After Qin Lie signed the order, the delivery man drove away.

Qin Lie was quite curious about what was in the box, so he took out the key and poked the tape on it.

The moment the box was opened, the box suddenly moved, and Chen Xiaoyu came out of the box.


Chen Xiaoyu looked at Qin Lie with a smile and shouted.

"Xiaoyu, what are you doing?"

Looking at Chen Xiaoyu in the box, Qin Lie was suddenly dumbfounded.

He had no idea that this special courier was actually Chen Xiaoyu himself.

"How about Brother Qin, are you surprised or surprised?"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Qin Lie with a smile like a flower.

When she was chatting with Qin Lie last night, she specifically said that she would come back to him in a few days, but in fact he was already planning to take a plane to Lucheng, just to surprise Qin Lie in this special way.

"It's a big surprise. It's almost the same. It almost didn't give you a heart attack. Don't make these bells and whistles in the future."

Qin Lie rolled her eyes at Chen Xiaoyu and said.

"All right."

Hearing Qin Lie's words, Chen Xiaoyu couldn't help pouting.

"Okay, okay, come out now."

Qin Lie said, and took Chen Xiaoyu out of the cardboard box, plus a small backpack for her luggage.

"Xiaoyu, you didn't get into this cardboard box directly from your hometown, did you?"

Qin Lie looked at Chen Xiaoyu and asked.

"No, I just entered the box when I arrived at the entrance of your village. I just didn't expect Brother Qin, you weren't in the village. I just stayed in the box for more than an hour."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly explained.

"You, you, you are so clever, you are not afraid of suffocating in the box."

Qin Lie squeezed Chen Xiaoyu's face lightly, and said angrily and indulgently.

"Don't worry, Brother Qin, I'm not stupid. I specially left a hole in the box."

Chen Xiaoyu replied with a smile.

Originally, her family wanted her to stay at home for a few more days, but in order to meet her longing lover earlier, she only stayed at home for a day and flew to Lucheng.


At this moment, Chen Xiaoyu's stomach suddenly made a burst of protest.

"You haven't eaten yet, have you?"

Qin Lie asked next.

"not yet."

Chen Xiaoyu replied with some embarrassment.

"Come on, I'll take you home for dinner."

Qin Lie said.


Chen Xiaoyu smiled happily and immediately took Qin Lie's arm.

"Brother Qin, did you just buy this car?"

After coming to the car, Chen Xiaoyu asked.

"Well, I just bought it today, how is it? It's not bad, right?"

Qin Lie replied.

"Well, it's pretty."

Chen Xiaoyu nodded.

"You like to buy one for you too."

Qin Lie continued.

"No, I'm not good at driving, I'll take your car."

Chen Xiaoyu had driven his friend's car before, but after two consecutive rear-end collisions, he basically stopped touching the car after that.

Hearing this, Qin Lie didn't say anything more.

After stepping on the accelerator again, Qin Lie took Chen Xiaoyu to the front of Aunt Niuer's store.

Seeing Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu coming out of the car, Aunt Niu who was eating hurriedly put down the dishes and ran over.

Without waiting for Aunt Niu's question, Qin Lie took the initiative to introduce: "Aunt Niu, this is my girlfriend Chen Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, called Aunt Niu."

"Hello, Aunt Niu."

Chen Xiaoyu immediately shouted obediently.

"Hello, hello, Miss Xiaoyu is so beautiful. Going to that stop, she and Xiaolie are like a golden boy-girl."

Aunt Niu sized Chen Xiaoyu up and down and said with admiration.

Today's Chen Xiaoyu is wearing a dress with a waist and a ponytail. It's a little less sexy, but it's a little more pure and cute. It looks like a special match with Qin Lie.

"Thank you, Aunt Niu."

Hearing Aunt Niu complimenting herself, Chen Xiaoyu laughed even happier.

"By the way, you two haven't eaten yet. Hurry up and sit down and eat together."

Aunt Niu warmly invited.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't respond, but looked at Qin Lie.

Qin Lie thought for a while, and went back to cook instant noodles, so he did not refuse, and sat down with Chen Xiaoyu.

"These seafood are all freshly caught by my nephew today. You can try them."

Aunt Niu said and stuffed the prawns and crabs she cooked into Qin Lie's hands.

"Auntie, you put that first, let's wash our hands before eating."

Qin Lie suddenly remembered that his hands hadn't been washed yet, so he pulled Chen Xiaoyu to get up again and went into the courtyard to wash his hands.

On the table, in addition to a large plate of seafood, there is an eel soup, a braised tofu, simple but very rich.

Although Qin Lie had already eaten, he still ate two more crabs and drank some eel soup.

During this period, Aunt Niu praised Chen Xiaoyu repeatedly, just like a mother-in-law looking at her daughter-in-law, the more satisfied she became, and she also specifically told Qin Lie that they must tell her in advance when they got married.

After eating and drinking, and chatting for a while, Qin Lie got up and said goodbye.

But before leaving, Aunt Niu stuffed them a big bag of prawns and crabs, all of which her nephew brought over this morning.

In order to prevent the fish and shrimp from breaking, Qin Lie opened the refrigerator that had not been used for more than half a year. Fortunately, the refrigerator still works.

"Brother Qin, the place where you live is indeed a bit shabby."

Chen Xiaoyu said after walking around the room.

Chen Xiaoyu didn't quite believe it when Qin Lie said that his family was poor on the desert island before, but only then did he realize that Qin Lie was not joking at all.

The house he lives in is almost the same as their family's old house ten years ago.

"What's the matter, disgusted?"

Qin Lie asked with a smile.

"No, no, as long as I can be with Brother Qin, I'm willing to live in a thatched hut."

Chen Xiaoyu replied quickly.

What she said was sincere. After all, she came out of the countryside, and she didn't suffer much less than Qin Lie when she was a child.

"Little Nizi can talk." Qin Lie pinched Chen Xiaoyu's cheek dotingly, and then wrapped her arms around her slender waist.

"Xiaoyu, let's do something happy."

Qin Lie smiled evilly.

Qin Lie has been a monk for many days. Today, when Chen Xiaoyu came over, he was able to open meat.

"Hate, you want to torment them as soon as they come here."

Chen Xiaoyu replied with a coquettish expression, of course she understood what Qin Lie meant.

"If you don't want it, forget it, we won't force it."

Qin Lie let go of Chen Xiaoyu and replied seriously.

"Who said they wouldn't be willing? They just want to take a bath first, and then serve Brother Qin properly."

Chen Xiaoyu gave Qin Lie a white look and said.

Qin Lie hasn't touched her body since she left the deserted island, she actually wanted it for a long time.

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