"Make a deal? Don't know what deal you want?"

Wells looked at Qin Lie in surprise.

"I have a batch of gold and jewelry I want to sell, but I don't have a suitable channel, so I hope Mr. Wells can do me a favor and give you one-tenth of the sales."

Qin Lie replied quickly.

In order to avoid trouble, he did not disclose that he found Roberts treasure.

"Mr. Qin is too polite. You saved my daughter. I should help you. Why do you need any compensation?"

Wells asked with a smile.

Although being born into a royal family has given Wells an extremely noble identity since childhood, it is also doomed that Wells cannot help many things, such as his marriage, which is a political marriage, but he has no chance to refuse at all.

But Christina's mother is the woman Wells really loves, and the two secretly love each other until they have the crystallization of love.

It is a pity that since ancient times, the beauty of the beauty has been bad, and Christina's mother finally died of dystocia.

Because of this, Wells is particularly fond of Christina, almost to the point of responsiveness.

And Qin Lie is Christina's savior, which makes Wells very friendly to him naturally.

"Mr. Wells, don't be in a hurry to say that. The total amount of gold I want to sell is relatively large, and it is appropriate to give you a portion of the remuneration."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

As the saying goes, if you want a horse to run, you have to feed the horse. Part of the reward he paid Wells was mainly for the other party to do his best to help him sell gold.

Hearing this, Wells couldn't help but feel a little curious: "I wonder how much gold Mr. Qin plans to sell?"

"Eight tons of gold, eight tons of silver, plus a batch of jewelry, the total value is estimated to be no less than 600 million US dollars."

Qin Lie said calmly.

"My God, Mr. Qin, aren't you kidding me?"

Wells exclaimed with a look of shock on his face.

Originally, he thought that Qin Lie was planning to sell tens of millions of gold, which was just a matter of words to him, but Qin Lie opened his mouth to be a transaction worth 600 million US dollars, which was really shocking.

If it wasn't for the solemn look on Qin Lie's face, he would have wondered if Qin Lie was playing tricks on him.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidding you, I just don't know if Mr. Wells is willing to help me with this."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"I don't know where Mr. Qin's gold is? Is it still in your China?"

Wells asked.

"On the ship we were on."

Because Wells had to help transport the gold later, Qin Lie could only tell the truth.

Hearing this, Wells couldn't help but take a deep look at Qin Lie.

After dozens of seconds of silence, Wells asked meaningfully, "Mr. Qin, this batch of gold must have come from the wrong way, right?"

Qin Lie and the others are all air crash survivors. It stands to reason that there is no way that they have so much gold and silver treasures on them. This makes him seriously doubt whether Qin Lie has done something to kill people and steal goods.

"Don't worry, my gold is on the right track, but it's not convenient for me to reveal more information."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"I didn't expect that Mr. Qin believed me so much, and even told me such important information. Are you not afraid that I will work with Obito to snatch all your gold?"

Wells asked again.

"To be honest, I don't believe in you but Miss Tina. If you robbed all of this, then I will admit it too."

Qin Lie replied very calmly.

As the so-called wealth and silk move people's hearts, let alone gold jewelry worth hundreds of millions of dollars, he believes that it is enough to arouse anyone's greed.

Fortunately, Christina had promised him with her life before that her father would not be distracted, so he decided to take the risk to discuss cooperation with Wells.

"Dad, Qin Lie is my savior. If you dare to beat his idea of ​​these treasures, I will never forgive you in my life."

Christina also spoke quickly.

"Don't worry, daughter, Dad is not the kind of ungrateful person. I'll help with this."

Wells smiled back.

Although these treasures really moved his heart, Qin Lie was his daughter's savior, and he wouldn't make any wrong ideas if he rushed to this point.

"Thank you Mr Wells."

Hearing Wells' words, Qin Lie breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't say that, it should be me thanking you, thank you for taking care of my daughter during this time."

Wells replied with a warm smile.

After that, the two chatted for a few more minutes before Qin Lie left, and then knocked on the door of Lin Qiuzhu's father, Lin Zheng.

The door opened soon, and it was Lin Qiuzhu who opened the door.

"My dad has promised to help you, but he said he wanted to chat with you alone."

Lin Qiuzhu whispered to Qin Lie.


Qin Lie nodded and followed Lin Qiuzhu into the house.

In the living room, Lin Zheng's expression was serious, not angry and arrogant.

"Hello, Mr. Lin."

Qin Lie first greeted Lin Zheng.

"Hello, just sit down."

Lin Zheng nodded.

Qin Lie was rude and sat down on the sofa.

"Qiuzhu, let's go out for a walk first."

Chen Yu knew that Lin Zheng was going to chat with Qin Lie alone, so he took the initiative to call Lin Qiuzhu.

Lin Qiuzhu glanced at Qin Lie, then left the room with her mother Chen Yu.

Soon only Qin Lie and Lin Zheng were left in the room.

Lin Zheng looked at Qin Lie up and down, but didn't speak, Qin Lie responded with a smile, looking relaxed.

You must know that the former Lin Zhengna was the existence Qin Lie could only look up to, but now, Qin Lie has been able to stand on an equal footing with him, and he will not be afraid at all. This is the strong confidence that wealth brings him!

In the end, it was Lin Zheng who broke the silence first: "Listen to Qiuzhu, are you from the marketing department of our company?"

"Yes, I have been with the company for more than a year, and I was honored as an outstanding new employee at the annual meeting last year, but Mr. Lin may not be impressed."

Qin Lie replied very calmly.

His performance in the marketing department is quite remarkable, but there are too many people in the entire Lin Group. There are hundreds of ordinary employees like him, and Lin Zhengzheng, the chairman of the group, can't remember him like this. a small person.

"I really don't have any impression of you, but you can protect my daughter on a desert island full of dangers, obviously you are talented. How about you, do you want to consider continuing to serve in our Lin Group? You can rest assured, this time will not be Let you be a marketing salesperson, I can give you the position of sales director and let you display your talents to the fullest."

Lin Zheng said again, from his solemn expression, it was enough to see that he was not joking, but really wanted to promote Qin Lie.

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