"Mr. Qin, you can do it anyway. It's all my fault. If you are wrong, you should be punished."

Feng Hai said calmly.

"Mr. Qin, the second master treats me with great grace, and I am willing to accept any punishment from you on behalf of the second master."

Agui immediately stepped forward.

"Agui, what's the matter with you, go."

Feng Hai waved his hand, but Agui, who has always been obedient to him, stood still this time.

"Okay, stop arguing. Since you are so loyal, Agui, I will give you five lashes. This is the end of the matter."

Qin Lie looked at Agui and said again.

He is not soft-hearted, mainly because Feng Hai's apology attitude is sincere, and this guy is a lot of age, if he kills him and hangs himself, it will be a big problem, so Qin Lie agreed to let him Agui was punished on his behalf.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin."

Hearing this, Agui instead thanked him.

Just when Qin Lie was about to pick up the whip and give Agui a few blows, another young man with a suit and leather shoes walked over quickly.

"Hello brother Qin Lie, I'm Mingyue's second brother Chu Mingchen. I've heard about what happened just now. It's true that Uncle Hai did something wrong. I apologize to you for him."

After saying this, Chu Mingchen bowed deeply to Qin Lie to apologize, and then continued: "But Uncle Hai did this for a reason, because recently, people have been coming to our Chu family under the guise of various identities. Lie, there are even people pretending to be Mingyue's boyfriend, Uncle Hai will limit your freedom."

"Even if you were deceived by others, why would you treat me as a liar without any evidence?"

After listening to Chu Mingchen's words, Qin Lie expressed his understanding in his heart, but the resentment of being wronged was still not eliminated.

"You're right, Uncle Hai really went too far. I apologize to you again. In order to show my sincerity, this is a check of 10 million yuan, just a little compensation from our Chu family for you at that time. Now, I also ask Brother Qin to accept it."

Without any delay, Chu Mingchen took out a check already written from his pocket and handed it to Qin Lie.

Qin Lie glanced at it, it was a check from Hua Xia Bank, a full 10 million!

He really didn't expect the Chu family to be so rich, so he just apologized and gave him 10 million yuan, which is simply not taking money as money.

"Okay, I've received the money, let's settle this matter."

Looking at the face of money, Qin Lie didn't care about it any more.

"Xiaoyu, let's go."

After putting the check into his pocket, Qin Lie was ready to leave Chu's house.

"Wait, brother Qin."

Chu Mingchen suddenly stopped Qin Lie again.

"What? Do you want to restrict my freedom?"

Qin Lie stopped and asked.

"No, no, don't get me wrong. I just want to invite you to the main hall of our house. My parents want to see you and express their gratitude to you."

Chu Mingchen quickly explained.

Hearing this, Qin Lie hesitated for a while before agreeing.

"Lead the way."

Even if he doesn't know much about the Chu family, he can see from the domineering style of Feng Hai, the housekeeper, that the Chu family is definitely a behemoth. If he can make friends with such a family, it will definitely benefit him in the future.

Chu Mingchen didn't dare to neglect, and quickly led the way in front.

After walking along the gravel path for a few minutes, Qin Lie and the others came to the more imposing main house.

The guards on the side of the main house were obviously much stricter, almost like three steps, one post, five steps and one post, which made Qin Lie wonder if the head of the Chu family was really a big man who stepped down from above.

Soon, Qin Lie and his party entered the hall.

There were three people in the hall at this time, two men and one woman. The man had a heavy expression, while the woman was crying while holding Chu Mingyue's ashes, with a look of grief on her face.

"Brother Qin, this is my father Chu Xiong, this is my eldest brother Chu Mingxu, and that over there is my mother He Peipei. Dad, this is brother Qin Lie who brought Mingyue home."

Chu Mingchen quickly introduced.

"Little brother, thank you for bringing my daughter back. The Chu family owes you a big debt. If you have any trouble in the future, you can come to me, and Chu will never refuse."

Chu Xiong looked at Qin Lie and said very solemnly.

Chu Mingyue is his only daughter, and the jewel in the palm of the entire Chu family, but she died in a foreign land, which made the entire Chu family in deep grief.

Fortunately, Qin Lie cremated her daughter and brought back her ashes, so that she could return to the roots, otherwise her daughter would have been ravaged in the wilderness and become a lonely ghost.

Maybe for Qin Lie, this is a small effort, but for Chu Xiong, it is a great kindness, no matter what Qin Lie asks him to ask, he will agree.

"Brother, thank you for your great kindness. In the future, my Chu family will cover you in Shenchuan, and I will protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life."

Chu Mingxu continued.

He also loves his sister very much. Although Qin Lie failed to bring his sister back alive, he at least brought her back home, which is worthy of their family's gratitude for a lifetime.

"The two of you are serious, I just did what I was supposed to do."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

When he was willing to bring back Chu Mingyue's ashes, he was completely moved by the love between the two, and he never thought about getting any benefits from the Chu family.

"It's a trivial matter for you, but for our Chu family, it is like a mountain. Our Chu family will never treat you badly."

Chu Mingxu said again.

Qin Lie could see that the Chu family was really grateful to him, and not pretending, which made Qin Lie sigh in his heart that good people do have good rewards.

If he doesn't say anything else, he will rush to the relationship of the Chu family. He is afraid that he will be able to walk sideways in Shenchuan.

After that, Chu Xiong asked Qin Lie what happened after the plane crash. When he learned that Qin Lie had already hanged herself when she found her daughter, Chu Xiong was even more heartbroken, saying that he was not responsible good dad.

Seeing that the Chu family was immersed in grief, Qin Lie bid farewell.

Chu Xiong wanted to keep Qin Lie at their house, but Qin Lie politely declined on the grounds that he had already booked the hotel.

Then Chu Xiong arranged for a Rolls-Royce and sent Qin Lie to the five-star hotel Hualai Hotel in the city.

After checking into the hotel, Qin Lie wanted to check the Chu family's information, but who knew that Du Niang, who has always been omnipotent, couldn't find any information about the Chu family at all.

Qin Lie knew very well that the Chu family must have used their connections to delete all the information.

This is the consistent practice of those big family figures, not only to ensure their privacy, but also to maintain a kind of mystery.

Maybe Qin Lie will do the same in the future.

Seeing that it was getting late, Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu enjoyed the two-person world.

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