In order to catch up with Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu asked his younger brothers to go back first. The two walked and chatted like this, and finally returned to the old house at the head of the village.

"Brother lie, do you live here?"

Chen Jinhu was stunned and asked.

When he saw Qin Lie's money just now, he subconsciously thought that Qin Lie lived in a small villa. He never expected Qin Lie's house to be so dilapidated.

"I'm just staying alive for a while, and I'll build a new house after a few days."

Qin Lie explained briefly.

He didn't come back often before, so it didn't feel like living in an old house like this, but now that he has money, he naturally wants to build a grand mansion.

Hearing this, Chen Jinhu said nothing.

After opening the door and entering the house, Qin Lie poured Chen Jinhu a cup of tea and said, "Have a cup of tea and take a break, and I'll invite you out to dinner later."

"Don't bother, don't you have instant noodles on your table? Just make some instant noodles."

Chen Jinhu said.

"Let our brother tiger eat instant noodles. If this is spread out, your little brothers must not beat me to death."

Qin Lie joked with a smile.

"Brother lie, don't make fun of me. I'll always be a younger brother in front of you, let alone instant noodles. You can just let me eat steamed buns and pickles."

Chen Jinhu replied with a smile.

"Since that's the case, let's eat instant noodles at noon, and I'll treat you to a big dinner in the evening."

Qin Lie didn't treat Chen Jinhu as an outsider. He went to boil a pot of water, and then soaked a bucket of instant noodles each, and added ham sausage and marinated eggs to the noodles. The two chatted while eating noodles.

"By the way, Jinhu, how did you get on this road?"

Qin Lie changed the conversation and asked a question in his heart. He knew that although Chen Jinhu was cowardly, he was kind. He never thought that Chen Jinhu would become a thug.

"Actually, I was forced to go to Liangshan."

Chen Jinhu smiled miserably and told Qin Lie about his past ten years.

It turned out that Chen Jinhu found a job as a fitness instructor in Lucheng after graduating from a martial arts school, but later his father was in urgent need of money for treatment because of uremia, so he took a high-interest loan.

But when it was due, he had no money to repay, so he fought with the debt collector.

Because of his hard work in the martial arts school, Chen Jinhu had already acquired his skills. He beat up six debt collectors and broke one of them's legs.

As a result, Chen Jinhu was arrested for intentional injury that night.

However, what Chen Jinhu didn't expect was that Wei Zhe, the owner of the debt collection company, found him personally and told him that as long as he could follow him, not only would he not have to repay the 200,000 debt he owed, but the other party could also contract for his father's leftovers. If Chen Jinhu doesn't agree to the medical expenses, the only thing waiting for him is losing money and going to jail.

For his family, Chen Jinhu could only choose the former.

In this way, Chen Jinhu joined Wei Zhe's command.

At first, he just did some debt collection work, and later, he helped Wei Zhe to compete with other teams for land and business.

Because he often rushed to the front when fighting, and he also helped Wei Zhe to block the knife, he was more and more appreciated and valued by Wei Zhe.

To this day, he has become Wei Zhe's gold medal fighter, and has a fierce reputation in the entire underground circle of Lucheng. When they see him, most of the gangsters have to shout Brother Hu.

After listening to Chen Jinhu's story, Qin Lie couldn't help but sigh that good luck makes people.

"Speaking of what you don't like to hear, this is a road of no return. Haven't you thought about quitting this business and doing something serious?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Of course I've thought about it, but I don't have a craft, I don't have an education, and I still have a criminal record. If I don't do this, I don't think I can even find a job."

"And now my dad needs to take anti-immune rejection medicine, and the monthly medical expenses will be five or six thousand, plus my mother's health is not good, all the expenses depend on me alone, and the salary for ordinary work is not at all Not enough flowers."

Chen Jinhu said with a wry smile.

He knew very well that he was following a crooked path and could not see the future, but he had no way back now.

"Jin Hu, why don't you consider following me."

Qin Lie said after hesitating for a while.

Chen Jinhu is his classmate, and what is even more commendable is that he is a man who repays his gratitude. Qin Lie is willing to pull him to prevent him from falling into a doomed situation.

"I don't know what you want me to do, brother lie?"

Chen Jinhu asked curiously.

"For the time being, I haven't thought about what to do, but I will definitely not let you do illegal and criminal things."

Qin Lie replied.

The money he has now is that as long as he doesn't squander it, he can't spend it in several lifetimes.

But Qin Lie is not the kind of person who likes to sit still. He will use the money as capital to build a business empire of his own.

It's just that he hasn't figured out which project to start with for the time being.

"Then contact me when you think about what to do. I also took the opportunity to think about washing my hands in the golden basin during this time."

Chen Jinhu said with a smile.

"That's fine."

Qin Lie thought for a while, but didn't say anything more.

After eating instant noodles, Qin Lie just made a cup of tea for Chen Jinhu when Chen Jinhu's phone rang.

"Brother lie, I'll go out to answer a call."

After talking to Qin Lie, Chen Jinhu went outside the house.

Three minutes later, Chen Jinhu came back.

"Brother lie, I have something to do. I'll go back first. When you're free, go to the city to find me. I'll treat you to a drink."

Chen Jinhu said goodbye to Qin Lie.

"Is your big brother looking for you?"

Qin Lie asked.


Chen Jinhu didn't hide it.

"Do you want me to go back with you and explain it clearly?"

Qin Lie asked.

"No, my eldest brother is very nice. He won't blame me for this trivial matter. Okay, let's not talk about it, I'll go back first."

Chen Jinhu spoke to Qin Lie again, and then drove his car away from Furong Village.

After sending Chen Jinhu away, Qin Lie returned home and carried the remaining cash to the village committee.

At this time, the village committee was only the head of the village, Liu Guangming.

Seeing Qin Lie, Liu Guangming quickly got up from the seat and walked towards Qin Lie.

"Qin Lie, what's the matter with you coming to the village committee?"

Liu Guangming asked quickly.

He had already learned from other villagers that Qin Lie had distributed 400,000 yuan to Gao Lei and Aunt Niu. In the face of such a large sum, even as the village chief, he would not dare to neglect.

"Uncle Guangming, I want to do some charity and give 2,000 yuan to the elderly over 65 years old in our village. What do you think?"

Qin Lie didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained his purpose.

When his grandfather was alive, he had taught Qin Lie many times to be a useful person to the society. Now that Qin Lie is promising, he naturally wants to inherit his grandfather's last wish and give back to his neighbors.

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