After a long chat, Xu Yuanliang and Qin Lie began to call each other brothers and sisters.

"By the way, Brother Xu, take the liberty to ask, are you a little powerless in that regard?"

Chatting and chatting, Qin Lie suddenly changed the conversation.

"How did you know?"

Xu Yuanliang asked in surprise.

"I know a little bit of medical skills, and you can probably tell from your face."

Qin Lie replied with a light smile.

Xu Yuanliang's eyes are dark, his skin is rough, and he is a little bald. This is obviously a manifestation of excessive indulgence, which is easy for Qin Lie to see.

"Brother Qin, you're right. I've been over in three minutes at most once every two years. I'm so worried about me. The key point is that my mother's tonic has taken a lot of tonics, and my stamina has not increased at all. I'm angry. I want to hack those health nurses to death."

Xu Yuanliang said angrily.

He is a bit lustful, there are more than a dozen women around him, but now his body is getting worse and worse, and even taking medicine can't get much effect, which makes him face his own woman I feel embarrassed at times.

"Brother Xu, give me your hand, and I will give you a pulse to see how your current condition is."

Qin Lie said, and put his hand on Xu Yuanliang's wrist.

After a while, Qin Lie couldn't help frowning.

"Brother Qin, your situation is more serious than I expected. If I didn't guess, you should have no children by now, right?"

Qin Lie asked with a solemn expression.

"Yes, yes, what you said is absolutely correct. I do not have any children yet. Is there any way you can help me heal?"

Xu Yuanliang asked hurriedly.

This year, Xu Yuanliang is thirty-nine, and he will soon be the year of no confusion, but all these years, his women have never been able to give him a boy and a half girl, which makes Xu Yuanliang anxious.

After all, he is also a big man with a net worth of over 100 million now, and he has finally made a name for himself. If the Xu family breaks the incense with him again, then he will be the sinner of the Xu family.

"Brother Xu, to tell you the truth, you are indulging in sex too frequently, and your body has been severely overdrawn. You must take care of it as soon as possible, otherwise you will not only be infertile for life, but even beyond the age of forty-five."

Qin Lie said solemnly.

It can be seen from Xu Yuanliang's pulse that he indulged himself too much when he was young, and was addicted to alcohol for a long time.

The kidney is the root of all yang, the kidney yang is inactive, the fire of the gate of life is weakened, and the sperm and worms are naturally weak, so trying to conceive is a foolish dream.

Moreover, the long-term drinking and fun has hollowed out his body. Even though he is only in his thirties now, his physical function is almost the same as that of an old man in his fifties or sixties.

If he continued to sing like this every night, he might die suddenly one day.

"Brother, you must save brother."

Xu Yuanliang grabbed Qin Lie's arm as if he had grabbed a life-saving straw.

He believed that Qin Lie was not an alarmist, because an old Chinese doctor, a leading doctor in the medical field, had told him before that his physical function was very poor, so he should hurry up and recuperate.

For this reason, he had been calming down for a while, but later he felt that his body was fine, so he indulged in alcohol again.

Now Qin Lie said something similar again, which made him panic.

He didn't want to die before he even had a child, so he would definitely die.

"Brother Xu, don't worry, you are still saved now."

Qin Lie quickly appeased Xu Yuanliang.

Xu Yuanliang's physical function was poor, but fortunately, he was not terminally ill. As long as he was patiently adjusted, he could still recover.

"Brother, tell me, how do I take care of my body, I'll listen to you."

Xu Yuanliang said quickly.

"First stop all the tonics you take..."

"Wait, my body is now supported by tonics. If this stops, how can my body get better."

Xu Yuanliang interrupted Qin Lie and asked.

"Brother Xu, listen to what I have to say."

Qin Lie smiled and then explained: "Let me tell you, tonic is not a panacea, some people are suitable, some people are not suitable, just like you, your body is too weak now, it is the so-called lack of supplementation, If you take tonics now, it is a waste, and it will also increase the burden on your body. In a short time, it seems to improve your physical function, but it just overdraws your life in advance."

"So you have to stop all supplements now, or you'll have a complete breakdown of your body if you keep taking it."

"Secondly, quit smoking and drinking, and never touch it again within three months."

"In the end, it's a woman. You must be banned for half a year. During this period, I will give you a pair of Chinese medicine to help you recuperate your body until you return to the level of a normal person."

Qin Lie didn't beat around the bush, and quickly explained the treatment plan he made to Xu Yuanliang.

"Brother, I can quit smoking and drinking, but if you don't let me touch women for half a year, it's more uncomfortable than killing me."

Xu Yuanliang replied with a wry smile.

As a womanizer, a woman is Xu Yuanliang's life. If there is no woman, his life will be dark.

"Brother Xu, it's not that I don't let you touch women, but that your physical condition doesn't allow it. Think for yourself, is it good for a while now, or every day in the future?"

Qin Lie asked back.

"Brother, do you think it's alright? You can let me have a meat meal once a week or half a month."

Xu Yuanliang discussed with Qin Lie.

"Brother Xu, do you think I'm doing business with you? You're still haggling with me."

Qin Lie replied angrily.

"I'm not bargaining with you, I really can't live without a woman."

Xu Yuanliang replied with a bitter face.

"Forget it, I won't tell you that much, I'll just ask you, do you want to live your son or die on a woman's belly?"

Qin Lie asked very directly.

"Of course I want to live and have a son."

Xu Yuanliang chose the former without hesitation.

"If that's the case, then don't talk nonsense with me. I promise to help you get your body back to normal. Of course, if you don't listen to me and insist on touching women, then treat it like I didn't say anything."

Most of the time, it is not only relying on doctors to cure diseases and save people, but more often requires mutual cooperation between doctors and patients. For example, Xu Yuanliang, if he wants to recover, he must obey Qin Lie, quit smoking, alcohol, and sex, otherwise, even if Qin Lie is Hua Tuo Life can't help him.

Seeing that Qin Lie was talking about this, Xu Yuanliang was embarrassed to say anything else.

After pondering for a while, he finally gave up his heart.

"That's fine. I'll listen to you, and I won't touch women in the future."

Xu Yuanliang knew very well that what Qin Lie said was right at all. He couldn't be happy for a while and ruin the rest of his life.

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