"That's right. If you want to ban yu, when your body is conditioned, it will be fine even if you are a groom every night."

Seeing that Xu Yuanliang finally figured it out, Qin Lie could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Qin Lie then prescribed a prescription to Xu Yuanliang. In addition to Epimedium, Eucommia, and Lycium barbarum, which nourish blood and nourish the kidney, nourish the marrow and produce sperm, there are also Cistanche deserticola, Morinda officinalis, etc., which are specially used to warm up Yuanyang. of medicinal materials.

Because Xu Yuanliang's health is really bad at present, he must use these medicinal materials to match each other, in order to achieve the effect of being warm but not hot, warm but not dry, slippery but not leaking, and finally make his body return to normal.

And in order to speed up Xu Yuanliang's recovery, Qin Lie also specially asked Xu Yuanliang's men to buy a pair of silver needles, and used acupuncture to help him dredge the blood in his body and reconcile the balance of yin and yang.

"Brother Qin, your medical skills are really amazing. I feel like I'm full of energy right now. I really want to try it out."

After the acupuncture was over, Xu Yuanliang said excitedly.

Before, he always felt that his waist and knees were sore and weak, and he didn't seem to be able to exert himself. However, Qin Lie has only been acupuncture for half an hour, and he has become fierce, which makes him feel like a three-hundred-round battle. impulse.

"Brother Xu, don't break your precept, otherwise it will be difficult for you to recover in the future."

Qin Lie hurriedly told Xu Yuanliang.

Xu Yuanliang was able to regain his energy, not because his body was already healthy, but Qin Lie helped him rebalance the yin and yang in his body through acupuncture.

It's just that this balance is very fragile. If Xu Yuanliang touches a woman at this time, it will be like the foundation of the building being destroyed, his body will collapse quickly, and it will be even more difficult to try to save him at that time.

"Don't worry, I'm just joking. From now on, I'll be an eminent monk who can see through the world. Even if there is a beautiful woman naked and standing in front of me, I won't touch her."

Xu Yuanliang swore to assure.

"Ah That's good."

Hearing Xu Yuanliang say this, Qin Lie said nothing.

"Ahao, you will be responsible for protecting Brother Qin's safety in the future. His orders are mine. If something happens to Brother Qin, don't blame me for not recognizing you as a brother."

Xu Yuanliang turned to look at Yang Haodao next to him.

Yang Hao is one of his most trusted confidants and his right-hand man. Originally, he did not plan to send Yang Hao to protect Qin Lie.

But Qin Lie helped him heal his body, so he naturally wanted to reciprocate and send his capable men.

"Don't worry, brother, if something happens to Brother Qin, I'll come to see you."

The strong man Yang Hao replied in a stern voice.

"Well, don't let me down."

Xu Yuanliang nodded and replied, he was still more at ease with Yang Hao.

Considering that Chen Xiaoyu was still waiting for him downstairs, Qin Lie didn't chat with Xu Yuanliang much, got up and left.

Yang Hao sent the taxi driver away, drove a Buick commercial van, and picked two other clever men to escort Qin Lie home.

Because the broken motorcycle was still in the exhibition center, Qin Lie asked Yang Hao to drive to the other side, drove the motorcycle back to the village, gave it back to Gao Lei, and inquired about Gao Lei's father's physical condition by the way.

Qin Lie was relieved after learning that Gao Dashan was recovering well and would be discharged from the hospital in a week.

Originally, Gao Lei also said that he would invite Qin Lie to drink at night, but Qin Lie refused.

After all, there are three more Yang Hao in his family, so he can't eat alone and ignore others.

After saying goodbye to Gao Lei, Qin Lie went home and cleaned out two rooms in the empty house for Yang Hao and the three of them to live in.

Yang Hao saw that Qin Lie's shot was 5 million, and there was a 3 million car parked at the door. He thought that Qin Lie should live in a country villa, but he never thought that Qin Lie would live in such a broken house.

However, he was born in poverty, let alone such an old rural earthen house, even a buffalo shed would be fine.

After Yang Hao and the others were settled, Qin Lie asked Chen Xiaoyu to buy vegetables and go home to cook, while he went to the village committee.

"Uncle, I want to buy the threshing ground that used to be at the east end of our village. Can you think of it?"

After seeing Liu Guangming, Qin Lie didn't beat around the bush, and directly explained his purpose.

"It certainly won't work if someone else buys it, but of course you can buy it."

Liu Guangming replied with a smile.

In the past, the villagers would go to the threshing yard to dry the crops, but in recent years, less and less land has been cultivated, and the threshing yard has long been abandoned. It can be sold to Qin Lie, not to mention that he is still waiting for Qin Lie to invest in the village. Building a factory and leading the whole village to make a fortune, naturally he would not refuse Qin Lie on such a trivial matter, otherwise, if Qin Lie is not happy, his wishes will be in vain.

"Then I will thank you uncle."

Qin Lie was also very happy to see Liu Guangming give him face like this.

"Don't be polite with Uncle." Liu Guangming smiled and said, "By the way, what did you want to do when you bought that land?"

"I'm going to build a small villa. Now that old house is almost in danger, it's time to change it."

Qin Lie told the truth.

Although Qin Lie is not the kind of person who likes to be extravagant and extravagant, but now that he has money, there is absolutely no need to pretend to be poor and continue to live in this old house.

"The threshing field is nearly two acres of land. If you build it, it will not be a small villa. At least it is a landlord's compound. This rich man is really different from our little people."

Liu Guangming laughed and joked.

"Don't laugh at me, uncle. Don't I want to improve the quality of life? I can't have money and still live in that broken house, right?"

Qin Lie replied with a smile.

Although he was an orphan and had no chance to honor his ancestors, he had to build a big house even in order to make a face for his deceased grandfather.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with what you said. If you have money, you should live the life of a rich person, otherwise, there's no point in trying to make money."

Liu Guangming nodded in approval.

He has no money. If he had money, he would have ripped off his family's house and built a villa.

"By the way, Qin Lie, when are you investing in building a factory in our village?"

Liu Guangming hesitated for a while and asked, this is what he is most concerned about right now.

"Wait a little longer, I will definitely put it into action in a month at most."

Qin Lie thought for a while and replied.

This kind of investment is not something that can be done in a flash, at least you need a complete plan.

But until now, he hasn't even decided what project to do, so naturally he can't invest blindly.

"That's alright, uncle still said that, no matter what you do, uncle will fully support you."

For Liu Guangming, a month is not a long time at all, he can fully afford to wait.

The two chatted for a while, and Liu Guangming signed a contract with Qin Lie.

In their village, the homestead is usually about 30,000 yuan, and Qin Lie wants to buy an area of ​​nearly two acres, and he gave 200,000 yuan.

This price is actually on the high side, but for Qin Lie, tens of thousands more is not a problem at all, it is just a charity for the village.

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