"Brother lie, don't be polite to me. If you hadn't covered me in school, I would have been beaten to death long ago."

Chen Jinhu replied with a smile.

"It's been ten years. I didn't expect you to remember what happened back then. It seems that I didn't help the wrong person."

Qin Lie followed with a smile.

Ten years ago, Qin Lie was transferred to Chen Jinhu's school because of a fight, and the two became classmates.

Because he promised his grandfather to study hard in the future, Qin Lie kept a low profile when he arrived at the new school.

But the tree wanted to be quiet, but the wind kept going. At that time, their school happened to have a group of bullies. They didn't have classes all day. They liked to bully the weak and make trouble. Chen Jinhu didn't know how to offend the other party. Beaten on the road.

Fortunately, Qin Lie happened to be passing by, so Chen Jinhu was rescued, and he said what he would say to Chen Jinhu in the face of the school bully.

After a few days of calm, the school bully dragged Chen Jinhu to the playground for a group fight, and even called Qin Lie over.

After Qin Lie went, he found out that this group of school bullies had gathered a few gangsters from outside the school to support them.

Originally, these people thought they could take revenge on Qin Lie, but Qin Lie beat him into a pig's head instead.

After the fight, Qin Lie became famous in the first battle. No one in the whole school dared to provoke Qin Lie anymore.

But before the end of the semester, Chen Jinhu suddenly dropped out of school. Before parting, Chen Jinhu told Qin Lie that he was going to go to the martial arts school. The two parted and cut off contact.

Unexpectedly, ten years have passed, and the two will meet in this way.

And Chen Jinhu is no longer the skinny boy who was bullied by others, but became the big brother of the society. This is really unpredictable.

"Brother lie, your kindness to me will never be forgotten in my life. If you have anything in the future, just say hello, go up the mountain and go down to the sea of ​​​​fire. I, Chen Jinhu, will not hesitate!"

Chen Jinhu said loudly.

"Don't say that, I just couldn't get used to those bastards bullying people."

Qin Lie quickly waved his hand.

He could see that Chen Jinhu's words were from the bottom of his heart, which made him quite gratified, and it was not in vain that he was almost fired for protecting this kid's head.

"By the way, I'll talk to you later. I'll deal with the matter at hand first."

Qin Lie suddenly remembered that the villagers were still waiting for their money, and quickly turned to look at the villagers.

"The folks who helped me just now, please line up and come over to collect the money."

Qin Lie shouted loudly.

Hearing this, the villagers quickly lined up.

"I said Lao Zhao, you didn't seem to come to help just now, what kind of team are you lining up?"

Yang Hongwu looked at a villager in the same village next to him and said.

"That's right, I still want to get money when I don't work. It's pretty good."

Another villager said without sarcasm.

"Go away quickly, don't treat us as blind."

Others also drove the man away.

Seeing that they were seen through, just like Lao Zhao, a few villagers who came to watch the fun and wanted to be confused could only run to the side in despair.

Qin Lie didn't delay any longer, and started to offer wages to everyone. According to the agreement, it was six hundred oceans per person!

And no matter whether it is men, women or children, as long as they came to help just now, they all received the money, which made all the villagers happy and crooked.

Qin Lie probably counted it, and he sent 72 people, 600 per person, but only more than 40,000 yuan.

"Aunt Niu, Lei Zi, why didn't you two come to collect the money?"

Qin Lie looked up at the two people standing beside him.

"I'm just doing you a favor, what kind of money do you want?"

Gao Lei waved his hand.

"I don't want it either. You save the money for your future wife."

Aunt Niu continued.

"Hey, why are you two being polite to me? Hurry up and get the money."

Qin Lie waved at the two of them.

"I really don't want it."

Gao Lei refused again.

Qin Lie had already lent him 80,000 yuan to tide him over, but he was ashamed to take Qin Lie's money again.

"I'll say it one last time, hurry up and get the money, or I won't deal with you in the future."

Qin Lie's face froze, and he pretended to be angry.

Hearing this, Gao Lei and Aunt Niu had no choice but to come over.

However, Qin Lie took out 400,000 yuan from the box and handed it to Gao Lei.

"Qin Lie, what are you doing?"

Gao Lei asked in confusion.

"This money is the money to buy your old house, and that old house will be mine in the future."

Qin Lie said with a smile.

"No, no, that old house will sell for fifty or sixty thousand at most, it's not worth so much money at all."

Gao Lei quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"If I say it's worth it, it's worth it. You can take the money. I'll be in a hurry if you're polite to me."

Qin Lie didn't allow Gao Lei to refuse at all, and forcibly stuffed the money into Gao Lei.

And Gao Lei only felt that his entire mind was blank, and he no longer knew what to say.

"Aunt Niu, this money is for you, thank you for taking care of me so much when I was a child."

Qin Lie said, and once again took out 400,000 and handed it to Aunt Niu.

"Xiaolie, Auntie can't accept this money."

The cash seemed to be hot, and Aunt Niu hurriedly pushed it back.

"You can take it when I give it to you, why are you being polite to me?"

Qin Lie also forcibly gave the money to Aunt Niu.

Looking at the wads of cash in her hand, Aunt Niu froze in place as if she had been hit with a body fixation technique.

The villagers on the side were still smiling at the ease of earning 600 yuan. When they saw that Qin Lie gave Gao Lei and Aunt Niu 400,000 yuan each, their envious eyes turned red.

After all, for most people, 400,000 is a huge sum of money!

"Folks, I've also paid out the wages. You can go back. I'll call you again if you have any work to do in the future."

Qin Lie looked at everyone and said.

The reason why he gave 800,000 points to Gao Lei and Aunt Niu at one time was to show the help they had given him before, and secondly, he took the opportunity to use the mouths of these villagers to let everyone know that Qin Lie came back. !

As the old saying goes, wealth and honor don't return home like brocade clothes at night. Qin Lie wants to use this high-profile way to tell the whole village that he is no longer the orphan who was looked down upon, he has money!

Although there is something to show off, Qin Lie is more about imagining everyone to prove that his grandfather was right in adopting him back then, and he did not disgrace his grandfather!

Looking at the cash, all the villagers were envious. They only hated that they didn't treat Qin Lie properly back then, or else they would be able to share a huge sum of money now.

Gao Lei and Aunt Niu, who had come to their senses, wanted to return the money to Qin Lie, but they were blocked by Qin Lie saying "don't throw it away".

In this way, like winning the lottery, the two returned to the village in a dizzy manner surrounded by the crowd.

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