"Come on, have a drink first."

Wei Zhe said, poured a glass of water for Wang Yongnian and handed it over.

Wang Yongnian took a sip, and the anger in his heart subsided a little.

"Tell me, why did you let that little beast go?"

Wang Yongnian questioned again.

"Of course it's to buy people's hearts."

Wang Yongnian was not an outsider, so Wei Zhe did not shy away from speaking.

"Buying people's hearts? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, Wang Yongnian was stunned for a moment, and he didn't understand the meaning of the words for a while.

"Let me tell you this, I've long suspected that Ah Hu has no intention of being a minister, so I deliberately set up this game to test his loyalty."

"In the end, you also saw that he openly disobeyed me for an outsider, which is enough to prove that my guess is not wrong."

"So I deliberately sold one to him just now. First, it can temporarily numb him and let him relax his vigilance. Second, it can buy people's hearts and let all the brothers see how benevolent and righteous I am, so that other brothers will be more Dedicated allegiance to me."

"And after today's incident, when I get rid of Ah Hu, those brothers under my command won't say that I kill the donkey."

Wei Zhe explained to Wang Yongnian with a negative expression.

"Old Wei, Yang Jinhu is nothing more than a dog you raised. If you want to kill him, you can just do it, and you need so much trouble?"

Wang Yongnian frowned.

"What you said is wrong, although Ah Hu is a dog I raised, but this dog has become popular, especially in the past two years, he has been secretly winning people's hearts in the company behind my back, and many of his brothers are obedient to him. Yes, I can't do anything to him casually, otherwise, if one is bad, it is very likely that the company's vitality will be greatly damaged, and my efforts over the years will be in vain."

Wei Zhe shook his head.

At first, it was because he saw Chen Jinhu's skill that he thought of a way to bring him under his command.

And Chen Jinhu didn't let him down either. He has helped him to life and death over the past few years, and he has made great contributions.

It is no exaggeration to say that Chen Jinhu has at least half of the credit for his current status.

However, there has been a saying since ancient times that the power is high and the victorious master. As Wei Zhe became the second person in the entire company after him, Wei Zhe became more and more suspicious of Chen Jinhu, always feeling that Chen Jinhu wanted to usurp the throne.

Because of this, although Chen Jinhu fought against Wei Zhe just to repay Qin Lie's kindness, in Wei Zhe's view, this is clearly the following crime.

Therefore, regardless of whether Chen Jinhu intends to rebel or not, he will get rid of Chen Jinhu to avoid future troubles!

"You are really troublesome. If it were me, I would just find someone to do it for him."

Wang Yongnian is not as successful as Wei Zhe, he prefers to go straight.

"Yong Nian, I'm different from you. Your Wang family has a great career. Even if you do something wrong, someone will help you wipe your ass, but I don't want my hard-working foundation to be ruined because of one Chen Jinhu."

Wei Zhe smiled lightly.

He came out as a teenager and worked hard for decades to get the status he is today. He knows very well that being an eldest brother can't be done by being ruthless. He must also be good at bribing people's hearts. He died.

Therefore, before getting rid of Chen Jinhu, he must do his best, so that when he gives Chen Jinhu a rebellious charge, he can get rid of Chen Jinhu justifiably.

"I don't care what you do with Chen Jinhu, but the little beast who hit me must die!"

Wang Yongnian shouted through gritted teeth.

Over the years, relying on the identity of the Wang family, Wang Yongnian has made a fortune everywhere in Lucheng. Who saw him and shouted respectfully to President Wang? But Qin Lie burst his head with a bottle, which made him want to smash Qin Lie into thousands of pieces.

"Don't worry, when I get rid of Ah Hu, I will help you deal with that kid."

Wei Zhe said indifferently.

In his eyes, Qin Lie must have had the backing of Chen Jinhu to be so arrogant. Just waiting for him to get rid of Chen Jinhu, killing Qin Lie would be as easy as pinching an ant.


When Wei Zhe was conspiring against Chen Jinhu, Chen Jinhu had already brought Qin Lie to the train station.

"Jin Hu, why did you bring me to the station?"

Qin Lie asked with a puzzled face.

He originally thought that Chen Jinhu was sending him home, but who would have thought that he was actually sent here.

"Brother lie, you and sister-in-law should go to other places to relax for a few days, and you will come back after I have dealt with the affairs here."

Chen Jinhu looked at Qin Lie and said.

Hearing this, Qin Lie couldn't help laughing.

He knew very well that Chen Jinhu's so-called 'distraction' was just a euphemism, and actually made him run away.

But he didn't do anything wrong this time, and he would never leave Lucheng.

"Jin Hu, don't interfere with Wang Yongnian's affairs, I will solve it myself."

Qin Lie replied.

In order to help him, Chen Jinhu almost turned against Wei Zhe, he has done enough, Qin Lie doesn't want him to be involved anymore.

"Brother lie, can you listen to your brother once? It's really too dangerous for you to stay in Lucheng now."

Chen Jinhu said angrily.

Qin Lie exploded Wang Yongnian's head and wiped Wei Zhe's face. This matter has already become a big deal, and neither side can let him go. He helped mediate it.

But Qin Lie didn't listen to him, which was completely over his own strength.

"I know you are well-intentioned, but I won't leave here, and you don't have to worry about this."

Qin Lie replied very clearly.

"Brother lie, you... ah."

Seeing Qin Lie go his own way, Chen Jinhu couldn't help but sigh.

After pondering for a while, Chen Jinhu said again, "brother lie, let's go. You go to Xu Yuanliang. He is my elder brother's mortal enemy. As long as you give him some money, he should find a way to protect you."

"Okay, I know."

Qin Lie didn't know Xu Yuanliang, but since Chen Jinhu had said so, it was obvious that this person was also a figure in Lucheng, and he could go to the other party for help.

"By the way, Jin Hu, do you know Chu Xiong of Shenchuan?"

Qin Lie asked casually.

Chu Xiong had told him before that he could come to him if he had any trouble, but he was not sure whether the Chu family had any influence in Lucheng.

And Chen Jinhu himself is a mixed society, he should have some understanding of these major forces.

"Chu Xiong, of course, I know, that is the underground emperor who once dominated the thirteen provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. As long as he comes out, there is no one who doesn't know him."

Chen Jinhu replied immediately.

Hearing this, Qin Lie was also taken aback.

The words "underground emperor" alone are enough to prove that the Chu family is definitely more terrifying than he imagined!

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