The Days Of Surviving On The Desert Island With The Goddess

Chapter 289 The Enemy Of The Enemy Is A Friend

"Can you tell me about Chu Xiong in detail?"

Qin Lie couldn't help but ask again.

"of course."

Chen Jinhu nodded, and told Qin Lie all the information he had learned about Chu Xiong.

According to Chen Jinhu, Chu Xiong was born in a family of martial arts. He was originally from a wealthy family, but at the age of 18, his family fell into disrepair and his parents died. Since then, he has been involved in society.

In just three short years, Chu Xiong swept across the Jiangnan invincible with a pair of iron fists, and established the Zhongyi Hall with his four sworn brothers, swept the underground forces in the southern border, and became a veritable underground emperor!

When he was young, Chu Xiong could say that he was at the height of the sky, and he would tremble three times when he stomped his feet. He could decide a person's life and death with a single word.

However, on the day of Chu Xiong's thirty-fifth birthday, he suddenly announced that he would wash his hands in a golden basin and would no longer be concerned with the question.

Later, Chu Xiong disbanded Zhongyitang, established Zhongyi Group, and officially entered the business world.

With the personal connections he made back then, Chu Xiong quickly gained a firm foothold in the business world and transformed himself into a capital crocodile that countless people looked up to.

However, different from the hard-edgedness of the mixed society back then, Chu Xiong has become quite low-key since he started in business, basically manipulating everything behind the scenes.

However, his influence is increasing day by day. Today, many big companies in the south of the Yangtze River have their Zhongyi Group directly or indirectly participating in the shares, but the Zhongyi Group has not been listed, and has never done any publicity, so that ordinary people do not know this company. The presence.

However, it is just like the lyrics: Brother is no longer in the rivers and lakes, but there is still the legend of brother in the rivers and lakes. Even though Chu Xiong has been retired for many years, those who have been out for a little longer have heard of his legendary stories, and put them to the fore. He is worshipped as a god.

And Chen Jinhu is one of Chu Xiong's die-hard fans. He has always fantasized about being able to meet his idol one day.

It is a pity that he is a small person, and a legendary figure like Chu Xiong is not within his reach at all.

"Jin Hu, if I bring Chu Xiong over, will he be able to settle the Wang family easily?"

Qin Lie asked again.

"Of course, the Wang family is at most the top of our Lucheng family, but the Chu family belongs to the top family in the entire Jiangnan region, and their power is huge, and I heard that Chu Xiong is still connected with a big man in Longcheng. Compared with the Chu family, The Wang family is simply not enough to watch."

Chen Jinhu quickly replied.

When Chu Xiong dominated the underground world, Wang Kaiyuan was just a little-known person. Even if Wang Kaiyuan is now developed, he is still a younger brother in front of Chu Xiong, and neither of them belong to the same level.

"Okay, I know how to deal with Wang Yongnian."

After listening to Chen Jinhu's words, Qin Lie relaxed.

"Brother lie, don't you know Chu Xiong?"

Chen Jinhu hesitated and asked tentatively.

"Not only do I know him, he also owes me a favor."

Qin Lie replied.

"Chu Xiong owes you favor? Are you kidding me?"

Chen Jinhu looked at Qin Lie in disbelief.

"Of course I'm not kidding you."

Qin Lie smiled slightly, and briefly told Chen Jinhu about sending Chu Mingyue's ashes back to Chu's house.

"Brother lie, why didn't you tell me about this earlier? It made me worry about you in vain."

Chen Jinhu said angrily.

Chu Xiong is a domineering figure with one hand covering the sky. If he came forward, Wang Yongnian would not dare to let a fart.

"I didn't know that Chu Xiong was so powerful before."

Qin Lie smiled and said.

If it weren't for Chen Jinhu's introduction just now, he might only regard the Chu family as some invisible rich man, and he never thought that the Chu family would have such a background.

"Brother Lie, if you want me to say that you'd better not use the favor of the Chu family, it's better to go to Xu Yuanliang. If you can spend money to solve this matter, that's the best thing. If even Xu Yuanliang can't settle this matter, you Then use the favor of the Chu family."

Chen Jinhu proposed again.

People like Chu Xiong can't get in touch with him at all, and his favor is even more difficult to find.

As the saying goes, good steel is used on the blade. Chen Jinhu does not recommend Qin Lie to use it so easily. Otherwise, if Qin Lie encounters other troubles in the future, it will not be so easy to ask the Chu family.

"Ok, I know."

Qin Lie certainly understood what Chu Xiong meant. After all, favors are often more important than money.

"Then you can go to Tianlan Building to find Xu Yuanliang now. I won't accompany you anymore, so as not to be told that I have eaten inside and out."

Chen Jinhu was Wei Zhe's subordinate, and Xu Yuanliang was Wei Zhe's nemesis. His identity meant that he could not bring Qin Lie to Xu Yuanliang, otherwise it would be a blatant betrayal.

"Okay, call me if you need anything."

Qin Lie could understand Chen Jinhu, and after a few more chats with him, he took Chen Xiaoyu out of the car.

Then Qin Lie and the two took another taxi to Tianlan Building.

According to Shen Chen Jinhu's introduction, Tianlan Building is Xu Yuanliang's property, and he usually spends most of his time here.

Three and a half days in the afternoon, Qin Lie arrived at Tianlan Building.

He asked Chen Xiaoyu to wait for him in the taxi, and he entered the building alone.

"Who are you looking for?"

At the elevator entrance of the building, a security guard stopped Qin Lie.

"I'm looking for Xu Yuanliang."

Qin Lie replied.

"Do you always have something to do with Xu?"

The security then asked.

"Lend him money."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

Xu Yuanliang was a high-interest loan. In order to hide people's eyes and ears, he opened a wealth management and investment company on the top floor. So after hearing Qin Lie's words, the security guard didn't think much, swiped Qin Lie's card and let him get on the elevator.

This top floor looks very lively, people come and go, without exception, they all come to Xu Yuanliang to borrow money.

The procedure for borrowing money from Xu Yuanliang is very simple. You don't even need collateral for less than 20,000 yuan. As long as you sign the contract, you can get the money within ten minutes.

However, if the principal and interest cannot be repaid within the specified time limit, the debtor will definitely end up miserably. The minor ones will have their hands and feet broken, and the serious ones may be directly evaporated. Even so, relying on the loans accumulated over the years will be fast. Word of mouth, many people who are short of money will still be the first choice to come to Xu Yuanliang to borrow money.

Among all Wei Zhe's businesses, usury-loan is also one of the most profitable businesses. As the so-called peers are enemies, the two have had many conflicts because of this.

Especially two years ago, after Wei Zhe's design pitted Xu Yuanliang several million, the two of them were even more powerful, but with the support of the Wang family behind Wei Zhe, Xu Yuanliang could only suffer a dumb loss.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend, so Chen Jinhu recommended Qin Lie to come to Xu Yuanliang.

"Sir, are you investing in wealth management or taking out loans?"

Seeing Qin Lie come in, a sweet-looking salesman immediately stepped forward and took the initiative to ask him.

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