"Who do you think you are? You said I would give you the money? You take yourself too seriously."

Qin Lie replied mockingly.

He knew this woman, her name was Luo Guifang. Their family was a well-known mangy dog ​​in Furong Village. Willing to take care of their family.

"You are so rich, why give me some money to spend? You can't spend it anyway."

Luo Guifang replied unconvinced.

Hearing the other party's words, Qin Lie was immediately smirked.

If you have money, you should give me money to spend, this logic is God!

"Don't think about it, I won't give you a dime."

Qin Lie refused very clearly.

Luo Guifang's family are not very old, they have hands and feet, but they are too lazy.

Everyone else is trying to work hard to earn more money, but this family is different. They are unwilling to do the work in the field, and tired of the work outside. That family is not as good.

Qin Lie is also very disgusted by this kind of person. Naturally, it is impossible for him to use his own money to fill the family's bottomless pit.

"Qin Lie, why don't you give money to others but not me? You look down on people, don't you?"

Luo Guifang pointed at Qin Lie and asked.

"You are right, I really despise you, no, I despise your whole family."

Qin Lie sneered unceremoniously.

It's true that Luo Guifang's family is in poor conditions, but they did it all by themselves. They have one-tenth of Liu Jiacai's hard work, and he will give generously.

It's a pity that this family is just a group of pickled vegetables, and they don't deserve any sympathy.

"I don't care. If you don't give me money today, I'll just lie here and not go."

After saying this, Luo Guifang lay directly on the ground and acted as a rogue in public.

Qin Lie was so angry that he laughed again.

"Folks, who can help me throw this scoundrel out, otherwise I won't be able to send the money any more."

Qin Lie looked at the crowd and said, he believed that without the need to do it himself, someone would naturally take care of this woman.

"Luo Guifang, hurry out and stop making trouble."

"Qin Lie said they won't give you any more money, so hurry up and leave."

"People like you still want to ask Qin Lie for money, who will give you a face."

"Get out now, I'll do it if you don't get out."

The villagers who were still waiting to receive the money scolded Luo Guifang one after another, with the intention of taking action if they disagreed.

Luo Guifang originally wanted to make some money by relying on her ability to play tricks, but when she saw that something was wrong, she didn't dare to make trouble anymore, for fear of provoking public anger and being beaten again.

However, what Qin Lie didn't expect was that Luo Guifang, who got up from the ground, hugged his thigh directly and pleaded loudly: "Qin Lie, just give me some money, I haven't eaten meat for many days. I beg you."


Qin Lie frowned, and a coldness appeared on his face.

"If you don't give me money, I won't let go."

Luo Guifang said, hugging tighter.

But Qin Lie didn't compromise because of this, and took off Luo Guifang's arm and pushed her aside.

Who knew that Luo Guifang was lying on the ground and shouted again: "Beating, beating, killing people!"

While she was shouting, two more men came running from behind the crowd, Luo Guifang's husband Zhao Sanping and son Zhao Chengcai.

"Qin Lie, you dare to beat my mother, do you really think our family is easy to bully!"

Zhao Chengcai pointed at Qin Lie and shouted angrily.

"Losing money! I tell you, if you don't lose money today, we won't stop with you!"

Zhao Sanping then shouted.

"Oh, my head hurts so much, help."

On the ground, Luo Guifang continued to mourn.

But the funny thing is, she was screaming for a headache, but she was covering her stomach!

Qin Lie saw all this in his eyes, but he sneered in his heart.

Jean is very clear that this is Luo Guifang's usual trick, and their family has used this method to blackmail others. Even if ordinary people know that they are blackmailing money, they will eventually choose to settle the matter, otherwise they will stick to you like dog skin plaster and can't get rid of it.

And with the spirit that dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, sometimes even the police can't do anything about them.

But unfortunately, they chose the wrong person this time, and Qin Lie would not fuel their arrogance.

"I will give you two minutes at the end, and immediately disappear from my eyes, or you will be at your own risk."

Qin Lie looked at the family coldly.

"You are still so arrogant when you beat someone, do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes!"

Zhao Chengcai pointed at Qin Lie again and shouted.

"Qin Lie, if you know each other, you'd better lose money quickly, otherwise we will call the police later, and you will not just lose money."

Zhao Sanping then threatened.

However, Qin Lie did not respond, just looked at his watch.

"Okay, two minutes are up, since you don't want to go, then don't go." After saying this, Qin Lie turned to look at the villagers present, "No matter who it is, just break a leg of any one of their family members. , I will reward 300,000, interrupt two, reward 600,000, and those who want to make money can do it."

As the saying goes, there must be a brave man under the heavy reward. Facing the huge reward of 300,000 yuan for one leg, more than half of the villagers went crazy and surrounded Luo Guifang's family with red eyes.

Luo Guifang and the others didn't expect Qin Lie to be so ruthless, and all of them were shocked.

"Qin Lie, we know we're wrong, please let us have a lot of money."

Luo Guifang didn't even bother to pretend to be dead, and quickly got up from the ground and pleaded.

"Okay, let them go."

Qin Lie spoke again, and the villagers gave up the idea of ​​doing it.

And Luo Guifang's family didn't dare to mention the matter of losing money, and ran away, for fear of running late and breaking their legs.

After Liu Guangming's maintenance, the scene was restored to order.

However, another strange person who wanted to morally kidnap Qin Lie soon appeared.

"Qin Lie, our family is too poor. My son hasn't married a wife yet. Can you also give me 100,000 yuan so that I can marry him a wife."

A villager looked at Qin Lie and said, Qin Lie is completely unfamiliar with this person, and he doesn't even have the slightest impression in his mind.

"It doesn't matter if you are poor, don't think about asking me for money."

Qin Lie directly refused.

"You are so rich, what's wrong with giving 100,000 yuan to charity? I believe that 100,000 yuan is just a drizzle to you."

The villagers continued.

"Yes, 100,000 is nothing to me at all, but I only give it to people I think are eligible, and you don't have that qualification."

Qin Lie replied.

"Give me 100,000 yuan, or even if I borrow it from you, I will pay you back when I have money in the future."

The villagers still did not give up and discussed with Qin Lie.

"Okay, don't waste your time, I won't give it if I say it."

It can be seen from the attitude of this person's speech that the so-called borrowing is definitely a loan without repayment, and he will not foolishly believe the other party.

Then Qin Lie looked up at the others present.

"Listen, everyone, the money is mine, I can give it to anyone I want, and I can give it as much as I want. Don't play moral kidnapping with me again, or don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing anyone."

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