"I understand what I mean, so I didn't plan to fight recklessly, wait for you guys..."

Qin Lie didn't waste any more time, and quickly told everyone about his changed plan.

Everyone did not have any comments and waited patiently.

Time passed, and soon it was 1:00 in the morning. It was quiet outside, and the three militants who were in charge of guarding Qin Lie and the others fell asleep.

After seeing this through the small window, Qin Lie quickly used that thin wire to open everyone's handcuffs.

After that, Qin Lie tore his clothes into rags and twisted them into a rope.

After Qin Lie finished the preparations, Lin Qiuzhu slapped the door as planned and called for help.

Hearing the movement in the house, the three militants who were dozing off suddenly woke up and opened the door.

"what happened?"

Because there was no electricity, one of the militants pointed at Lin Qiuzhu with a flashlight and asked.

"Miss Tina doesn't know what's wrong. You guys should take her out to see the doctor quickly."

Lin Qiuzhu pointed at Christina who was lying on the ground, while Christina closed her eyes and kept twitching, as if she had epilepsy.

Seeing Christina's sudden appearance, the three militants panicked.

You must know that Celis specifically told them to be optimistic about Christina and not let her have an accident. If Christina died, they would have to follow the unlucky.

The militant holding the key waved at the two of them and was about to carry Christina out first.


At this moment, Qin Lie gave the order to start.

Lin Qiuzhu and the others, who had just pretended to be handcuffed, immediately threw away the handcuffs and rushed towards the three militants.

Qin Lie and Logan tied the militants' necks with cloth strips twisted from their clothes at the same time. The militants struggled desperately, but could not break free.

Lin Qiuzhu and a group of women also held down another militant. Some pressed their legs, some grabbed their arms, and some covered their mouths, making him lose his resistance.

Three minutes later, all three militants suffocated to death!

Qin Lie quickly searched the bodies of the three, but to his regret, none of the three had mobile phones on them, and he didn't know whether they were too poor to buy them or didn't bring them on purpose.

Not bothering about this issue any more, Qin Lie and the others took the guns of the three militants and left the house quickly, and after they went out, they deliberately re-locked the door.

Seeing that the people living in the front yard were not disturbed, Qin Lie brought Lin Qiuzhu and others to the toilet, and turned over the walls one by one.

Qin Lie was the last one to turn out, and when he was standing on the wall, he deliberately looked around.

This should be some deserted village. The whole village is very quiet, and there is only one way out of the village.

After determining the route, Qin Lie continued to lead Lin Qiuzhu and others to the village entrance.

Just as they were about to leave the village, two figures suddenly jumped out of the darkness.

"do not move!"

One of them pointed a flashlight at Qin Lie and the others, while raising the semi-automatic rifle in his hand.

Qin Lie didn't expect that those militants would set up sentries here, and his heart sank.

However, Logan suddenly stepped forward, raised the gun at the same time, and shouted: "I surrender, don't kill me, don't kill me."

Taking advantage of the moment when the two militants relaxed their vigilance, Logan quickly aimed the gun at the two.

"Thumbs up..."

Gunshots rang out, and two armed lunatics died tragically on the spot.

"Come on."

Qin Lie knew very well that the sound of gunfire just now would surely alert the rest of the militants, and they had to flee quickly.

Without any hesitation, the group began to run wildly along the only road.

And just as Qin Lie expected, at the moment when the gunshots sounded, the militants who were still sleeping were awakened.

They didn't know that Qin Lie and others escaped, but they thought it was the government army who came over, and immediately ran to the backyard to transfer Christina.

However, it was not until the backyard that he found out that the door was locked, and the three people in charge of guarding were nowhere to be found.

This made a member of the rebel group in charge of the place very angry, but now is not the time to care, he shot and broke the lock, opened the door and entered the house.

When he saw the three corpses lying on the ground in the house, he realized that his own people were not deserted and had been killed.

The man immediately broke the news to Celis.

Hearing that Qin Lie and others had escaped, Celis was immediately furious, and immediately warned the person that Christina must be brought back at all costs.

In order not to be shot by Celis, this man quickly led the rest of the resistance group members to start a pursuit of Qin Lie and the others.

Although Qin Lie and the others ran for ten minutes in advance, they couldn't run on four wheels on both legs. Soon he heard the sound of the car's engine, and he could already see the lights of the car.

Qin Lie knew that if he ran down this road, he would definitely be overtaken. He made a decisive decision and took the group into the woods beside the road.

Although the road in the woods was very difficult, it at least allowed them to escape the pursuit of the remaining rebel groups.

Running all the way, Qin Lie and the others were afraid of being overtaken, so they would set off again after resting for at most five minutes each time.

Guessing that the members of the rebel organization should not be able to catch up with them, Qin Lie let everyone rest in place.

After running all night, Lin Qiuzhu and others were already exhausted, either leaning against a tree or lying on the ground and fell asleep after a while.

Two hours later, Ye Yuqing woke up.

"Qin Lie, sleep for a while, I'll watch."

Ye Yuqing walked over to Qin Lie and said.

"it is good."

Qin Lie didn't hold on, he just found an open space and lay down and fell asleep.

But he woke up after only an hour of sleep.

Looking at the time, it was already past eight in the morning.

"Qin Lie, where do you think we're going next?"

Ye Yuqing looked at Qin Lie and asked.

In the woods right now, they don't even know where they are.

"Continue to go east, as long as we can meet people, we should be able to be saved."

Qin Lie replied.

He actually doesn't know which way to go now, he can only take one step at a time.

After everyone woke up, Qin Lie and the others set off again.

It's just that at this time, everyone was tired and tired, and their walking speed was significantly slower than before.

In this way, after walking for more than an hour, Qin Lie and the others came to a wide river.

Looking towards the river, there is a small fishing boat casting a net not far away.

This made Qin Lie and the others overjoyed, and they raised their hands and shouted loudly.

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