"Aunt Niu, I won't tell you first, I'll see you another day."

Qin Lie suppressed the anger in his heart and got up and said.

"Xiaolie, do you want me to go to the Qin family with you?"

Aunt Niu asked quickly.

"No, I'll go by myself."

After rejecting Aunt Niu's kindness, Qin Lie got up and left.

At this moment, Qin Lie's joy of returning to his hometown was gone, only his anger remained.

Ten minutes later, Qin Lie came to a farmhouse with a two-story western-style building.

His grandfather's name is Qin Derong. He has seven brothers and sisters. He is the eldest in the family, but he never married. The second child died of illness when he was less than eighteen years old. The third, fourth, sixth and seventh were girls. , all married to the outer village, and this is the home of the fifth old Qin Deyuan.

According to his seniority, Qin Lie should call Qin Deyuan the fifth grandfather, but since his grandfather passed away, he has almost stopped contacting Qin Deyuan's family.

The reason is that Qin Deyuan's family is too powerful, and everyone in this family is full of money when they open their mouths and shut their mouths, and there is absolutely no human touch at all.

The most hateful thing is that on the day of his grandfather's death, Qin Deyuan hurriedly snatched the homestead certificate of his grandfather's house and forcibly took it for himself, while he was kicked out.

In the words of Qin Deyuan's family, he was picked up by his grandfather, not their Qin family, so he is not qualified to inherit the Qin family's old house.

At that time, Qin Lie was immersed in the grief of losing his grandfather, and he did not want to let his grandfather die in peace, so he simply gave the house to the family.

Later, Qin Deyuan's family sold his grandfather's old house to a relatively wealthy family in the same village for 60,000 yuan, and then built this two-story building.

And since the small building was built, Qin Deyuan's family walked in the village with their nostrils facing the sky, showing off everywhere, and talking to others with a high-spirited tone, which made many people in the village hate their family.

Raising his head and looking at the four-character plaque of "Jide Family" above the gate, Qin Lie only felt a burst of irony.

"It's still virtuous, and it's almost the same as lacking virtue."

Qin Lie smiled coldly.

If it weren't for the fact that his grandfather moved his grave, Qin Lie would never set foot here again in his life.

Without wasting any more time, Qin Lie directly knocked on the big iron door.


Soon a voice of inquiry came from inside the house.

Qin Lie didn't make any answer, just knocked on the door again.

After a while, the door opened, and a young man of the same age as Qin Lie walked out.

This person is Qin Deyuan's grandson Qin Bowen, who is one year younger than Qin Lie, but he has never called Qin Lie a brother since he was a child.

"Qin Lie? Why are you back?"

Seeing Qin Lie, Qin Bowen was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting Qin Lie to suddenly appear at his door.

"Why didn't you tell me about my grandfather's relocation!"

Qin Lie asked coldly.

"You're not our Qin family, why should I tell you?"

Qin Bowen replied with a look of disdain.

"I don't want to quarrel with you, I just ask you, where are you going to move my grandfather's grave?"

Qin Lie asked with a cold face.

"Where we like to move, don't mind your shit!"

Qin Bowen replied arrogantly.

"You didn't even think about moving the grave for my grandfather, did you?"

Qin Lie narrowed his eyes and asked.

Hearing this, Qin Bowen's expression changed.

He really didn't expect to be seen by Qin Lie.

However, Qin Bowen replied stubbornly: "Who the hell told you that we won't move the grave for the eldest grandpa? I have already chosen a new cemetery for the eldest grandfather."

"Okay, then tell me where the new cemetery is?"

Qin Lie continued to ask.

"At... at... you fucking care where I choose!"

Qin Bowen thought about it for a long time and couldn't come up with a good excuse, so he simply played the rogue again.

"Okay, no need to argue, I know you never thought of moving the grave for my grandfather. Your family's conscience is really eaten by dogs!"

Qin Lie scolded unceremoniously.

Before, his grandfather was seriously ill, but Qin Deyuan's family never went to the hospital to visit the old man once, worried about medical expenses. Later, his grandfather passed away. Not only did the family not help with the funeral, but they stole the homestead certificate overnight and forcibly occupied him. Grandpa's house and kicked him out.

Qin Lie looked at the face of his deceased grandfather, and he never cared about these things.

But this time, the village is going to move the grave for development. These people don't even need to steal the compensation money from themselves. They never thought of moving the grave for his grandfather. This kind of behavior is not as good as a pig!

"Hey, I told you today that I didn't plan to move the grave for that old man. There are only a handful of ashes left, so how many graves will be moved!"

Seeing that Qin Lie had torn his face, Qin Bowen simply stopped covering it up.

Although according to his seniority, he needs to call Qin Lie's grandpa grandpa, but he has no feelings for Qin Lie's grandfather.

Moving graves requires money. For a family who loves money like their lives, spending money is like cutting their flesh. Naturally, they don’t want to hire someone to move graves.

Qin Bowen scolded himself. Qin Lie could bear it, but he dared to insult his grandfather, which instantly made Qin Lie furious.

He no longer cared about his past feelings, and raised his hand and slapped Qin Bowen.


The crisp slap sounded, Qin Bowen staggered, and was directly slapped to the ground.

"Grass mud horse, how dare you hit me!"

Feeling the burning pain on his face, Qin Bowen was instantly annoyed and angry, he got up from the ground and was ready to do Qin Lie.

However, he was just an idle little bastard, who was Qin Lie's opponent, and was directly kicked to the ground by Qin Lie.

"Qin Bowen, listen to me. If you dare to speak rudely to my grandfather, I will tear your shit!"

Qin Lie shouted sharply.

Qin Bowen was about to scold back, but seeing the terrible killing intent in Qin Lie's eyes, he swallowed his words.

Before, because Qin Lie had been patient, he didn't take Qin Lie seriously at all.

But this time Qin Lie was furious again, and he suddenly recalled that Qin Lie was a famous demon king in Shili Ba Village, and even those local gangsters were in awe of Qin Lie, and he absolutely did what he said and did.

"Bowen, what are you arguing about?"

At this moment, Qin Bowen's father Qin Weihai came out of the house after hearing the movement outside.

Qin Weihai was also taken aback when he saw Qin Lie standing outside.

"Dad, Qin Lie hit me!"

Qin Bowen hurried the wicked to file a complaint first.

Seeing the very clear slap print on his son's face, Qin Weihai instantly became angry.

"You little beast dare to beat my son, you don't want to live!"

Qin Weihai didn't ask any questions, he pointed at Qin Lie and cursed.

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