When they saw Qin Lie and others, the fishermen on the boat not only did not come, but immediately drove away.

Qin Lie quickly realized that the guns they were carrying had frightened each other. He hurriedly threw the rifles into the grass, pinned the pistols to his waist, and stood by the river and waited patiently.

Half an hour later, another fishing boat finally came from upstream.

Qin Lie and the others waved again, and the two on the fishing boat discussed it, and this time they drove the boat to the shore.

Seeing that Qin Lie and others were all foreigners, the two fishermen also showed a hint of vigilance. They first asked Qin Lie about their identities. Qin Lie asked Christina to make up a lie, saying that they were here for tourism. , ended up getting lost in the forest, hoping that the fishermen could take them away to the nearest city.

The fishermen agreed to take them away, but they had to pay one hundred dollars for one person.

Because he had no cash, Qin Lie could only give his gold Rolex worth hundreds of thousands to the other party.

However, the funny thing is that because the fisherman did not know the goods, he did not believe that the watch could be sold for that much money, and declared that he only wanted US dollars.

In the end, Chen Xiaoyu took off a gold necklace on her neck and gave it to the other party. The other party bit it and found that it was gold before agreeing to take them away.

But the boat was so small that it could only take six people at a time, and they had twelve here and had to make two trips.

After deliberation, everyone decided to let Qin Lie take Christie, Ye Yuqing and others away first, while Logan and the others waited for the fishermen to pick them up.

After getting on the boat, the fishermen took Qin Lie and a few others and drove downstream.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Lie and others came to the small pier.

It's just that it's very deserted here, only a few people are sitting on the shore selling fish, but there are no buyers at all.

The arrival of Qin Lie and others immediately attracted the attention of these people, and people on the shore turned their attention to them.

After landing, the fishermen went back to pick up Logan and the others. Qin Lie originally wanted to ask these people to borrow a mobile phone. Who knows that the people here are so poor that no one has a mobile phone at all.

Time flies, seeing that an hour has passed, the fishermen have not brought Logan and others over, which makes Qin Lie feel a little worried.

Just when he was considering whether to hire another boat to go back upstream, the fishing boat finally appeared in their sight.

After Logan and the others went ashore, Qin Lie found out that it was the fishing boat's engine that had a problem on the way, and the fishermen took a little time to repair the engine.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Qin Lie led people into the town in front.

This town seems to be a little more lively, but most of them are old people and children.

When they saw the foreigners like Qin Lie, they all cast curious glances at them, but everyone was obviously wary of them.

Qin Lie also wanted to find someone to borrow a mobile phone, but these people were like the gods of the plague. When they saw them approaching, they immediately hid from afar, and did not give them a chance to speak.

At this moment, a thin young man suddenly drove a broken motorcycle to Qin Lie and them.

"Who are you? What are you doing in our town?"

The young man looked at Qin Lie and they asked.

"We are foreign tourists who just happened to pass by your town."

Lin Qiuzhu quickly replied.

"Are you going into the city?"

the young man asked.


Lin Qiuzhu nodded.

"The government army and the people from the Power Alliance are fighting in the town ahead. The roads are blocked. You can't enter the city, but I know that a small road is very safe and can take you there, but you must give me US dollars."

As the young man spoke, he also performed an internationally-used finger rubbing motion.

"We can give you the money, but you have to let us make a call from your cell phone."

Lin Qiuzhu took the opportunity to say.

"no problem."

The young man was very refreshing, took out a mobile phone from his pocket and handed it to Lin Qiuzhu.

This mobile phone is very backward, it is the kind of 2G mobile phone that has long been eliminated in China.

After getting the phone, Christina called her dad.

As a result, because this mobile phone does not have international roaming, there is no way to make calls.

Fortunately, Wells had told Christina about Obito's private number before, so they tried to call one, and they got through after a while.

It was Wells' bodyguard who answered the phone, and as soon as he heard that it was Christina who called, he immediately notified Obito.

After a brief exchange, Qin Lie and the others learned that Obito was surrounded by spies of the Power Alliance, so they were taken away by the Power Alliance who pretended to be customs officers.

In order to put pressure on the authorities, the Alliance of Forces also launched armed attacks on government forces in several places at the same time. Now the situation in Papua New Guinea can be said to be quite chaotic.

The area where Qin Lie and the others are now is one of the war zones. Because of the fierce fighting situation, Obito has not been able to send anyone over the past few days, so Qin Lie and the others have only two choices.

One, find a place to hide here, and after the rebels are eliminated, Obito will send someone over; two, Qin Lie and the others will find a way to reach a small town called Kanpur, and he will send an elite force to respond them.

Considering that they are all foreigners, it is too dazzling here, and Selis's men are still hunting them around, it is too dangerous to stay here, Qin Lie and the others finally decided to go to Kanpur City.

After hanging up the phone, Qin Lie and the others told the young motorcycle youth in front of them that they were going to Kanpur City.

The young man agreed to take them there, but asked them to pay US dollars first.

There was no way, Qin Lie could only take off his golden Rolex again as a deposit for the other party, and promised that as long as they arrived in Kanpur City, they could give the young man another hundred thousand dollars as a reward.

The young man didn't know the value of this Rolex, but to him, $100,000 was a huge sum of money that he could never earn in a lifetime, so even though he knew that this trip was very dangerous, he still agreed.

After that, the young man first took the motorcycle back to his home, and then took Qin Lie to the direction of Kanpur City.

After walking for about an hour, Qin Lie and the others came to the main road.

Standing on the road and looking forward, you can clearly see that the road has been erected with barricades, and there are many burning tires, tables and chairs. As for Qin Lie, who is fighting the war, they have not seen it for the time being.

Through communication, Qin Lie and the others also learned that the young man’s name was Rhine. Rhine originally worked in the city, but later there were frequent demonstrations in the city, and the factory where he worked also closed down, so he returned to his hometown to make a living by fishing.

According to Rhine, the government forces and the rebel group are currently exchanging fire in a town called Konarik. If they want to reach Kanpur City alive, they must spare Konarik. It is possible to be shot directly.

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