
Seeing Qin Lie, Momo immediately let out a whimpering sound as if he had found a relative.

Qin Lie hurriedly did a check on the miscellaneous hair.

Misty's leg was obviously broken by someone using a blunt instrument such as a wooden stick, and the injury was quite serious.

In order to prevent Zamao from being handicapped for life, Qin Lie quickly took Zamao back to the customs building for treatment.

When he finished the treatment, Ye Yuqing and others returned one after another.

Seeing that Za Mao was only injured but not dead, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, when it was on the island, it not only followed them through life and death, but also brought them a lot of joy. They didn't want Misty to die here.

After temporarily locking Za Mao in his room, Qin Lie took people to the pier and re-boarded the ship they had snatched from the mercenaries.

Fortunately, no one has boarded their ship since they were kidnapped by the Power Alliance. Now, no one but them knows the secrets of the ship, and the gold and silver treasures are still safe.

"Everyone happens to be here, so I'll just say something. I bought Roberts' treasure with my life. I definitely can't take it out and share it with everyone, but I won't eat alone. I'll sell these treasures. Afterwards, I will give each of you 300 million, as long as you don’t waste it recklessly, this amount of money will be enough to keep you safe for a lifetime.”

Qin Lie said bluntly.

Although everyone present had been born and died with him, Qin Lie was not a saint, and he couldn't be as selfless as sharing the treasure.

After all, in order to obtain these treasures, he did his best, and he didn't know how much he had spent. He even had to plot against pirates and outwit mercenaries. If it wasn't for his resourcefulness and some luck, he would have died long ago.

So, these are what he deserves.

"I don't want my share. I can't spend the money I earn myself in this life."

Ye Yuqing said calmly.

Others are thinking of marrying into a wealthy family, but she is a wealthy family. To her, money is nothing but something outside her body.

What's more, she and Qin Lie have already made a private lifelong relationship. She even belongs to Qin Lie, and she doesn't need to ask Qin Lie for money anymore.

"I don't want it either. I don't lack this money."

Lin Qiuzhu then said.

As the only heir of the Lin Group, Lin Qiuzhu has no specific concept of money since she was a child. Even so, three hundred million is definitely not a small amount for her.

But when she thought about the time she was on the desert island, Qin Lie had saved her life several times. Without Qin Lie, she would have been a corpse in the wilderness, so she was too embarrassed to take another share.

"You don't want me. My family is very poor. I hope I can use this money to make my parents live a good life."

Chen Xiaoyu said after hesitating for a while.

Ye Yuqing is the queen of the business world, and Lin Qiuzhu is the daughter of a rich family, but she is just a poor girl who came out of the rural mountains. These three hundred million yuan are wealth that she cannot refuse.

So even though she knew that her life was given by Qin Lie, she was not qualified to share the money, but she still had the cheek to speak.

"Although our family is in good condition, in order to realize my wish to be a little rich woman, I will accept the money with a smile. Thank you Brother Qin."

Su Xiaoxiao accepted the money with an excited smile.

After that, Su Tiantian, Christina, Lilith, Yang Yourong and others also expressed their attitudes. Everyone was very happy to be able to get 300 million, and no one thought it was too small.

Because they all knew that the treasure was found by Qin Lie, and it had nothing to do with them.

After all, their lives were given by Qin Lie, and it is already the greatest luck to be alive, but now they still get 300 million for no reason. Satisfied.

"Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is settled. From now on, everyone will be friends. Anyone who needs help can come to me. As long as it is within my ability, I will definitely help."

"But the ugly words are up front. If anyone leaks the fact that I got Roberts' treasure, I will not only kill him, but also kill him!"

When Qin Lie said the first half of the sentence, he was like a gentle and elegant gentleman, but when he said the second half of the sentence, he immediately turned into a cold-blooded killer, and his icy gaze made people tremble.

Although this is a bit heavy, Qin Lie knows the truth of "every man is innocent and guilty", and he must let this matter rot in everyone's stomach forever.

Otherwise, once it is known that he has obtained the treasure of Roberts, the super diamond that is comparable to the Star of Africa alone is enough to bring him death.

"Qin Lie, don't worry, we will definitely keep this secret for you."

Ye Yuqing was the first to make a statement.

She is Qin Lie's person herself, and she will definitely not reveal this secret.

"I can swear to God that if I leak a word, I'll go out and get hit by a car."

Christina was even more ruthless and made a poisonous oath directly in front of Qin Lie Qin Lie.

Others have also stated that they will be tight-lipped.

"Thank you for your understanding. If you need help in the future, remember to come to me."

Hearing everyone's words, Qin Lie's tone finally softened.

After that, Qin Lie discussed with Lin Qiuzhu and the others how to realize the gold and silver treasures.

You know, this time there are more than ten tons of gold alone, not to mention ordinary people, even the super rich with a net worth of tens of billions can't eat it, so it is not easy for him to realize these gold and silver treasures. .

After some discussion, Qin Lie finally decided to give half of the gold and jewelry to Christina, and let her father Wells help.

As a British prince, Wells has a very wide network of contacts. If he comes forward, these gold and jewelry will definitely not worry about sales.

The remaining part of the gold jewelry will be realized by Lin Qiuzhu, her father Lin Zheng and Ye Yuqing through their channels.

Of course, Qin Lie didn't ask them to help in vain. He would give 1/10 of the sales to Wells and Lin Zheng as a reward.

As for the super diamond, the real treasures such as the Nine Dragons and Nine Phoenix Crowns and the sword, Qin Lie, will not be sold for the time being, but will be brought back to China for collection.

After the matter was finalized, Qin Lie followed Christina to Wells' room.

"Hello, Mr. Qin, what's the matter with you coming to see me?"

Knowing that Qin Lie had saved his daughter's life, Wells treated Qin Lie quite kindly.

And Wells himself has learned Chinese, and there is no communication barrier between the two.

"Mr. Wells, I want to make a deal with you."

Qin Lie didn't beat around the bush, and directly stated his purpose.

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