Qin Lie and the others are almost smeared at the moment, they don't know the situation here at all, and they can only trust Rhine at this time.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Qin Lie and the others were already very close to the battle zone. At a glance, they could clearly see the billowing black smoke, and they could even hear bursts of gunfire.

For everyone's safety, Rhine took Qin Lie and the others to a path in the forest, detoured to Kanpur City.

However, after walking for less than half an hour, Qin Lie and the others suddenly stopped.

I saw a large number of corpses lying across the jungle, and the ground was full of broken limbs and broken arms. The bloody scene made this place like hell on earth!

"These are the corpses of government troops. It seems that the government troops should be defeated, otherwise it is impossible not to clean up the bodies of soldiers."

Qin Lie glanced at the corpses in military uniforms and said in a deep voice.

Obito had said on the phone before that the current situation was fierce, but it was only now that he understood that he still underestimated the tragic nature of the battle.

If nothing else, there are at least fifty or sixty corpses here, which is shocking enough!

It's no wonder that they offered to let Obito send a helicopter to pick them up before, but Obito refused because he was worried that the helicopter would be destroyed.

"Wright, is it safe to go this way?"

Qin Lie hurriedly looked at the young man Wright and asked.

The defeat of the government army means that the rebel group has the upper hand. If they encounter a rebel group here, the consequences are quite dangerous.

"Let's find a place to hide for a while, and let's go after dark."

Wright thought about it.

He thought that this was a trail and no one would go, but it turned out that the battle had far exceeded his expectations. For safety's sake, it was better to go at night.

Qin Lie agreed immediately.

The group then moved away from the corpses and hid in a bush.

After it was completely dark at eight o'clock in the evening, Qin Lie and the others continued to move forward under the leadership of Wright.

In the dark forest, Qin Lie and the others moved forward cautiously, and could still hear a few gunshots.

In this way, after walking in trepidation for almost an hour, they finally passed through the battle zone in Konarick without any risk.

Even so, Qin Lie and the others remained vigilant.

At one o'clock in the morning, Ye Yuqing and the others were too tired to walk, so Qin Lie and the others stopped to rest.

Everyone took turns to watch the night, and finally spent the night safely.

The next morning, Qin Lie and the others set off again after eating some tortillas that Wright had brought from his house.

After walking for nearly four hours, they walked out of the woods and onto the road.

But after seeing the cannonball craters and burned cars on the road, Qin Lie and the others returned to the woods.

After all, it is relatively safe in the woods. If they encounter the rebels on the road, they can't even run away.

Stop-and-go along the way, Qin Lie and the others finally arrived at Kanpur City before it got dark.

At present, the entrance to the city has been taken over by the military, and all people entering and leaving will be strictly interrogated.

Seeing this scene, Qin Lie and the others finally relaxed their tense nerves.

After all, this means that the city of Kanpur is at least under the control of the government army. As long as they can find the troop that supports them, their safety is basically guaranteed.

Just as Christina took out her mobile phone and was about to call Obito and ask him to send someone out to greet them, a car sped up.

"Get out of the way!"

Qin Lie grabbed Christina's waist and rolled into the grass next to her, avoiding the bad luck of her being hit by a car.

The soldiers at the checkpoint also noticed the abnormality, and raised their guns loudly to warn each other to stop, but the car accelerated and rushed towards the checkpoint instead.

Upon seeing this, the soldiers fired immediately.

The driver was killed on the spot, but the car still rushed towards the crowd at the checkpoint under the action of inertia.


The earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the fire soared into the sky.

In this terrifying explosion, many people were killed on the spot, and their blood was flying!

Rao is Qin Lie and they are dozens of meters away from the center of the explosion, but they are still dizzy and tinnitus caused by the sound of the explosion.

Soon, a series of screams rang out, and those who were lucky enough to not die lay on the corpses of their relatives and cried bitterly.

"Sister Yuqing, are you all alright?"

Qin Lie first asked about the situation of Ye Yuqing and others.

"I'm fine."

Ye Yuqing replied immediately.

"I'm fine."

Lin Qiuzhu continued.

"Brother Qin, I can't hear you. Am I deaf?"

Su Xiaoxiao got up from the ground and shouted in panic.

Qin Lie quickly checked Su Xiaoxiao and found that she was only temporarily deaf, her eardrum was not damaged, and her hearing would recover on its own as long as she rested for a while.

After comforting Su Xiaoxiao, Qin Lie quickly rushed to the center of the explosion.

Although this is not his country, and he is not related to these people, but he can't do it without help.

It's just that Qin Lie can't do much now, he can only help the wounded to bandage their wounds.

Seeing this, Lin Qiuzhu and others also rushed over to help treat the wounded.

A few minutes later, military vehicles and ambulances came one after another and took the wounded to the hospital.

As for those who were killed on the spot, the bodies were temporarily placed on the side of the road as soon as they were packed in body bags. After all, the living cannot be rescued, and no one cares about the dead.

Just when Qin Lie was busy, Christina brought a soldier to Qin Lie's side.

"Qin Lie, this is Major Diallo, he is here to meet us."

Christina introduced the humanity around her.

"Have you confirmed his identity?"

Qin Lie glanced at the man in military uniform in front of him.

As the saying goes, one bite makes one wiser, and now he can't easily trust anyone.

"Don't worry, I have called Governor Obito just now. He was sent by Obito."

Christina replied.

"That's fine, you let him wait for a while, and I'll help save people first."

Qin Lie said, and was about to continue to help, but was stopped by Christina.

"Qin Lie, Major Diallo said just now that the rebels are likely to attack Kanpur City, so we must leave as soon as possible."

Christina said solemnly.

Hearing this news, Qin Lie could only give up helping and took Lin Qiuzhu and the others into the military vehicle.

Of course, before leaving, Qin Lie asked Major Diallo to find a way to help them advance the local currency equivalent to 100,000 US dollars to Rhine, which was what they deserved after all.

The car started, looking at the ordinary people who were still howling and crying, Qin Lie couldn't help but feel a sympathy in his heart.

You must know that most of the people at the checkpoint just now were civilians waiting in line to enter the city, but they died in the explosion. I have to say that the fate of these people is really tragic.

However, Qin Lie is also just an ordinary person, and he has no power to change everything in front of him.

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