The girl in the photo looks quite pure, with dark eyebrows and a beautiful nose, long hair fluttering, and a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, like her first love.

If you just look at the photos, this girl is indeed Qin Lie's type.

However, the beauty function is so powerful now that even Sister Feng can become a stunning beauty, so Qin Lie doesn't take it seriously.

What's more, there is no shortage of beautiful women around him, and there is absolutely no need to find a daughter-in-law through a blind date.

"Aunt Linghua, Aunt Niu, to tell you the truth, I have a girlfriend, you really don't need to introduce me to someone else."

Qin Lie replied with a helpless expression.

"Really or not? Didn't you say you didn't have a partner before?"

Aunt Niu asked suspiciously.

"I was mainly afraid that you would keep chasing me and asking questions, so I didn't tell the truth."

Qin Lie replied with a wry smile.

Ye Yuqing, Chen Xiaoyu, and Aoi Yingko are all his women. In case the three of them come to their village at the same time, he is not very easy to explain, so he didn't tell the truth.

"Then why didn't you bring your girlfriend back this time?"

Aunt Niu continued to ask.

"She was busy with work and didn't have time, so I came back alone."

Qin Lie quickly made up another lie.

"Okay, then, aunt still wants to introduce you to a girlfriend. It seems that aunt is worrying about it."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Aunt Niu sighed with regret.

Aunt Niu has a son and a daughter, but her daughter is already married and has children, so she can't be introduced to Qin Lie, and Liu Linghua has two sons, so she can't be introduced to Qin Lie either, but as the saying goes, The fat water does not flow to outsiders. In order to prevent other people in the village from getting ahead, she called her best friend Liu Linghua to Qin Lie with her, thinking of introducing Liu Linghua's niece to Qin Lie.

Who knew that Qin Lie actually had a girlfriend, and their wishes were also in vain.

The three chatted for a while, before Aunt Niu left with Liu Linghua.

Before leaving, Aunt Niu specially told Qin Lie to ask her girlfriend to come back and let her see when she had time.

After sending the two away, Qin Lie's ears finally calmed down.

It's a pity that this quietness did not last long. Villagers from the same village entered Qin Lie's house one after another, and the purpose of coming here was surprisingly consistent: to talk to Qin Lie.

Since Qin Lie distributed money to the village elders at the village committee this time, he has become quite famous. Everyone knows that Qin Lie has made a fortune. In the eyes of the villagers, Qin Lie is a sweet pastry. Whose daughter is Qin Lie? If you can marry him, it means that you have caught a golden tortoise-in-law, and you will definitely enjoy endless prosperity and wealth in the rest of your life.

Therefore, the villagers kept coming to Qin Lie's house, wanting to introduce their daughters or relatives to Qin Lie, but without exception, Qin Lie refused because he had a girlfriend.

In the end, Qin Lie was really overwhelmed, so he could only get a piece of paper, write that he had a girlfriend, no need to introduce a few big characters, and then put the paper on the door.

Until this time, the house was clean.

Before he knew it, it was time for dinner. Qin Lie was thinking about whether to go out to eat or buy some food and cook for himself when his cell phone rang suddenly.

This is an unfamiliar number, but the number attribution shows that it is local.

After a little hesitation, Qin Lie still answered the phone.

"Hello, is this Mr. Qin Lie?"

On the other end of the phone, a slightly familiar voice asked.

"I'm Qin Lie, who are you?"

Qin Lie replied.

"I'm Han Yixian. You only bought a watch in our store this morning. We met."

The man on the other end of the phone replied.

"Oh, see, what's the matter with you calling me?"

Qin Lie replied calmly.

"I would like to invite you to join us at this year's auto show in Lucheng. I wonder if you are interested?"

Han Yixian asked.

"Tell me about the time and place of the auto show, and I'll go there when I have time."

Qin Lie was just about to buy a car, so he agreed.

"The opening ceremony at nine o'clock in the morning will last for ten days from October 1st to the 10th. The venue will be at the International Exhibition Center in our Lucheng New District."

Han Yixian replied immediately.

"Okay, I'll go take a look tomorrow morning."

Qin Lie thought about it and replied.

"Okay, okay, then you can call me when you get here, and I'll pick you up at the door in person."

Han Yixian continued.

"Well, I see, I'll hang up if I have nothing else to do."

After learning the news of the auto show, Qin Lie didn't talk much with Han Yixian, and just hung up the phone.

Then Qin Lie locked the door and was about to go out to buy some food and come back to cook some food for himself, when he happened to bump into Aunt Niu.

"Xiaolie, come and follow me to my house for dinner. I cooked a table of good dishes today."

Aunt Niu warmly invited.

"No, I'll go home and do it myself later."

Qin Lie was embarrassed to keep going to Aunt Niu's house for a meal, so he refused.

"Why are you being polite to me? Come with me quickly. I prepared the meal for you tonight."

Aunt Niuer didn't give Qin Lie a chance to refuse, she dragged him and started walking towards her house.

No way, Qin Lie could only agree.

By the time he arrived at Aunt Niu's house, the table was already filled with sumptuous dishes.

"Come on, Xiaolie, our grandfather must be drunk today!"

Seeing Qin Lie, Ma Jianguo treasured himself for eight years, and took out the two bottles of Maotai that he had kept for his son's marriage. He wanted to have a good drink with Qin Lie.

Qin Lie was not polite.

Maybe for him in the past, Moutai was too extravagant, and he couldn't afford it, but with his current wealth, even if he bought ten trucks of Moutai, it was more than enough.

Satisfied, Qin Lie chatted with Aunt Niu’er and his wife for half an hour. The couple regarded Qin Lie as a family, and they talked about everything with him.

At about eight o'clock, Ma Jianguo couldn't hold it any longer, and fell asleep on the table.

Qin Lie helped take Ma Jian back to the house, and he also said goodbye and left.

When he got home, Qin Lie did not rush to sleep, but searched for various entrepreneurial projects on the Internet, trying to find a suitable starting point for him.

It's just that his eyes hurt after watching it for a long time, and Qin Lie has no idea what to do.

"Forget it, don't look at it for now."

Just when he got drunk, Qin Lie yawned and turned off the light and fell asleep.


"Dong dong dong."

In a daze, Qin Lie's ears suddenly heard a burst of slamming on the door.

At first he thought that he was dreaming, but he soon determined that someone was patting the door of his house. At the same time, the voice of the village chief Liu Guangming rang.

"Qin Lie, open the door, something happened!"

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