"Hey, Ah Hu, bring your brother to the back mountain of Haitang Village immediately, I'm having some trouble here."

Wang Yongnian said directly to the phone, not avoiding Qin Lie at all.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

A man on the other end of the phone replied immediately.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Yongnian looked at Captain Hu again: "Put the grave over there first for me."


Captain Hu responded, quickly ended the confrontation, and continued to work with his workers.

"Boy, you want to play, right? I'll accompany you to the end!"

Wang Yongnian sneered, took out a cigarette and started smoking again.

"Qin Lie, what should we do now?"

a villager asked in a low voice.

The man's name is Yang Hongwu, the father of Qin Lie's primary school playmate.

"Uncle Hongwu, you take some people back to the village to get the guys first, the others will wait here with me, and each of them will pay an additional 100 yuan for their meals."

Qin Lie continued.

He knew very well that Wang Yongnian had called someone over, and there was a high possibility of violent conflict. In this case, he naturally had to prepare in advance.

He believed that as long as he gave enough deterrent power, Wang Yongnian would not dare to act rashly.

Hearing Qin Lie's words, the villagers cheered up again. After all, earning six hundred dollars a day, such a good job can't be found even with a lantern.

On the other hand, Yang Hongwu didn't have any ink marks, so he took a group of people and ran back to the village.

About forty minutes later, Yang Hongwu brought people back, and everyone was holding several shovels, pickaxes, hoes and other agricultural tools.

And Gao Lei even followed.

He just came back from the hospital, and happened to meet Yang Hongwu and others who went back to the village to get the guy. When he heard that Qin Lie was going to work with the developer, he didn't hesitate at all, and immediately followed the guy.

To him, Qin Lie was his own brother, and for the sake of his brother, he would not hesitate to put a knife to both sides.

After a brief chat between the two, Qin Lie distributed the farm tools, so that the villagers were also "armed".

In order to avoid accidents later, Qin Lie deliberately made those old people stand behind.

Although these old people can't provide any powerful fighting power, there is no problem with raising the momentum by waving the flag.

Another half an hour later, a group of young men walked over aggressively with poles and baseball bats.

Some of these people have shaved heads, some have dyed yellow hair, and each has colorful tattoos on their bodies.

Seeing these people, the villagers suddenly became nervous.

However, Wang Yongnian was overjoyed and walked quickly towards one of the short-headed youths.

"Hu, why are you so slow?"

Wang Yongnian asked.

"It took me a while to encounter a car accident on the road." Chen Jinhu replied indifferently, and then he glanced at the villagers, "Mr. Wang, you asked me to deal with these villagers, right?"

"That's right, it's them, I don't care what method you use, and immediately make these trolls disappear from my eyes!"

Wang Yongnian said fiercely.

In order to maintain the image of Kaiyuan Group, many of the "dirty jobs" they did not come forward directly were handed over to gangsters like Chen Jinsheng to solve it.

In this way, even if something goes wrong, they can find a scapegoat to take the blame, and their Kaiyuan Group will hardly be affected.

"give it to me."

Chen Jinhu replied indifferently, and then prepared to take his subordinates to 'work'.

"Chen Jinhu, do you still know me?"

Qin Lie suddenly came out from behind the crowd and asked.

"You are... brother lie!"

When he recognized Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu's face instantly flashed with joy.

"That's right, I'm promising, I'll be a big brother."

Qin Lie teased with a playful look on his face.

"Brother lie, don't laugh at me, I'm just eating." Chen Jihu replied with a wry smile, his face was no longer as cold as before, "by the way, brother lie, why are you here?"

"You're asking, you're going to bring someone to beat me, and ask me why I'm here."

Qin Lie chuckled softly.

Hearing this, Chen Jinhu was stunned for a moment, but he quickly realized what was going on.

"Hu, do you know this kid?"

Wang Yongnian, who noticed that something was wrong, came over and asked.

"Well, brother lie is my high school classmate."

Chen Jinhu replied immediately.

"If that's the case, then go and persuade him, let him get to know each other and take people away quickly, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

Wang Yongnian said coldly.

Although Chen Jinhu was a little surprised to know Qin Lie, he still wanted to level the grave.

"Brother lie, can you give me some face and don't go against President Wang?"

Chen Jinhu smiled bitterly and discussed with Qin Lie.

"This guy is going to destroy my grandfather's grave, do you think I can give you this face?"

Qin Lie asked in a flat tone.

"Okay, I get it."

After hearing this was the reason, Chen Jinhu didn't say a word.

"Mr. Wang, I won't take your job. Also, I'll protect the grave of Brother Lie's grandfather. You can't move it."

Chen Jinhu looked at Wang Yongnian and said.

Although his tone was very calm, there was a strong sense of domineering between his words!

Especially the simple "I'll protect you, you can't move" seven words, like an imperial decree, no disobedience!

"Ahu, you fucking want to rebel? Do you still want to hang out in Lucheng!"

Hearing Chen Jinhu talking to him like this, Wang Yongnian was so angry that his nose was crooked, and he scolded directly.

"Mr. Wang, brother lie is kind to me. I have to help him. Please forgive me."

Chen Jinhu replied calmly.

"Okay, you're so fucking loyal!"

Wang Yongnian laughed angrily at Chen Jinhu's words, and his face was a little distorted.

"Chen Jinhu, wait for me, I will definitely tell Wei Zhe about this, I'll see how you explain it to him!"

Wang Yongnian roared in exasperation.

He originally called Chen Jinhu to help himself, but Chen Jinhu turned to Qin Lie in the face of battle, which made him so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"You don't need to tell the big brother, I will ask him to blame myself."

Chen Jinhu replied again.

"Okay, you have a seed!"

Wang Yongnian suppressed his anger, turned around and shouted at his subordinates who were still working: "Hu Haifeng, let's go!"

He knew very well that with Chen Jinhu there, Grandpa Qin Lie's grave would definitely not be settled, and he didn't need to waste any more time here.

"Mr. Wang, walk slowly and don't send it off. If you are not convinced, go to my fifth grandpa and their family to ask for compensation."

Looking at Wang Yongnian who left with anger, Qin Lie didn't forget to bring disaster to the east.

Wang Yongnian clenched his fists, but in the end he didn't fight Qin Lie anymore, and left here with his own people.

"Golden Tiger, thank you."

Qin Lie thanked Chen Jinhu. He really didn't expect Chen Jinhu to stand on his side even if he offended Wang Yongnian.

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