"Please take me to your boss Xu Yuanliang, I want to discuss a big business with him."

Qin Lie looked at the beautiful salesman and said.

As soon as she heard it was a big customer, the beautiful salesman didn't dare to neglect, and quickly brought Qin Lie to Xu Yuanliang's office at the innermost. Outside the office were two of Xu Yuanliang's confidants, "Brother Hao, this gentleman is here to discuss business with Mr. Xu. of."

The beautiful salesman said to one of them.


Yang Hao nodded, then knocked on the door and entered the house.

After a while, Yang Hao came out.

"Come in, my brother wants to see you."

Yang Hao waved towards Qin Lie.

Qin Lie didn't hesitate and followed the man into the house.

Xu Yuanliang's office is very luxuriously decorated, and the whole room is resplendent, but it obviously gives the feeling of a nouveau riche.

At this time, a man was leaning on the leather sofa and smoking a cigar, while a girl in a miniskirt next to her was sorting her messy hair.

Needless to say, these two should have just experienced a big battle.

"Mr. Xu, I'm going out first, you can call me if you have anything."

The female secretary left the room after speaking to Xu Yuanliang.

Xu Yuanliang slowly exhaled a smoke ring, and looked up at Qin Lie at random: "Tell me, how much do you want to borrow?"

"Mr. Xu, I didn't come to borrow money from you."

Qin Lie smiled lightly.

"I didn't come to borrow money? What are you kidding me!"

Hearing this, Xu Yuanliang's face suddenly showed a hint of coldness.

"Mr. Xu, don't be angry. Although I didn't come to borrow money from you, I came to give you money."

Qin Lie replied unhurriedly.

"What do you mean?"

Xu Yuanliang frowned and stared at Qin Lie.

"I want to ask President Xu to help me deal with Wei Zhe and Wang Yongnian."

Qin Lie said bluntly.

"Ask me to deal with them? Do you think I'll promise you?"

Xu Yuanliang sneered.

"I believe that Mr. Xu will agree, unless Mr. Xu has forgotten the fact that you were cheated of five million two years ago."

Qin Lie said confidently.

"Damn, don't mention that to me!"

Being scammed by Wei Zhe for 5 million is the most humiliating thing in Xu Yuanliang's life. Because of this, Xu Yuanliang has been ridiculed a lot. Now that Qin Lie brings this up again in front of him, it's like he Revealing his scar, if Qin Lie said he would deal with Wei Zhe just now, Xu Yuanliang would have turned his face on the spot.

"Okay okay, when I didn't say anything."

Qin Lie came to discuss cooperation with Xu Yuanliang this time, and naturally he would not poke at his sore spot.

Xu Yuanliang slammed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray, and then looked at Qin Lie again: "Tell me about your grievances with Wei Zhe and Wang Yongnian, you'd better tell the truth, if you let me know You lie to me, and I promise you will die miserably."

Qin Lie didn't hide it, and told Xu Yuanliang everything about the conflict between him and Wang Yongnian.

After listening to Qin Lie's words, Xu Yuanliang was silent for a while, and then he said, "Although I wish I could chop off Wei Zhe's dead pig's head and feed it to the dog, I won't help you in vain."

"Don't worry, I will definitely not let you shoot for nothing, you can make a price."

Qin Lie replied lightly.

"Five million, I'll keep you safe, but I won't shoot Wang Yongnian or Wei Zhe directly."

Xu Yuanliang said bluntly.

He has long hated Wei Zhe, but behind Wei Zhe is the Wang family. If he kills Wei Zhe, the Wang family will never let him go.

But the fact that he sent someone to protect Qin Lie was just a business, and the Wang family had no reason to deal with him.

After all, he is not a soft persimmon, and he is so troubled that even if he can't destroy the Wang family, he can tear off a piece of meat from the Wang family.

"make a deal."

Qin Lie agreed without thinking.

To him, five million was nothing at all, after all, the check that Chu Mingchen gave him was 10 million.

But five million can pull Xu Yuanliang to his side, which is definitely worth the money for him.

"Put the money on this card, when the money arrives, when will I send someone to protect you."

Xu Yuanliang said, took out a bank card and handed it to Qin Lie.

Without any hesitation, Qin Lie took the bank card and completed the transfer on the spot.

Seeing the receipt reminder on his mobile phone, Xu Yuanliang was a little dumbfounded.

He really didn't expect Qin Lie to be so refreshing. After all, it was five million, not five hundred.

"Boy, we don't even have a contract document, so you're not afraid that I won't do anything if I collect the money?"

Xu Yuanliang couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, don't be afraid. If you really do that, I will spend another 10 million to buy your life. I believe many people are willing to take over this job."

Qin Lie smiled slightly.

To put it badly, he is now a typical nouveau riche. He is not bad for money, but his foundation is weak. Only by building as many connections as possible can he become stronger quickly.

"You dare to talk, but don't worry, I, Xu Yuanliang, can have the status I am today, relying on the word credit. Since I received your money, I will definitely get things done. If you are killed by them, I will full refund."

Xu Yuanliang said loudly.

He didn't want to openly split his face with the Wang family and Wei Zhe for the time being, but keeping Qin Lie at least would make them sick and disgusting, which would make him feel more comfortable than making money.

"Mr. Xu is worthy of being a real hero in our Lucheng. He is open and bright in his work. I believe that our cooperation will be very pleasant."

Qin Lie smiled, and immediately patted Xu Yuanliang's ass, he didn't need money anyway.

As the saying goes, Xu Yuanliang is not the kind of person who likes to listen to other people's flattery, but Qin Lie's words still made him feel very comfortable.

"Little brother, don't worry, as long as you are in Lucheng, I guarantee that no one will hurt you in the slightest."

Xu Yuanliang promised again.

"Then I will thank President Xu in advance."

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

"You're welcome, take people's money to help people eliminate disasters, this is what I should do." Xu Yuanliang waved his hands and said, "By the way, after talking for so long, I still don't know what your name is."

"My name is Qin Lie, from Furong Village, Gannan Town, Lucheng."

Qin Lie immediately briefly introduced himself.

"Are you from Furong Village? That's such a coincidence. My hometown is from Shangshui Village."

Xu Yuanliang replied with a look of surprise.

"I didn't expect that we are still fellow villagers, this is really fate."

Qin Lie was also surprised when he heard Xu Yuanliang's words.

Because Shangshui Village is very close to Furong Village, it takes only ten minutes to walk there.

"Come on, brother Qin, sit down, let's have a good drink."

After learning that Qin Lie was a fellow from the same town, Xu Yuanliang's attitude towards him was obviously a little closer.

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