If it was before the plane crash, Qin Lie would have been flattered to hear that Lin Zheng made himself the sales director.

After all, this is the absolute core executive of the company, with an annual salary of at least one million, plus dividends, it is not a problem for a young man to easily earn three or five million.

But today, Qin Lie is no longer the Wuxia Amon that he used to be. For him, let alone a million, even a million is unattractive.

"Sorry, Mr. Lin, I may have to leave the company. I want to do something on my own."

Qin Lie refused very clearly.

As long as those gold and silver treasures are realized, he can instantly become a billionaire in cash, and he can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't need to be subservient anymore.

"Well, I respect your choice."

Lin Zheng had actually expected this result, and was not surprised, nor did he have much reaction.

Because if he became a billionaire overnight, he would definitely not go to work for others again.

"I won't tell you more about selling gold and jewelry for you. Believe me, I won't let you down. Now I want to talk to you about something more important."

When he said this, Lin Zheng's face also became serious.

"More important things? I don't know what Mr. Lin wants to talk about?"

Qin Lie asked in confusion.

"Although Qiuzhu didn't say it clearly, I can see that she likes you, and I want to see your attitude."

Lin Zheng asked bluntly.

Known daughter Mo Ruofu, he found that every time Qin Lie was mentioned, his daughter's face would be filled with a kind of shyness of a little girl. As a past person, he knew very well that it meant that his daughter was in love!

This actually surprised Lin Zheng, because he knew very well how arrogant his daughter was.

It is no exaggeration to say that she is like a high phoenix. She doesn't even look at ordinary men, and in recent years, I don't know how many young, talented and wealthy disciples want to pursue her, but they are all rejected. She refused to be thousands of miles away.

However, Qin Lie was able to capture the heart of his daughter, which is definitely an explosive news for Lin Zhenglai.

He had to ask things clearly so that his daughter would not be deceived.

After hearing Lin Zheng's question, the expression on Qin Lie's face also became a little unnatural, and he really didn't know how to answer Lin Zheng.

"Why don't you talk? Don't you like my daughter?"

Lin Zheng asked again.

"Mr. Lin, I just regard Qiuzhu as a friend, and have no intention of pursuing her."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and replied.

He did fantasize about chasing Lin Qiuzhu before, and he would fight for decades less, but now that he has tens of billions of wealth, there is no need to rely on women.

Especially Lin Qiuzhu asked him before, saying that he could only treat her wholeheartedly, which Qin Lie couldn't do anyway.

After all, whether it was Chen Xiaoyu, Ye Yuqing, or Aoi Sakurako, they were all his women, and he couldn't have dumped them all for another woman.

This time, it was Lin Zheng's turn to be shocked. He really didn't expect Qin Lie to make such an answer.

You must know that his daughter is a stunning beauty who is alluring the country and the city. It is not an exaggeration to say that she looks like a fairy. In addition, he has a rich father like him who is on the list of China's richest people, which makes her become countless people. object to pursue.

However, Qin Lie didn't like his daughter, which surprised him more than he found out that his daughter liked Qin Lie.

But thinking that Qin Lie owns billions of gold and silver treasures and does not need to fawn on his daughter in exchange for wealth, all this makes sense.

"Since you don't like my daughter, please make it clear to her in advance. It's best to keep a distance from her. I don't want to see Qiuzhu suffer any harm."

Lin Zheng said again.

He originally wanted to test Qin Lie. If Qin Lie passed his test, he would make Qin Lie his son-in-law and train him to be his right-hand man, so that he could inherit his position in the future.

But since Qin Lie didn't like Lin Qiuzhu, he naturally wouldn't be reluctant.

"Well, I'll make it clear to her. You don't need to worry about this, Mr. Lin."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

Now that he has the confidence, he doesn't need to bow down in front of Lin at all.

"Well, I won't say anything else. This is my business card. You can call me if you need help in China in the future."

Lin Zheng said, took out a business card and handed it to Qin Lie.

"Okay. If there's nothing else I'll go back first."

Qin Lie and Lin Zheng had nothing to talk about, so they took their business cards and left.

"This young man is really different."

After Qin Lie left, Lin Zhengze muttered to himself.

In Qin Lie, he did not see the ugly faces of the upstarts, nor the impetuousness of the young people. On the contrary, Qin Lie gave him a mature and stable feeling in every gesture, which made him quite fond of Qin Lie. For admiration.

If nothing else, this kind of calm personality alone is quite commendable.

What's more, according to his daughter, Qin Lie is resourceful and calculating, and is definitely a rare talent.

Unfortunately, he was not able to become Qin Lie's Bole when he was in the company. Now Qin Lie has as much wealth as him, and it is impossible to be used by him.

Otherwise, with Qin Lie's assistance, he can confidently hand over the company to his daughter.

After sighing with regret, Lin Zheng retracted his thoughts, took out his mobile phone and made a call to a friend in China, looking for sales channels in advance.

After saying goodbye to Lin Zheng, Qin Lie went back to his room first.

Seeing Qin Lie, Momo, who had been in the house for a long time, immediately limped over, his tail was wagging, and his face was full of flattery.

Qin Lie touched Zamao's head, played with it for a while, then lay on the sofa and closed his eyes to rest.

He knew very well that his hard days were about to end, and what awaited him would be a better tomorrow.

Just when Qin Lie was thinking about how to live in the future, there was a sudden knock on the door.

He opened the door and saw that it was Lin Qiuzhu who came.

"Can I go in?"

Lin Qiuzhu stood at the door and asked.

"Of course, please come in."

Qin Lie smiled and welcomed Lin Qiuzhu in.

Lin Qiuzhu first said hello to Za Mao, and then turned his attention to Qin Lie.

Her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end.

Seeing Lin Qiuzhu's hesitant expression, Qin Lie couldn't help but smile: "Just say what you want to say, there is no need for us to be awkward."

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