The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 266 Big Mac Kaiyuan Construction Group

"Haha, even a hairy boy dares to scare me, really ignorant and fearless. Tell me, which is your grandfather's cemetery, I promise that people will give it priority to level it!"

Wang Yongnian sneered.

"The one on the southern hillside is the one, try moving it."

Qin Lie wouldn't joke with these people, as long as someone dared to touch his grandfather's grave, he would dare to let him lie down and leave here.

"It turns out that your family is making trouble for the people again!"

Looking at the very eye-catching tomb, Wang Yongnian's face became even colder.

He was very impressed with this tomb.

Because at that time, it was obvious that he had negotiated with Qin Weihai's family and signed the contract. As a result, the old Qin Derong lay directly under his wheel, and 20,000 yuan was stolen from them.

He thought that this matter was over, but he didn't expect the Qin family to come out and make trouble again, this time he would never compromise again.

"Captain Hu, go and level the tomb for me. If I can still see a little bit of the tomb within half an hour, you can pack my bed and get out of here."

Wang Yongnian said to the captain of his construction team.

"Don't worry, it won't take half an hour."

Captain Hu responded and prepared to take someone to level the grave of Grandpa Qin Lie first.

"Folks, stop them for me, whoever dares to take a step near my grandfather's grave and break his leg, I'll take care of it. If I get injured, I'll pay all the medical expenses, and I'll give you one thousand to one hundred dollars depending on the severity of the injury. compensation within ten thousand.”

Qin Lie said, opened the password box in his hand on the spot, and presented the box of money in front of everyone.

When they saw the piles of cash, all the villagers were stunned.

Although Haitang Village is not a super poor village, there are not many rich people in the village, and people here have never seen so much cash in their lives.

This time, the villagers no longer had any doubts about Qin Lie's words, and they all stood in front of the construction team.

There were a lot of people in the construction team this time, there were a dozen or so, but the number of villagers was even more, with a total of seventy or eighty people.

Although in terms of combat effectiveness, the construction team was almost guaranteed to win, but the key point was that there were many old men and women in these villagers.

"Mr. Wang, what should I do now?"

Captain Hu could only look at Wang Yongnian.

Wang Yongnian's face was completely gloomy at this time.

He originally thought that these villagers were here to watch the fun, but he didn't expect that they all stood on Qin Lie's side.

Looking at the large group of villagers in front of him, Wang Yongnian didn't dare to give an order to do it.

Otherwise, things will get bigger, and he will be the first to come in for tea.

But grandpa Qin Lie's grave must be leveled. After all, they plan to build a resort here. If those who are on vacation know that there is a grave standing in the resort, who would dare to visit the resort in the future?

After pondering for a while, Wang Yongnian looked directly at Liu Guangming, the village chief.

"Liu Village Chief, it's up to you to deal with this matter. Don't forget, we signed it in black and white. If the construction period is delayed because of your breach of contract, I promise to sue your entire village to bankruptcy!"

Wang Yongnian coldly threatened Liu Guangming, then took out a cigarette and lit it.

He wanted to see how Liu Guangming handled this matter.

"Xiaolie, come here, uncle will say a few words to you alone."

Liu Guangming looked at Qin Lie helplessly.

Considering that Liu Guangming had a good reputation in the village and had helped him before, Qin Lie still followed Liu Guangming to the woods not far away.

"Xiao Lie, these people are all from Kaiyuan Construction Group. Kaiyuan, you should have heard of it, it's a super big company, we can't afford to offend it at all. If you want me to say, let's move your grandfather's grave away quickly, or else In the end, it must be us who suffer.”

Liu Guangming persuaded earnestly.

Kaiyuan Construction is the No. 1 construction company in Lucheng, with a market value of tens of billions. The development projects are all over Lucheng. Both black and white have strong influence. Even the mayor must give the chairman of Lucheng some face.

"Uncle Guangming, you don't have to persuade me, I won't change my mind."

Qin Lie said very stubbornly.

If it was before, he would definitely not dare to fight against a giant like Kaiyuan, that would just be a mayfly shaking the tree and committing suicide.

But he is not what he used to be. Even in the face of the chairman of Kaiyuan, he will not take any falsehood, and he will naturally not make compromises.

"Xiaolie, just listen to Uncle's advice, we really can't afford to offend those people."

"And to be honest, my uncle is actually quite supportive of them building a resort here. As long as the resort is built, our village will definitely benefit a lot. By then, everyone will make more money, and this life will be even worse. All right."

Liu Guangming continued to persuade him bitterly.

As a villager, Kaiyuan has already paid compensation, and they have no reason to stop each other.

As the head of the village, he is obliged to lead the villagers to become rich, and this resort is the best miracle for their village to take off, and he strongly supports it.

Therefore, he does not want the resort development project to be interrupted because of Qin Lie.

"Uncle, I understand what you mean, but I will not change my attitude. I will fight my grandfather's grave with all my might."

Qin Lie's attitude was still tough, and there was no room for negotiation.

"Oh, my God, you can really give me problems."

Liu Guangming smiled bitterly, his face helpless.

Qin Lie didn't listen to persuasion, and he couldn't offend the developer, so he was in a dilemma now.

"Uncle, let me tell you the truth. I have made a fortune recently. Even without this resort, I will definitely lead our entire village to become rich together."

Qin Lie pondered for a while and said again.

He has tens of billions of assets in his hand, and he only needs to invest and build a factory in his village, and then the villagers' lives will naturally be improved.

"You didn't lie to your uncle, did you?"

Liu Guangming asked suspiciously.

"You also saw my box of money just now. Do you think it is necessary for me to deceive you?"

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Hearing this, Liu Guangming recalled the box of cash.

He only knew that Qin Lie worked in the city, but now it seems that Qin Lie should have really made a fortune.

"That's alright, Uncle won't advise you, but Uncle won't help you offend Kaiyuan Group. Don't blame Uncle for worrying, after all, Uncle has to think about his family."

Liu Guangming replied.

"I don't need your help, I can handle it myself."

Qin Lie replied nonchalantly.

After that, the two chatted a few more words, and then returned to the confrontation scene together.

"Mr. Wang, I'm sorry, I really can't be busy with this matter. The village committee has something to do, so I'll go back first."

After saying this, Liu Guangming left without waiting for Wang Yongnian to speak.

In this way, even if something happened in the future, he would have something to say.

Seeing Liu Guangming leave, Wang Yongnian's face became more and more gloomy.

"Boy, I'll ask you one last time, you really want to stop us from construction, right?"

Wang Yongnian stared gloomily at Qin Lie and said.

"I'll get back to you for the last time. No one is allowed to touch my grandfather's grave."

Qin Lie replied without showing weakness.

"Okay, you have a seed, I hope you will have a seed later."

After saying these words full of threats, Wang Yongnian took out his mobile phone in front of everyone and dialed a number.

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