"Ask your son yourself why I hit him."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"Bowen, why did he beat you?"

Qin Weihai looked at Qin Bowen and said.

"He wants my grandfather's compensation. If I don't give him, he will beat me directly."

Qin Bowen immediately turned black and white.

As soon as he heard that he was here to ask for money, Qin Weihai was instantly furious.

"The compensation is to be paid to our Qin family. You are just a wild seed that my uncle picked up. What qualifications do you have to share the money!"

"Don't forget, if my uncle hadn't spent money to treat you, give you food and clothing, you would have frozen to death outside! Now that your wings are hard, it's fine if you don't give us money to repay your kindness. Asking our Qin family for money, you're not as good as a wolf-hearted beast!"

Qin Weihai pointed directly at Qin Lie and cursed.

For him, a miser, asking for money was like killing him, and he would never let Qin Lie take a penny from his pocket.

"Qin Weihai, listen to me clearly, my grandfather raised me, I have never eaten a bowl of rice in your family, and I don't owe you any kindness. But for my grandfather's sake, I am a cent of the compensation. I won't even want it, but remember it to me, from now on we'll make a clean break, if any of you dare to disturb my grandfather's peace again, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Qin Lie said coldly.

He has always respected his elders very much, but what this family did really made him feel too cold. From this moment on, he would never treat them as his relatives again.

Being scolded by Qin Lie, a junior he looked down on, Qin Weihai was instantly furious.

"A wild species is a wild species. If the wings are hard, the six relatives will not recognize you. If I knew that I should have let my uncle strangle you to death!"

Qin Weihai cursed again.

"Shut up! If you dare to scold me again, I will let you live in a wheelchair for the rest of your life!"

Being abandoned by his parents was Qin Lie's biggest scar, but Qin Weihai scolded him as a wild breed when he opened his mouth and shut his mouth, which made Qin Lie no longer able to tolerate it.

If it weren't for the fact that he was an elder, Qin Lie would have done it directly.

Feeling the strong hostility in Qin Lie's body, Qin Weihai couldn't help but feel a little scared.

He could be sure that Qin Lie would definitely dare to beat him!

This made Qin Weihai, who originally wanted to rely on himself as an elder, to lose his previous arrogance.

However, as the saying goes, the loser does not lose, Qin Weihai's mouth is still very hard.

"Qin Lie, get out of here, don't come to our house in the future, I don't want to see you again, this unscrupulous guy!"

Hearing Qin Weihai's brazen words, Qin Lie was immediately amused.

"Don't worry, I will never set foot in your house again."

After saying this, Qin Lie turned around and left.

He is now angry when he sees the ugly faces of this family, so he should stay away from here as soon as possible, otherwise he will feel that he will lose a day of life if he stays for one more second.

"This little bastard should have strangled him when he was young!"

Looking at the back of Qin Lie leaving, Qin Weihai cursed again.

"Dad, don't bother with him, as long as you don't let him take the compensation money away."

Qin Bowen's heart is also burning with anger now, but he can't beat Qin Lie in the key fight, so he can only swallow this breath temporarily.

"This beast is really ruthless, and it swelled your face. Go, go home, and I'll give you some medicine."

Qin Weihai felt sorry for his son, and quickly took Qin Bowen back to the house.

After leaving Qin Weihai's house, Qin Lie came to a dilapidated courtyard at the end of Haitang Village.

This yard is the old house of his primary school classmate Gao Lei's family. Later, Gao Lei's family bought another piece of homestead and built a new house. This old house is no longer lived in, and Qin Lie happened to be driven by Qin Dehai's family. When he came out and had nowhere to stay, Gao Lei let Qin Lie live here temporarily.

Qin Lie was about to open the door when he suddenly remembered that the key had been lost in the air crash, so he simply jumped over the wall and jumped into the yard.

The last time he came back was during the Chinese New Year, and he hasn't come back for eight months now. Fortunately, the Gao family knew that Qin Lie didn't come back often. He would come over to clean up when he was okay, otherwise the yard would have been overgrown with weeds. .

Qin Lie quickly came to his room, and when he touched the door, he found a key he put there.

Opening the door, a strong musty smell came out.

Qin Lie flashed his hand in front of his nose and quickly opened the window.

Because I haven't come back for a long time, a layer of dust has fallen on the table in this room.

Qin Lie first took out the bedding in the closet to dry, then drank water and started cleaning the room.

Although at his current price, he can go to a star-rated hotel, and then hire a driver to pick him up all the way, but as the saying goes, the golden den and the silver den are not as good as his own dog kennel, at least it makes him feel at home.

After a full hour, Qin Lie finally cleaned the house.

Considering that daily necessities such as toiletries have to be re-purchased, Qin Lie went out to the canteen in the village again.

"Xiaolie, did Qin Weihai's family bully you?"

Seeing Qin Lie, Aunt Niu asked quickly.

"I'm not a soft persimmon, how could they bully me."

Qin Lie smiled and replied.

He had been putting up with the family and saving them face, but unfortunately, the family was too shameless, and they did everything better than the other, and now it has touched Qin Lie's bottom line, Qin Lie will naturally not do it again. Be polite to them.

"That's right, we Xiaolie really have few people who can bully him."

Recalling that Qin Lie once fought five bullies by himself and beat each other down, Aunt Niu didn't worry anymore.

"By the way, Xiaolie, do you want the compensation from your grandfather back?"

Aunt Niu asked in a different direction.

"I don't want it, just feed the dog."

Qin Lie shook his head.

"Don't do anything. That's 60,000 yuan. It's too cheap to give them like this. We have to get the money back!"

Aunt Niu said angrily.

When the old man went to the funeral, Qin Weihai's family was very poor. All the funeral expenses were paid by Qin Lie. Not only that, Qin Lie also took out his own savings for half a year and spent 30,000 yuan to build his grandfather a luxurious one in the countryside. cemetery.

Because of this, other people's compensation is 8,000, 10,000, and at most 15,000, but the developer paid Qin Lie's grandfather's cemetery 40,000 compensation.

It stands to reason that this is quite a lot, but Qin Weihai's family is insatiable, and they play rogue with other developers, and they just ask for an extra 20,000 yuan in compensation.

If Qin Weihai's family supports the old man, there is no problem with taking the money.

But it is Qin Lie who is the key to the old man's retirement. Qin Lie is the one who is busy before and after the funeral. In the end, the compensation money is taken by Qin Weihai's family. Even Aunt Niu can't stand it anymore. It was picked up, and there was no family to support him!

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