The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 272 The Old Thing, Don't Rely On The Old And Sell The Old In Front Of Me

Qin Lie is not short of money. It is no exaggeration to say that he only needs to sell that super diamond, and he can make the whole village a multi-millionaire.

But he won't do that.

Because he is very clear about a truth - it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish!

If he gave the money directly to the villagers, the villagers would become rich overnight, but this would only increase their inertia, and soon the money would be squandered, and then they would only find Qin Lie for money again.

Therefore, no matter what reason others come to him to borrow money and ask for money, he will not give it, otherwise, once the opening is opened, there will be endless demands waiting for him.

But his giving two thousand dollars to people over the age of sixty-five will not have these negative effects.

One is that the elderly over 65 are old and basically no longer have the ability to go out to work, and the other is that because the money is not much, they can only improve everyone's life a little bit. Fundamentally change the situation.

After hearing Qin Lie's words, several other villagers who wanted to take the opportunity to make some money had to withdraw.

They knew very well that Qin Lie had a lot of money and they couldn't afford to offend him at all.

Otherwise, let's not say anything else, just raise another 300,000 yuan to buy them a leg, and they will all be disabled.

Next, everything went back to normal.

For those who really need help, Qin Lie is not stingy with money, and several people have received financial assistance ranging from 20,000 to 50,000 from him.

People who got the money are naturally grateful to Qin Lie, and praised him as a great man, a philanthropist, and a reincarnation of a Bodhisattva. However, some people who are not qualified to receive money are jealous, including a few of their former family members. The child suffered from a fight with Qin Lie and ended up bullying and scolding Qin Lie's villagers.

"Hmph, what kind of philanthropist, I want to say that he is deliberately showing off his wealth and pretending to be coercive."

A villager sneered and sneered.

It's just that anyone with a discerning eye can see that he can't eat grapes and says grapes are sour.

"Zhou Chaoyang, why don't you come to show off your wealth too, as long as you dare to show off like Qin Lie, how about I immediately pay for you to put up a memorial tablet in our village?"

The villagers next to him asked with a playful expression.

"I'm not as flamboyant as him, and I show off a few stinky money everywhere."

The man known as Zhou Chaoyang replied coldly.

"Alright, alright, don't put gold on your face, just like your search, you're not even willing to buy a bottle of mineral water for the elderly in our village, let alone give them money."

The villagers unceremoniously dismantled him.

"No matter how high-profile Qin Lie is, he will do good deeds. If you don't have the skills, don't make fun of him. It's a shame!"

Another villager spoke up.

"That's right, the real money that Qin Lie gave me is not a show, so don't eat the sour grapes."

Many villagers who couldn't bear it stood up and criticized Zhou Chaoyang who mocked Qin Lie for showing off his wealth.

After all, Qin Lie is really doing good deeds, and they sent out hundreds of thousands in just one hour. These stubborn iron roosters are not qualified to make irresponsible remarks.

Zhou Chaoyang and the others did not have the ability to fight against the Confucian scholars, so they could only shut their mouths.

Since the conversation of these people was outside the village committee, Qin Lie didn't hear it, or even if he heard it, he wouldn't take it seriously.

Because he is no longer on the same level as these people, whether they want to show off their wealth or show off, they can't have any influence on him.

Time passed, and another twenty minutes passed. The money distribution activity was almost over. Almost all the elderly in the village received the 2,000 yuan from Qin Lie.

At this moment, Qin Deyuan's family suddenly walked towards the village committee.

Seeing this family, Zhou Chaoyang and others immediately showed a look of watching a good show on their faces.

Almost everyone in Haitang Village knows that Qin Deyuan's family took Qin Lie's old house and swept Qin Lie out of the house. Now that Qin Lie is back home, the two parties are likely to put on a good show of the year.

Some villagers even ran into the village committee and told Qin Lie about the arrival of Qin Deyuan's family.

Qin Lie, who heard about this, just snorted and looked calm as usual.

Soon, Qin Deyuan's family came to the village committee compound.

"Qin Lie, my grandfather is here to collect the money."

Qin Bowen first looked at Qin Lie and said.

Their family had already heard the announcement from the loudspeaker, but because of their bad relationship with Qin Lie, the family was too embarrassed to come over.

But when he heard that Liu Jiacai had received 100,000 yuan, he couldn't sit still any longer, and the whole family rushed here with the cheeky face.

"There's no place for him here."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

He had long expected that Qin Deyuan's family would come, and he had been waiting for them.

He wants to let Qin Deyuan's family understand what it means to regret the beginning!

"What do you mean? You said that as long as you are over sixty-five years old, you can come and get two thousand yuan. Now you regret it. You are playing the whole village like monkeys!"

Qin Bowen shouted angrily.

This guy has learned a lot this time, and deliberately gave Qin Lie a high hat.

"I'm really sorry, maybe the village chief didn't express it clearly just now. I said that people over the age of 65 can come to collect the money, but Qin Derong is not among them."

Qin Lie said sorry, but his face was full of mockery.

"Little beast, you can call Qin Derong's name too, kneel down for me!"

Relying that he was an elder, Qin Derong directly pointed at Qin Lie and started drinking.

"Old man, don't rely on the old man and sell the old man in front of me. From the day you kicked me out of the house, we have been cut off. You are not qualified to make me kneel."

Qin Lie sneered coldly.

This can't blame Qin Lie for being cold-blooded and cold-blooded, the main reason is that this family is so unreal.

Because he was afraid of paying medical bills, he didn't go to the hospital to visit his old man until his grandfather died.

And in order to seize the old house, they secretly stole the homestead certificate and swept him out of the house.

The most chilling thing is that in order to get compensation, they secretly reached an agreement with the developer, but they never thought of moving his grandfather's grave. Qin Lie will never forgive them for this.

Now these people still want to ask him for money, it's just a pipe dream!

Hearing Qin Lie calling him an old man, Qin Derong was so angry that he blew his beard and stared.

"You little beast, you are getting more and more lawless. Big brother is so blind that he raised a white-eyed wolf like you!"

Qin Derong shouted angrily.

"Shut up for me, you don't deserve to mention my grandpa!"

Qin Lie snorted loudly, and there was an icy chill in his eyes.

As far as he knew, his grandfather was very handsome when he was young, and he was very diligent, so he was very popular with the girls in the village.

But just because he had to take care of a large group of younger siblings, he never married.

But Qin Derong didn't even look at his grandfather when he closed his eyes. This man is truly unconscionable.

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