The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 250 Accident Investigation Committee

The military vehicle was moving away, but the screams still seemed to echo in Qin Lie's ears.

It's just that he can't do anything but pray that the country will end the civil strife and return to stability.


After five hours of turbulence, Qin Lie and the others finally returned to the port where they were kidnapped.

The difference from before is that there are patrolling soldiers everywhere, and the security is quite strict.

Qin Lie asked after a while to find out that the governor Obito had already come over, and these soldiers were all to protect Obito's safety.

After getting out of the car, Qin Lie and his party came to the port customs building.

The security here is even tighter, with soldiers with live ammunition everywhere.

Fortunately, Qin Lie and the others were led, so the journey was smooth.

Finally, Qin Lie and the others took the elevator to the fifth floor.

The moment the door was opened, Christina, Lin Qiuzhu and the others saw their parents and relatives who had been waiting for them for a long time.

Qin Lie, Logan, and Sakurako Aoi seemed quite lonely at this time. There were no relatives here, so they could only find a corner and sit down.

Ten minutes later, after everyone's emotions had stabilized, Christina and others introduced their parents to Qin Lie and the others.

After a while, a fat black man walked in surrounded by a group of soldiers. After introduction, this person was Governor Obito.

He ignored Qin Lie and the others, but went straight to Christina and asked about her situation, which seemed to be a courteous one.

Qin Lie didn't feel anything strange about this.

After all, according to Christina, the UK is Obito's biggest backer. Now that civil strife broke out in the country, he must still seek help from the UK, and Wells, who is well-connected in China, is undoubtedly the best person to help him spread the word. Of course he didn't dare to be indifferent.

After chatting for a few minutes, a soldier ran in in a hurry, attached to Obito's ear and didn't know what to say, and the smile on Obito's face disappeared instantly.

Then Obito and Wells whispered a few words, and the two left the room together.

"Did something happen again?"

After Christina came over, Qin Lie asked casually.

"It seems that some city's arsenal has been occupied. Obito asked my father to go over and discuss the countermeasures."

Christina replied.

"It looks like the situation in New Guinea is getting more and more volatile."

Qin Lie couldn't help sighing.

If the arsenal is seized, the power of the rebel organization is bound to expand further, and more rebel wars will be launched at that time, which is definitely not a good thing for ordinary people.

"These things are beyond our control. We can only hope that Obito will quell the rebellion as soon as possible and end the war."

Christina said.

"Dinner is ready, everyone, come with me."

A middle-aged woman suddenly walked in and shouted to everyone.

After hearing this, everyone ended the conversation and followed this person to the restaurant.

Although the dishes are not very good, at least there is wine and meat, which is much better than those made from cornmeal.

Especially Qin Lie and the others have been sleeping in the open air for two consecutive days, and they have not eaten a full meal.

After drinking and eating, a group of people suddenly entered the restaurant.

The other party claimed to be from the Australian Aircraft Accident Investigation Committee. According to their preliminary investigation, the plane crash may have been caused by the captain's world-weariness and intentional revenge against society.

However, because of the plane crash, the radar location was deliberately turned off. Even though it has been three months, they still haven't determined the location of the plane wreckage. They can only pin their hopes on Qin Lie and the others. Get some valuable information.

Qin Lie and the others had long expected to be questioned by investigators, so before they sailed to Papua New Guinea, they had unified their calibers, such as how to live on a desert island, how to return, etc. They all responded, But things like fighting with Du Mazi and others and finding the treasure of Roberts didn't reveal a word.

After the questioning of Qin Lie and the others, the investigators told Qin Lie and them that the sea area where Qin Lie and the others crashed is called the Devil's Sea. There is a strong and unstable magnetic field in that sea area. In addition, there are many reefs. There were many ships that sank in that sea area. Over time, it got the name of the Devil's Sea. In the past two decades, almost no one has traveled to that sea area.

Investigators had actually considered sending people to the Devil's Sea for search and rescue before, but in the end, they gave up because the sea conditions of the Devil's Sea were complicated and all kinds of instruments could hardly be used there.

After confirming that the plane crashed in Devil's Sea and getting the approximate coordinates from Qin Lie, the investigators immediately reported the news to the relevant departments, and said they would restart the search and rescue operation as soon as possible.

Qin Lie didn't stop him.

Although the hope is extremely slim, the island where they lived before is very large, and there may be other survivors alive.

After getting the information they wanted, the investigators left, and Qin Lie and the others also returned to the room that Obito arranged for them.

Qin Lie was about to take a hot bath and sleep comfortably when he suddenly remembered that Momo was still missing. He quickly asked Christina to call Obito, and then asked Obito to contact him. Customs officers.

When Qin Lie and the others were taken away by the Power Alliance the day before yesterday, Qin Lie deliberately didn't have any stray hairs, and he didn't know if it was still alive.

In less than ten minutes, Qin Lie and the others received a reply from the customs officers. They told Qin Lie that someone had seen a wild dog, but the wild dog was very alert and ran away as soon as it saw the person, not knowing. Where are you hiding now?

It was getting late now, so Qin Lie couldn't go out to find stray hairs, so he had to go back to the house to sleep first.

However, Qin Lie didn't sleep well that night because he was thinking about stray hairs.

Early the next morning, Qin Lie's group began to search for stray hairs all over the port, and at the same time shouted the name of stray fur.

For them, Misty is not just a wild dog, it is more like a partner, a friend, and no one wants Misty to have an accident.

Twenty minutes later, Qin Lie shouted until his throat was smoking, and he didn't see any stray hairs.

Just when he wondered if Misty had been beaten to death, Misty suddenly appeared from the corner in front of him, but at this time Misty was limping again, and one of his legs was obviously unaware that he had been killed. who interrupted.

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