The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 280 The Qin Family Came To Apologize

"I don't have a bathroom here. If you want to take a shower, you can only flush it with water."

Qin Lie continued.

He lived in the old house of Gao Lei's family. People in that era didn't have the concept of a bathroom. Men just showered with cold water, while women boiled some boiling water and wiped it in the house.

"It's alright, then let me rush."

Chen Xiaoyu was sweating in the suitcase just now. If she hadn't washed it, she would have been embarrassed to fall in love with Qin Lie.

"Okay, then I'll get you some water."

Qin Lie picked up the kettle, poured all the hot water in the kettle into the basin, and then added some cold water.

In fact, the temperature in Lucheng is still 20 to 30 degrees, and it is not cold at all. Qin Lie showers directly with tap water, but Chen Xiaoyu is a girl after all, so she still needs some special care.

Chen Xiaoyu tried the water temperature, and it was just right, so she took off her clothes and wiped it in the room.

Qin Lie admired the graceful body, and soon Qin Lie gave enough respect.

But he wasn't in a hurry, Chen Xiaoyu wouldn't run away anyway.

Seven or eight minutes later, Chen Xiaoyu scrubbed clean, put on the semi-perspective tulle she brought, and came to Qin Lie's side.

"Qin big brother, is he beautiful?"

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Qin Lie with spring water in her eyes, with such a charming look, Qin Lie couldn't wait any longer, and hugged the beautiful woman in front of her onto the bed.

Just as Qin Lie was about to pick up his gun and ride his horse and whip, there was a sudden knock on the door outside.

"I'll wipe, who is so picky about time?"

Good things were disturbed, Qin Lie couldn't help but curse.

"Xiaoyu, wait a moment, I'll go out and have a look."

After talking to Chen Xiaoyu, Qin Lie got dressed and came to the gate.

Qin Lie's face instantly turned cold when he saw several people standing at the door.

"What are you doing here!"

Qin Lie asked coldly.

It was none other than Qin Weihai's family of three who knocked on his door.

"Xiao Lie, we are here to apologize to you. Before, I was obsessed with letting Bowen take away the uncle's old house. I am sorry for you. Everything is my fault. As long as you are willing to forgive me, how can you beat me and scold me?" I can do it."

Qin Weihai bent down and said humbly to Qin Lie.

"Hehe, now I know I'm wrong, don't you think it's a bit late?"

Qin Lie sneered and asked back.

He was almost certain that the family suddenly changed their attitude towards him because they found out that he was rich. If he was still the poor boy from before, Qin Weihai probably wouldn't even say a word to him, let alone Came to apologize.

"Xiao Lie, I know we caused you a lot of damage before, but now I really know my mistake. Please forgive me for the sake of the late uncle."

Qin Weihai replied with a look of shame.

"Xiaolie, we are a family after all. Can you give us a chance to compensate you? We will treat you well in the future."

Zhao Qiuju went on to say that at this time, her words were no longer as aggressive as they used to be.

"Brother, I was ignorant before and did a lot of things that made you angry, but now I've come to my senses, as long as you forgive me, you can ask me to do anything."

Qin Bowen was also apologetic.

Just as Qin Lie guessed, after being teased by Qin Lie and going home yesterday afternoon, the Qin family held a family meeting together.

Originally, they never took Qin Lie seriously, but now Qin Lie has obviously become a big man they can't afford to offend, and it is not good for them to break up with Qin Lie.

On the contrary, if they can get the help of Qin Lie, their family will definitely be able to follow the chicken and the dog to the sky.

So after discussion, the family came to Qin Lie's house with gifts, hoping to get his forgiveness.

Their thoughts are good, but unfortunately, they have done so many bad things that Qin Lie can never forgive them again in this life.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense with me, go back where you come from, I won't trouble you, but you don't want to get any benefits from me."

Qin Lie replied very coldly.

For more than 20 years, Qin Weihai and the others have never regarded themselves as Qin family members, and Qin Bowen has never called himself a brother. Now that he sees his own development, he wants to get close to himself. How can there be such a good thing in this world!

"Bowen, don't hurry to kneel down and apologize to your brother!"

Seeing that Qin Lie was indifferent, Qin Weihai quickly gave his son a wink.

It is said that the man has gold under his knees, but in order to get Qin Lie's forgiveness, Qin Bowen knelt down on the spot.

"Brother, I was wrong, please give me a chance to make up for my mistake."

Qin Bowen really wanted to squeeze another tear to prove that he was sincerely repentant, but he couldn't squeeze it out no matter how hard he squeezed.

"If I had known why today was the first time, you should go, and don't bother me again in the future."

Qin Lie is not hard-hearted, as long as this family treats him a little bit, he can forgive them, but unfortunately, this family is vampires, white-eyed wolves, sucking up his grandfather, seeing himself useless and then throwing himself away Feet kicked away.

Today, he is soaring, and naturally he will not have any more affection for this family.

"Xiao Lie..."

"Go away with your stuff! Don't force me to do it!"

Qin Weihai wanted to say something to please Qin Lie, but he was interrupted by Qin Lie just after opening his mouth.

Seeing the coldness on Qin Lie's face, Qin Weihai's family didn't dare to say anything more, they could only take the things and leave here in a daze.

"Brother Qin, who were those people just now?"

At this moment, Chen Xiaoyu came out of the house, looked at Qin Weihai's family and asked a question.

"A pack of white-eyed wolves."

Qin Lie replied coldly.

"Brother Qin, don't be angry, go back to the house and I'll give you a massage."

Seeing that Qin Lie was still angry, Chen Xiaoyu was very smart and didn't ask any more questions. She took Qin Lie back to the house and gave him a massage.

About half an hour later, seeing that Qin Lie's face returned to normal, Chen Xiaoyu asked tentatively.

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and roughly told the "good things" Qin Weihai's family had done.

"Brother Qin, you really don't need to be angry with such people. There are such people everywhere. We just don't know them. Otherwise, it's not worth it if you get angry."

Chen Xiaoyu quickly consoled Qin Lie.

In her opinion, as long as Qin Lie has a better life than Qin Weihai's family, it is the best revenge for Qin's family, and there is no need to be angry anymore for these things.

"Ok, I know."

Qin Lie nodded and took the empathetic Chen Xiaoyu into his arms.

Chen Xiaoyu also took the initiative to kiss Qin Lie.

After a while, a crunching melody sounded in the house.

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