The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 260 Do You Still Treat Me As Your Brother?

"Without Aunt Niu, I don't have time to argue with that family."

Qin Lie knows the face of his fifth grandfather too well. He can send them money, but if he wants to get money from their pockets, they will definitely fight with you.

Besides, he is now a millionaire with a net worth of tens of billions, and he doesn't care about that little money at all.

"Xiaolie, why are you still so stubborn? Before, the homestead was just because you didn't fight with them. We have a chance to say something to you, but this time, no matter what, you have to listen to your aunt, aunt. I'll call all the people in our village to support you later, I don't believe that the old Qin family dares to be so arrogant!"

Aunt Niu said again.

These villagers all grew up watching Qin Lie. Although Qin Lie caused trouble when he was a child, he is very kind. No matter who has a job, he will volunteer to help.

Now Qin Lie's grandfather is gone, these villagers are Qin Lie's elders, so naturally they can't watch Qin Lie being bullied by Qin family all the time.

"Auntie, let me tell you the truth, I have money, and I'm not short of that."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

He understood that Aunt Niu was doing it for his own good, but he really didn't have the time to waste spit with the Qin family for tens of thousands of dollars.

"Auntie knows that you earn a lot in the city, but don't forget, you are not married yet. In the future, you should not spend a lot of money on buying a house, buying a car and raising children. If you don't save more now, you will be uncomfortable in the future. when."

Aunt Niu educated Qin Lie in the tone of someone who had come over.

"Auntie, I understand what you mean, but I really don't need this money now, so you don't need to worry about me anymore."

Qin Lie refused with a wry smile.

"Okay, okay, then I don't care. When you don't have money in the future, don't say that my aunt didn't help you."

Seeing that Qin Lie was so stubborn and didn't listen to her at all, Aunt Niu simply stopped persuading her.

"No way."

Qin Lie quickly replied.

After that, Qin Lie bought a box of Telunsu, a box of Red Bull, and a large bag of various snacks from Aunt Niuer and took them to the house of his classmate Gao Lei.

Gao Lei and Qin Lie have played together since childhood. They have a very good relationship. They are almost the kind of brothers who wear a pair of pants. Otherwise, they would not let Qin Lie live in the old house.

When Qin Lie arrived at Gao Lei's house, the door of Gao Lei's house was open, and the family sat in the courtyard.

It's just that Gao Lei's family was obviously frowning at this time, and everyone just sat like that, no one said a word.


Qin Lie called Gao Lei's nickname, which caught the attention of Gao Lei's family.

"Xiao Lie!"

Seeing Qin Lie, a look of joy appeared on Gao Lei's gloomy face.

"You said you can come, why do you take so many things and pretend to be big money?"

Gao Lei pretended to be unhappy.

"Hey, what are you pretending to be, we are big money, hurry up and kill me."

Because the relationship between the two is inseparable, Qin Lie never needs to be roundabout when talking to Gao Lei.

After handing the things to Gao Lei, Qin Lie looked at Gao Lei's mother Zhang Ping: "Hello, Aunt Ping."

"Sit down and take a break, Auntie will pour you a cup of tea"

Zhang Ping said and handed Qin Lie a chair, then got up and went into the room.

"Hello, big brother."

In the yard, the two girls greeted Qin Lie at the same time.

The two girls are twins, the older one is Gao Xue and the younger one is Gao Ning. Don't look at Gao Lei's appearance, but these two younger sisters are very smart, and the matchmakers in the village usually run to Gao's house.

It's just that both sisters are in college and usually rarely come back.

"Xiaoxue, Xiaoning, you two don't need to go to class?"

Qin Lie looked at the two and asked.

"The internship has already started, so come back for a few days."

Gao Xue replied.


Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't ask any more questions.

"Xiaolie, when did you come back?"

Gao Lei asked.

"I just came back today."

"How many days are you planning to stay this time?"

"Not sure yet, but it will definitely be longer than before."

"That's right. I'll have dinner at my house tonight. Let's have a few drinks."

"no problem."

Qin Lie would drink with Gao Lei every time he came back, so naturally he would not refuse this time.

"Xiaolie, drink tea."

While the two brothers were talking, Zhang Ping came over with a cup of tea.

Qin Lie took the teacup and thanked him, recalling what he saw just now, he looked at Gao Lei and asked, "Lei Zi, what happened to your family, why did I see you all frowning just now? of?"

"What's wrong, it's fine."

Gao Leiqiang smiled happily.

"Lei Zi, tell me the truth, what happened?"

Qin Lie asked with a stern face.

"It's all right."

Gao Lei replied.

"Xiaoxue, tell your brother what happened."

Seeing that Gao Lei was unwilling to say anything, Qin Lie looked at Gao Xue.

"Xiaoxue, don't talk."

Gao Lei looked at Gao Xue and shouted.

"Brother, don't hide it from brother lie, or where will we go to collect the operation fee for our father."

Gao Xue said with tears in his eyes.

"Elementary school, what happened to Uncle Gao?"

Qin Lie hurriedly asked.

"My brother lost all the money of the farm. In order to pay off the debt, my dad wanted to go to the city to work and earn some money, but he had a car accident before he made the money. The medical bills cost more than 10,000 yuan.”

"In the past two days, we have borrowed all the relatives who can borrow it, but there is still 80,000 yuan for the operation fee. Brother Lie, can you lend us some money first, and I will pay you back when I earn money."

Gao Xue pleaded with a hint of crying.

"Lei Zi, have you got water in your head? Why didn't you tell me about such an important thing? Do you still treat me as a brother!"

Qin Lie turned and pointed at Gao Lei and asked.

"I haven't paid back the 30,000 yuan that I borrowed from you before. I don't have the face to ask you to borrow money again."

Gao Lei held his head and replied bitterly.

"You, you are just a stupid pig. Isn't your face less important than your father's life?"

Qin Lie scolded Gao Lei angrily.

"Brother Lie, don't scold my brother. He also thinks it's not easy for you to make money, so he's embarrassed to borrow money from you."

Gao Xue said good things for Gao Lei.

"You don't need to speak for him, I know better than you what your brother's virtue is."

Qin Lie grew up with Gao Lei. He knew that Gao Lei was good in every way, but he was a bit of a loser.

"You can scold me whatever you want later, but can you lend me some more money, I really can't help it."

Now that the words have been spoken, Gao Lei directly asked Qin Lie for help.

"Okay, don't cry with a sad face, I'll come out for the 80,000 yuan."

Qin Lie replied very readily.

Not to mention that Gao Lei and he were brothers who grew up together, and he helped his father when he was a child, it is impossible for him to die.

"Thank you Qin Lie."

Hearing this, Rao Shi Gao Lei's eyes turned red.

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