as soon as they got into the car, someone handcuffed their hands and put a black cloth bag over their heads.

The car started, Qin Lie and the others were quickly taken out of the port.

A few minutes later, Wells, Lin Qiuzhu and other relatives came to the port where Qin Lie and the others landed, but the place was empty.

Wells thought they had come to the wrong place, picked up the phone and called Christina, but the call could not be reached.

Just when Wells wondered what was going on, Wells' phone suddenly rang.

The other party told him that his daughter was in their hands, and asked him to immediately order the governor of Guinea to release a prisoner named Segou, or kill his daughter.

Before Wells could negotiate with the other party, the other party shut down the phone.

Wells did not know Segu at all, but for the safety of his daughter, he immediately contacted Obito, the governor of Guinea.

After exchanges, Wells learned from Obito that Segu was the former head of a rebel organization in Guinea, the "Alliance of Forces", who was captured by government forces a month ago.

During this time, the Power Alliance has been trying to rescue Segu, but because the government forces are very closely guarded, the Power Alliance has no chance at all.

I don't know where the Alliance of Power learned about Wells' daughter and held her hostage.

This time, things got really tricky right away.

For Obito, Segu has created many rebellion incidents in recent years, and even plotted to assassinate him many times, which has long been regarded as a serious problem by him.

If it wasn't for the fact that he wanted to get more information about the power alliance from Segu, so as to disintegrate this rebel organization in one fell swoop, he would have let Segu be shot long ago, so it is absolutely impossible for him to return to the mountains.

But for Wells and Lin Zheng and others, their daughter's safety is the first priority. As long as they can save their own daughter, they can agree to any conditions of the other party.

As the governor of Guinea, Obito can ignore business tycoons like Lin Zheng, but he can't ignore Wells.

After all, Wells is the prince of the British royal family who supports him. If he dares to die, he will surely be hated by Wells. Once he offends Wells, it means he has offended the British royal family. unbearable.

After a heated debate, Obito could only promise to rescue Cristina at all costs, unless there was really no other way, and then consider releasing Segu under the conditions of the Power Alliance.

On the other side, after several hours of bumping, the van finally stopped, and Qin Lie and the others were taken into a building that looked very dilapidated. Until then, those who kidnapped them took off their hoods.

Before Qin Lie could figure out what was going on, a group of masked men dressed like terrorists walked in, and one of them even set up a digital camera in the middle of the room.

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