After getting up the next morning, Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu searched online for travel tips.

After all, it is rare to come to Shenchuan once, and they plan to have a good time here for a few days.

But who knew that Qin Lie received a call from Chen Jinhu without waiting for the two to discuss where to go for the first stop.

Chen Jinhu told Qin Lie that at 2 o'clock this afternoon, his elder brother Wei Zhe would act as a middleman to help Qin Lie mediate his personal grievance with Wang Yongnian, and Wang Yongnian would apologize to him at that time.

After learning this news, Qin Lie didn't care about playing in Shenchuan anymore, so he booked a ticket directly and took Chen Xiaoyu back to Lucheng.

At the exit of the airport, Qin Lie saw Chen Jinhu who was coming to pick him up at a glance.

After a few simple greetings, Chen Jinhu drove Qin Lie and the others to the restaurant.

After eating, and seeing that it was almost time, Chen Jinhu drove Qin Lie to his eldest brother's private club.

"Jin Hu, isn't your eldest brother a friend with Wang Yongnian? Why would he suddenly agree to be a middleman to mediate our grievances?"

On the way, Qin Lie couldn't help but ask his doubts.

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. My eldest brother also suddenly told me this morning that he was willing to help you mediate."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"There's nothing tricky about it, right?"

Qin Lie asked with a frown, the more he thought about it, the more strange it seemed.

"Don't worry, I'll go with you when the time comes, there shouldn't be any problem."

Chen Jinhu replied.

"OK then."

Qin Lie didn't know Wei Zhe, but he trusted Chen Jinhu as a person. In order to help him run back and forth, regardless of the outcome of the negotiation, he had to give Chen Jinhu a face to take a look.

Ten minutes later, Qin Lie and the others came to the Heyi Club.

According to Chen Jinhu, this Yi club was built by Wei Zhe with a lot of money, and it was a stepping stone for him to enter the upper circle. .

"Brother Tiger."

Seeing Chen Jinhu coming, the two men guarding the door quickly greeted him.

Chen Jinhu nodded and didn't say much, he brought Qin Lie and Chen Xiaoyu into the clubhouse.

After a while, Chen Jinhu stopped in front of a guarded room.

"Brother Tiger."

The two at the door greeted Chen Jinhu at the same time.

"Is Big Brother in there?"

Chen Jinhu looked at one of them and asked.

"Big brother has come and is waiting for you."

The other party replied quickly.


Chen Jinhu replied, opened the door, and brought Qin Lie into it.

There were two men and three women in the house at this time. The three girls were young, beautiful and scantily clad. Two of the girls surrounded Wang Yongnian and let him play with him. He kept kneading the soft toy.

"Big brother."

After entering the door, Chen Jinhu first greeted Wei Zhe.

Wei Zhe glanced at Chen Jinhu and raised his hand calmly: "You three go out first, and I'll call you over later."


Hearing this, the three girls hurriedly left the house.

Wei Zhe stood up from his chair, looked Qin Lie up and down, Qin Lie looked at Wei Zhe at the same time.

He saw Wei Zhe for the first time today.

This Wei Zhe did not have the domineering aura of the black boss he imagined. Instead, he was a dwarf melon, looking like a Maitreya Buddha, smiling all the time.

But there was a knife hidden in his smile, which made Qin Lie have a dangerous feeling of being stared at by a beast.

He immediately understood that this Wei Zhe was definitely not simple.

"You are Qin Lie?"

After a while, Wei Zhe asked first.


Qin Lie replied calmly.

"I heard about you and Yongnian. It's not a big deal. For my brother's sake, you apologize to Yongnian, and then take the initiative to dig up your grave. Even if it's over, what do you think?"

Wei Zhe looked at Qin Lie with a smile and said.

His words sounded like he was discussing with Qin Lie, but there was a hint of command in his words.

"Let me apologize? You got kicked by a donkey in the head!"

Qin Lie asked rhetorically with a sneer.

He came to listen to Wang Yongnian's apology, but Wei Zhe actually asked him to apologize to Wang Yongnian, which is simply a joke.

If he had known this was the case, he would not even have come.

"Brother, are you wrong? We agreed before that President Wang would apologize to brother lie."

Chen Jinhu on the side was also anxious when he heard Wei Zhe's words, and quickly asked.

"No, no, you heard it wrong before. What I said from the beginning was to ask Qin Lie to apologize to Yong Nian."

Wei Zhe smiled lightly.

"Brother, you didn't say that before."

Chen Jinhu shouted in a deep voice, Wei Zhe's sudden change of mind made him somewhat unexpected.

"Okay, Hu, you go out first, and you don't care about this."

Wei Zhe waved at Chen Jinhu.

"No, I have to take care of this matter to the end, brother, I believe you brought brother lie here, but you go back on your word. How can you make brothers believe you in the future?"

Chen Jinhu asked angrily, he never thought that Wei Zhe would lie to him, which made him feel very sorry for Qin Lie.

"Presumptuous, who gave you the courage to talk to me like that!"

Wei Zhe snorted, and a coldness appeared on his face.

"I'm sorry brother, I made a slip of the tongue just now. You can punish me any way you want, but you can't treat brother lie like this."

Chen Jinhu hurriedly said.

"Okay, Jinhu, don't waste your saliva, I'll go back first."

Qin Lie knew that Chen Jinhu was also being played around, he didn't blame Chen Jinhu, he turned around and was about to leave here.


However, at this moment, Wei Zhe's voice suddenly rang.

"Where do you think I am here, you can come when you want, and leave when you want?"

Wei Zhe looked at Qin Lie with a sneer.

"I just want to leave, but I want to see if you can stop me."

Qin Lie said coldly tit for tat.

"Hahahaha, young man, you are too crazy. It seems that I need to teach you how to be a low-key person."

Wei Zhe laughed and clapped his hands suddenly, a side door next to him suddenly opened, and a large group of thugs filed out, staring at Qin Lie like a pack of wolves.

"Brother, what are you doing here?"

Looking at these thugs, Chen Jinhu even had a feeling of being calculated.

"Don't worry, I'm just teaching this kid how to behave."

Wei Zhe smiled slightly, then looked at Qin Lie.

"Boy, to be honest, killing you is as simple as pinching an ant to me, but I'll give my brother Ahu a face today, as long as you kneel down and apologize to Yongnian, I'll let go. If you don't, you won't even want to leave this place today."

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