"Of course it is, uncle raises his hands and feet in approval!"

Liu Guangming said quickly.

Of course he had heard of giving money to the elderly in the village for free, but he never thought that it would even appear in their village.

"Then you can use the loudspeaker to issue a notice, and let everyone remember to bring their ID cards."

Qin Lie continued, he didn't want someone to pretend to be an old man.

"Okay okay."

Liu Guangming nodded and quickly turned on the loudspeaker.

"Notice, important notice, all seniors over the age of 65 in Furong Village will immediately bring their ID cards to the village committee, and Qin Lie, an outstanding young man in our village, will personally distribute a living allowance of 2,000 yuan."

In order to let the whole village hear the news, Liu Guangming repeated it three times in a row with a loudspeaker.

At this time, the villagers had basically just finished eating and were preparing for their lunch break. After hearing the announcement, they all ran to the village committee with their ID cards, for fear that they would be late and would not have money to send.

In less than ten minutes, the village committee was surrounded by the villagers.

"Village Chief, will Qin Lie really give us money?"

"Guangming, is the Qin Lie you mentioned just now the orphan that Qin Derong's old man picked up?"

"My wife has gone to my daughter's house, can I get the money for her?"

"Has Qin Lie won the lottery, so rich after only two years of absence?"


The villagers surrounded Liu Guangming and kept throwing questions one after another, causing Liu Guangming to quarrel.

"Everyone be quiet and listen to me!"

Liu Guangming picked up the microphone and shouted, and the noisy scene just now finally quieted down.

"I can tell you very clearly that Qin Lie will personally distribute 2,000 yuan of living allowance to the elderly over the age of 65 in our village in a while."

"As for the reason, it's mainly because Qin Lie made a fortune doing business outside, but he never forgets the people who dig wells. The first thing he does when he gets rich is to give back to his hometown and benefit the elderly in the village. Spirit is worth learning from each of us, and we applaud Qin Lie!"

After saying this, Liu Guangming took the lead in applauding, and the other villagers quickly followed.

For a while, there was thunderous applause, and those who didn't know probably thought it was the city leaders who came down to inspect.

"Okay, okay, everyone be quiet again." Liu Guangming waved at the crowd. After the villagers were quiet, he looked at Qin Lie, "Qin Lie, do you want to say a few words?"

"I won't talk about it, let's send the money directly."

Qin Lie is very clear that everyone is here mainly to collect money, not to listen to his nonsense.

"That's it, everyone quickly line up and start sending money now."

Under Liu Guangming's command, the villagers immediately formed a long queue.

Then Liu Guangming was responsible for registering and verifying the age of the old man, and Qin Lie who met the conditions would give 2,000 yuan to the other party.

Seeing that there was really money to be taken, the villagers immediately ran to tell each other, and more and more villagers began to come and line up.

"Uncle, you are only sixty-four this year. If you are not sixty-five, you cannot receive money."

After reading his ID card, Liu Guangming said to an old man in front of him.

"I'm already sixty-five years old, and it's not like you don't know about my family's situation, so can't you be accommodating?"

The old man hunched over and discussed with Liu Guangming.

"Qin Lie, what do you think about this?"

Liu Guangming did not make a decision without authorization, but sought Qin Lie's opinion.

"Note it to him."

Qin Lie has a little impression of this old man. Life at home is really difficult, so he is slightly stronger than the low-income households.


Liu Guangming naturally had no objection, and quickly registered the old man's name, while Qin Lie took out 2,000 yuan and handed it to the other party.

"Thank you Qin Lie, you are really a kind person. May the Bodhisattva bless you with a long life."

After getting the money, the old man was very grateful to Qin Lie and bowed deeply to him.

After that, Qin Lie lent a lot of money to the conditions he just made. Anyone with disabilities, widowed elderly or poor households can come to receive the money.

Soon it was Liu Jiacai's turn.

The impression of Liu Jiacai Qin Lie is quite deep.

His son suffers from congenital dementia. He has been a fool since he was a child. In order to treat his son's illness, he spent all the family's savings and owed a lot of debt. In the end, his wife couldn't stand it and ran away.

Misfortunes do not come singly. When his son was six years old, his old father suffered from hemiplegia due to a stroke.

For more than ten years, Liu Jiacai has to take care of both the stupid son and the old father who is paralyzed in bed and can't even take care of himself. Life is a hard life.

Although the village applied for a subsistence allowance for him, that little money was just a drop in the bucket for the family, so they could barely make ends meet.

"Uncle Jiacai, you can spend this money. If you have any difficulties in the future, remember to come to me directly."

Qin Lie said, and directly took out 100,000 yuan and handed it to Liu Jiacai.

Looking at the piles of cash, Liu Jiacai instantly burst into tears.

"Xiaolie, you are the benefactor of our family, I kowtow to you!"

Grateful Liu Jiacai knelt down on the spot for Qin Lie, but Qin Lie quickly helped Liu Jiacai up before he could kowtow.

"Uncle Jiacai, you kneel down for me, won't it save my life, but it can't be like this."

Qin Lie quickly persuaded.

Although he and Liu Jiacai are not related or related, but Liu Jiacai has not abandoned his stupid son or his old father who is paralyzed in bed for more than ten years. go help!

"Thank you Xiaolie, you are really a reincarnation of a Bodhisattva. In the next life, your uncle will be a cow and a horse to repay your kindness."

Liu Jiacai wiped away tears. As an honest farmer, he no longer knew how to express his gratitude.

"Okay, go home and take care of your family, and come to me if you have anything."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

Liu Jiacai thanked Qin Lie several times before leaving with the heavy 100,000 yuan.

And Qin Lie's move could not help but once again caused a stir in the crowd.

Qin Lie is a good brother who played with Gao Lei until he grew up, and he often went to Aunt Niu's house to eat food when he was a child. The money he gave these two people was still in the process of cleaning up.

But Qin Lie has nothing to do with Liu Jiacai, and even though they haven't said much for so many years, Qin Lie can give him 100,000 yuan at a time, which once again refreshed everyone's understanding of Qin Lie.

At the same time, some people also thought about getting some money from Qin Lie.

After a while, I saw a woman in her forties jumped the queue and came to the front of the line.

"Qin Lie, I'm ill, you give me some money to go get treatment."

After the middle-aged woman came over, she stretched out her hand to ask Qin Lie for the money, and said that she was justified, as if Qin Lie owed her.

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