"Okay, okay, it was my fault, I apologize to you."

Qin Lie smiled, but did not continue arguing with Lin Qiuzhu.

It's just that the room is empty, and they searched again and found no wire or nails.

"Tina, you will say you need to go to the toilet later. After you go out, see if you can find a thin wire outside. If you can't find it, check the surrounding situation first."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and then instructed Christina.

Because he speaks Chinese, he is not afraid of being heard by outsiders.


Christina nodded and shouted loudly according to Qin Lie's instructions, saying that she was going to the toilet.

The militants first went to ask another little leader for instructions, and after getting permission, they opened the door and took Christina to the toilet.

Christina's eyes swept around constantly, secretly memorizing the surrounding layout and the flow of people in her heart.

Soon, Christina came to the toilet.

I don't know how long this toilet has not been cleaned, the cesspit is full, the feces and urine are flowing, and the flies are flying. It looks like Christina is about to vomit.

And in the urine soup in the corner lay a broken broom with a thin wire just tied to the head of the broom.

While the militants were outside, Christina resisted the feeling of vomiting, took out the broom and untied the wire.

Then Christina put the wire in her pocket, urinated by the way, and then followed the militants back to the detention room.

After the door was locked, Christina took out the thin wire from her pocket.

She didn't say that it was fished out of the urine soup, so as to save everyone's nausea.

"Nice job."

Seeing this thin wire, Qin Lie was instantly overjoyed.

He straightened the wire, and then fiddled with the handcuffs, only to hear a click, and the handcuffs opened.

"Wow, brother Qin, you are too good. You can open the handcuffs so easily."

Seeing this scene, Su Xiaoxiao immediately exclaimed.

"Hey, trivial, it's not worth mentioning."

Qin Lie smiled and replied very modestly.

When he was a child, he often used iron wire and friends to pick the locks of his classmates' desks. For him, unlocking is already a job that is easy to master.

"Qin Lie, hurry up and open our handcuffs."

Lin Qiuzhu urged.

"Don't worry, I'll open the handcuffs for you when you're sure to escape, or else you'll suffer if the members of the rebel organization see it."

Qin Lie explained and put the handcuffs back on his hands.

Next, Christina described the situation she had just seen to Qin Lie again, which gave Qin Lie a general understanding of the situation outside, but he had to go outside to see it in person to formulate a perfect Escape plan.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Lie also left the room on the pretext of going to the toilet.

According to his observation, the location where they were detained should be the backyard of a dilapidated farmhouse. Apart from the three militants who had been guarding the door, there were at least eight people living in the front yard.

If they want to escape from the prison, they must first solve the guard at the door. If they can do it more secretly, they can escape over the wall without disturbing the people in the front yard.

But this plan is easy to say, but it is not so easy to actually act.

So before he really escaped, Qin Lie had to make a good plan and try to be as complete as possible.

Otherwise, in the event of an accident, it is very likely that the small life will be lost here.

At noon that day, the militants brought Qin Lie their lunch.

The main food is made of cornmeal, which looks a bit like glutinous rice cakes. The side dishes are a little dark sauce that I don’t know what to do. The key is that there is no tableware, so I can only eat with my hands.

Qin Lie dipped the cornmeal into a bit of the sauce and tasted it. The taste was really unbelievable, sweet or not, salty or salty.

But the guards outside don't know if they are used to it, and they eat with relish.

As prisoners, Qin Lie and the others are not qualified to ask for better food now, so they can only follow the local customs and eat together.

It's just that apart from Qin Lie, the others have not finished their food.

At about four o'clock in the afternoon, Celis reappeared.

What's different from before is that at this time, he looked desperate and desperate.

Glancing at him, Celis finally fixed his gaze on Qin Lie, only to see him pointing at Qin Lie, and several militants could not help but push Qin Lie to the ground.

Then, someone took out a video camera and pointed it at Qin Lie, and another militant walked up to Qin Lie with a machete in hand.

Anyone can see that these people want to behead Qin Lie!

"You can't hurt him!"

Christina immediately rushed out to stand in front of Qin Lie. Lin Qiuzhu and others were also excited. At the same time, all the militants raised their guns. As long as they gave an order, they would not hesitate to attack Lin Qiuzhu and others. Unleash the slaughter.

"Miss Christina, I'm sorry, Obito didn't accept our conditions, so we'll kill a hostage every day until Obito releases Segu."

Celis said coldly.

After getting the tapes in the morning, they sent people to negotiate with Obito's representatives, but in the end the talks broke down.

In order to put pressure on the authorities, he decided to kill the hostages and force Obito to compromise with bloody means.

"Please don't kill him. I can record another video for my dad and let my dad persuade Obito. Please believe me, my dad will definitely help you rescue the people you need."

Christina pleaded quickly.

She knew very well that resistance had no chance of winning, and she could only do her best to stabilize these people first.

Hearing this, Celis frowned, and after a little hesitation, he nodded in agreement with Christina's proposal.

"Okay, I'll give you one more chance, I hope Prince Wales can convince Obito, or I'll kill you."

For Celis, the lives of Qin Lie and others are of no importance at all. As long as he can save his big brother, he doesn't mind killing all the people here.

"Don't worry, my dad will convince Obito."

Christina quickly replied.

After that, Celis let Qin Lie go.

After Christina recorded another video, Celis took the people away.

"We must get out of here tonight."

Qin Lie, who almost moved his head, said in a deep voice.

He originally wanted to wait for a more suitable opportunity to escape, but judging from the attitude shown by Celis, they must leave here as soon as possible, otherwise once the negotiation between the two parties breaks down, Celis will definitely raise the butcher's knife to them .

"But we don't have anything in our hands now, how can we escape?"

Lin Qiuzhu asked with a solemn expression.

They are a group of unarmed people, but the members of the rebel organization outside are fully armed. Once the two sides fight, they are tantamount to killing themselves by hitting a stone with an egg.

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