"you you……"

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't take himself seriously at all, Qin Derong was so angry that he had a heart attack.

"Dad, don't be angry."

Qin Weihai quickly supported Qin Derong and took out the pills for him to take. Only then did Qin Derong's face return to normal.

"Qin Lie, you would rather give 100,000 yuan to an outsider than give you 2,000 yuan to Fifth Grandpa. Has your conscience been eaten by a dog!"

Qin Weihai's wife, Zhao Qiuju, pointed at Qin Lie and scolded at the same time.

That tone, that attitude, as if Qin Lie was a heinous criminal.

"You're right, my conscience was eaten by a dog, or by a group of dogs who don't know how to be grateful."

Qin Lie grinned and replied coldly.

Hearing that Qin Lie was mocking their family as dogs, Zhao Qiu was instantly enraged.

"You little beast, I think you are really lawless!"

Zhao Qiuju cursed angrily, raised her hand and hit Qin Lie.

However, Qin Lie was not used to her, and with a wave of her hand, Zhao Qiuju fell to the ground.

"Folks, come and see this ungrateful white-eyed wolf. Our old Qin family worked so hard to pull him from childhood to adulthood, but now that he is rich, he turns his face and doesn't recognize anyone. It's really unreasonable!"

Zhao Qiuju, like a shrew, scolded Qin Lie again.

"Zhao Qiuju, you are so shameless. It was obviously Uncle Derong who raised Qin Lie, what's your business!"

Aunt Niu stepped out from the crowd and scolded indignantly.

"If you want me to say that Qin Lie is tolerant enough of you, if you didn't bully them again and again, would they have this attitude towards you?"

Liu Linghua followed.

"You don't do human affairs yourself and you call Qin Lie a white-eyed wolf. Your skin is really thicker than the city wall."

Zhang Ping also stood up to speak justice.

"Your family is self-inflicted, and Qin Lie didn't find someone to repair your family even if it was not bad..."

The eyes of the crowd are sharp, everyone knows the virtues of Qin Deyuan's family, not to mention that everyone present has basically received Qin Lie's favor. At this time, they all stood up and denounced the family.

For a time, the village committee seemed to have become a denunciation meeting, while Qin Deyuan's family became a street rat that everyone yelled at.

According to the situation, this seems to have exceeded Qin Deyuan's expectations. No matter how arrogant they are, they will not dare to be enemies with the whole village. Otherwise, they will cause public anger and the consequences will not be what they can bear.

"Dad, you're not in good health, I'll take you home first."

Qin Weihai was ashamed to stay any longer, and made an excuse to leave here with his family.

How could some villagers who couldn't stand Qin Weihai and others let go of such a good opportunity, and ridiculed them one after another, which made Qin Weihai grit his teeth with hatred, but at this time he could only choose to swallow his anger and leave here quickly.

Qin Lie didn't say a word until Qin Weihai's family disappeared from sight.

As the saying goes, what you plant will lead to what will be the result, if it wasn't for the family's actions, Qin Lie wouldn't be so ruthless.

And if they change the cemetery for his grandfather in time after getting the compensation, he can let it go, and even make the family a multi-millionaire in the face of the deceased grandfather.

Too bad they ruined it all by themselves.

Now that the money has been distributed, Qin Lie let the villagers disperse.

Just when he was about to go home, Liu Guangming called him into the office of the village committee and made Qin Lie a cup of tea himself.

"Qin Lie, didn't you say that you wanted to lead the villagers to get rich this morning? Could you tell your uncle some news in advance, what are you going to do?"

Liu Guangming asked with hope.

Although he is only a village chief with the size of sesame and mung bean, it is his greatest wish in his life to lead the whole village to get rid of poverty and become rich. Otherwise, he would not have taken the initiative to help Kaiyuan Group coordinate with the villagers to move the grave before.

"I'm going to invest in building a factory in our village, but I haven't thought about building a factory yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

Qin Lie replied.

Although he has money, he still needs to make specific plans before taking action on investment, otherwise the money will easily go to waste.

"Okay, okay, then tell me when you're ready. Uncle will fully support you then."

Hearing Qin Lie's answer, Liu Guangming didn't ask any further questions.

Because he knew Qin Lie relatively well, he believed that Qin Lie was not perfunctory.

The two chatted for a while before Qin Lie left and went home.

However, before the ass was hot, I saw Aunt Niu and Liu Linghua came to their house together.

Qin Lie quickly brought boiling water to the two of them.

"Xiao Lie, my aunt and I came here mainly to introduce you to someone, or my niece. I think she is really a good match for you, how about you two meet?"

Liu Linghua did not have any ink marks, and directly explained the purpose of her visit.

"Aunt Linghua, I appreciate your kindness, but I told you before that I don't want to talk to someone for the time being, so don't be too busy."

Qin Lie refused with a wry smile, he really didn't expect Liu Linghua to be so concerned about her marriage.

"Xiaolie, don't think your aunt is annoying. My aunt really thinks about you. You see you're twenty-six this year, and you're going to be three soon. It's time to marry a daughter-in-law. And don't forget, your grandfather was back then. When I was alive, my biggest wish was to see you marry a wife and have children, and now that you have a future, it’s time to think about your own marriage.”

Liu Linghua persuaded bitterly.

"Auntie, I will consider marriage, but not now, don't worry about me."

Qin Lie replied with a wry smile.

Seeing that Qin Lie didn't listen to her at all, Liu Linghua could only look at Aunt Niu.

Aunt Niu understood and said quickly, "Xiaolie, Auntie knows that you young people are now focusing on careers, but dating doesn't conflict with work. You can work while talking about someone, right?"

"You're right, but I..."

Qin Lie wanted to explain, but Aunt Niu interrupted him before he could finish speaking.

"But what, don't be polite to your aunt. In this way, you first meet with your aunt Linghua and her niece, maybe you will have feelings for each other. By the way, Linghua, hurry up and take the photo of your niece. Take it out for Xiao Lie to see, I dare say that little girl must be the type Qin Lie likes."

"Okay okay."

Liu Linghua responded, quickly took out her phone, pulled out a photo and handed it to Qin Lie.

"Xiaolie, see for yourself, isn't this girl very beautiful, and she is a good match for you, and I tell you, she is still a big girl."

Aunt Niu pointed to the photo and continued to introduce, just like a salesman in a supermarket, that is called a diligent.

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