Aunt Niu replied and went in to cook.

Qin Lie chatted with Ma Jianguo and Liu Linghua, mainly because the two asked about Qin Lie's current situation. Qin Lie didn't hide anything, and probably answered them all.

"It just so happens that my cousin's daughter doesn't have a match yet. She is also a college student. She is beautiful and diligent. I think you are a good match. Should my aunt help you?"

As soon as she heard that Qin Lie was still a target, Liu Linghua immediately gave birth to the idea of ​​being a matchmaker for Qin Lie.

"Thank you Aunt Linghua, I don't want to get married yet."

Qin Lie quickly politely declined.

After all, there is no shortage of women around him now, so he doesn't need anyone to introduce him.

"Silly boy, you're not too young. It's time to worry about the big things in life. Look at Yangyang and Lei Lei, who are a few months younger than you. This child will call him daddy. If you don't hurry up, In the future, even the daughter-in-law will not be able to talk about it."

Liu Linghua shouted in the tone of an elder.

"Aunt Linghua, thank you for caring about me so much, but I really don't plan to get married now, so I won't bother you anymore."

Qin Lie replied with a wry smile.

He knew that Liu Linghua was also doing his own good, so naturally he would not be angry.

"Linghua, Xiao Lie must be focusing on his career now. How could he get married so early like the people in our village? Don't mention Zhang Luo."

Ma Jianguo couldn't help but interject.

"Okay, okay, I won't mind my own business."

Liu Linghua thought for a while, Qin Lie is almost half a city person now, and she really can't look at them from the perspective of rural people.

"Come on, Xiaolie, it's time to eat."

While talking, Aunt Niu came back with a large bowl of fried rice with eggs, and there were a lot of chopped beef in it.

"Thank you, Aunt Niu."

Qin Lie thanked him and hurriedly took the bowl.

"Thank you, just don't dislike it."

Aunt Niu smiled.

"Look at what you said, how could I dislike it." Qin Lie replied, and then took a bite of the rice, "Well, Aunt Niu's cooking skills are still so good, and the fried rice is delicious."

"Xiao Lie's mouth is still as sweet."

Aunt Niu was so complimented by Qin Lie that she couldn't stop laughing.

"Come on, get another coconut milk to drink, don't choke."

Ma Jianguo brought a bottle of coconut milk and handed it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was rude, he unscrewed the lid and drank while eating.

"By the way, Xiaolie, you came back this time to move the grave for your grandfather?"

Aunt Niu asked after drinking a sip of tea.

"Move the grave? What kind of grave?"

Hearing Aunt Niu's words, Qin Lie was taken aback for a moment.

"You still don't know about moving the grave?"

Aunt Niu was also surprised. From Qin Lie's expression, it could be seen that Qin Lie didn't know anything about this.

"Auntie, please clarify, who wants to move the grave?"

Qin Lie asked with a puzzled face.

"The Qin family is outrageous, they didn't even tell you about such a big thing!"

A trace of anger immediately appeared on Aunt Niu's face.

After that, Aunt Niu didn't hide it, and told Qin Lie the whole thing in detail.

It turned out that a real estate developer liked the scenery on Qin Lie's side and wanted to build a tourist resort on the hill to the east of their village, and his grandfather and the cemeteries of many families in the village were all in the planning area. The matter of moving the grave.

According to Aunt Niu, the notice to develop the resort in Haitang Village was issued more than four months ago, and the developer had reached a compensation agreement with each household as early as a month ago, and the compensation had already been paid. , remove all the tombs within one month, and the first day of next month is the deadline.

At that time, if the tomb has not been removed, they will directly send bulldozers to level it, and they will not be responsible.

After hearing the news, Qin Lie was also instantly furious.

Not because he didn't get the compensation, but because the Qin family never revealed a word to themselves!

You must know that more than four months ago, he hadn't suffered an air crash, and the Qin family only needed to make a phone call to themselves, but they just didn't tell themselves anything.

But when he thought of the ugly faces of the Qin family, Qin Lie wanted to understand the reason behind it almost instantly.

Those people must be worried that they would come back and share the compensation, so they deliberately concealed all this from themselves.

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